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Everything posted by UnmarkedFaith

  1. Look @ what happened to FLAGSHIP studios. EA ran the show with their game. BIll Roper and his team is GONE and off on other projects with other companies. EA forced them to push their product too soon, just like they pushed Bioware....game survived for almost a year and died. Their game (Hellgate:London) just like this game was amazing but had more bugs then a rain forest. SWTOR had many bugs on release, and the lack of features was sad. So I will honestly say this being in the software industry, Bioware needs to pull a rabbit outta their asses to save this sinking ship else its going to just another product of EA's thats chalked up as a failure....the question will be, if Lucas arts has any of the IP rights of the game? If they do you know they'll snag up the IP and run with it...maybe then the game will be good ? At least better then it is now.
  2. I am going to make this clear to some of the bumbling morons posting in our discussion.... AGAIN, its not that we HATE the game. If we did we wouldnt even be here posting in the forums. People who hate things tend to never touch or involve themselves in it. We (the players) WANT TO PLAY but there is NO ONE TO PLAY WITH. You young kids and fan boys need to realize how big of a problem this is. Typing in caps well help you understand my point here.... IF THERE WAS PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH WE WOULDNT BE HERE POSTING IN THE FORUMS! WE WOULD BE PLAYING! Stop with the "Roll an alt" .... Stop with the "Re-Roll on a new server"....you know what you can do if you think that? You can BLOW ME , BLOW US! This problem was created by the company BIoware and THEY need to fix it SOON! Summer is way too late because , like I've said BEFORE, two really good games are coming out and one was just released! I play Tera now in hopes that Bioware will magically fix this issue this coming week. I miss playing SWTOR trust me, Tera is good, but I am more into the SWTOR world when it comes to lore. And to correct another moron that stated "find something else to do in game if you cant pvp or raid or flashpoints".... LIKE WHAT? Quests (dailies) are 4mans .... I logged in an hour ago on BLack Vulk and I was the ONLY ONE Republic and Imperial side in the Black Hole Daily hub. So what is there to do seeing most things need OTHER PEOPLE to do them?????!! craft? why? There is NO BODY TO SELL CRAP TOO. My god friend, you need some common sense prior to posting ever again!!!!!! FIX THE DAMN SERVERS and let us PLAY AGAIN! Thus the forums will become a lot less QQ and a lot more PEW PEW.
  3. You my friend are a type of person who will never see end game. A alt-a-holic..... the people who prefer 1 or 2 toons and raiding / end game. Imagine having a 50 waiting for a group for a flashpoint end NEVER getting one, or pvp que and it never popping...only reason its fun for you is cause you: a.) probably play part time b.) have 8 lvl 20-30's c.) havent seen the end game Not trollin you just stating facts...not being mean...
  4. They've banned me 3 times now from the forums for 72 hours each lol , because I have spoken out with the TRUTH.... you have to see my "Infraction List" in the forum profile haha
  5. AGREE...its like how the Govt wants to take our guns, F that, we (the people) speak up, else they (THEM) take everything from us....
  6. Cause BioFAIL is deleting posts of the negative PR. Even the major internet blogs and news companies are spelling DOOM for BioWare and this game. The few people that are lucky enough to be on the FatMan or the other few servers are the "bioWeenies that praise the game". Probably EA or BW drones anyways. Their the only ones that are praising this game. A dude posted an article in this post I think about a guy that use to work for EA that trolled the forums and did just that. If you are NEW COMER LEAVE! This game blows chunks as of this present time, the servers are D E A D...so if you do buy it, plan on playing ALONE. ..I've said it before and I'll say it again, with each passing day this game plumets into the oblivion and it shall never return...seriously, PRE-ORDER D3, BUY TERA...at least they'll hold you off for GW2 or MoP then from there its a wait for TITAN......anything is better then here. I just honestly dont see this game suriviving even once transfers are added as it will be too late....cant offer transfers to people when they arent here anymore.... GG BW... again... you have been awarded the "EPIC PHAIL" award for 2012.
  7. Funny thing is....is we wouldnt all be in the forums ************ if this wasnt such a big issue. Honestly I'd rather be playing as my weekends and late nights are the only time to play games...(once the family goes to bed). Just when I log in currently to Black Vulkas , there is currentyly like 9 ppl max on republic fleet... how the hell can I play ???? BW is getting a lot of bad bad bad PR right now... totally serves them right.
  8. Well I refused to let Google only spider the "good bioweenie posts" The world has the right to know! lol
  9. Instead of LISTENING to us their mass deleting our posts lol. Imagine this, imagine if they spent HALF the time thats invested in modding this forum ..in coding..... where the game could potentially be
  10. I literally just watched a flux of posts get wiped off the board. And they was valid arguments and concerns. Did they delete your post? how does that make you feel? Ive been issued warnings voicing my opinions recently....and they wasnt even bad.... happen to you? Frustrate you? If they ONLY spent as much time moderating posts developing this game would be rollin!
  11. Sadly I dont think Lucasarts has any control on what BW/EA is doing. Knowing how this industry works, I am guessing they are simply paying Lucas arts royalties for the genre. However I am sure their just as pee'd off as the rest of the crowd. The only chance this game has is if BW shutsdown and a credible company soaks up the Intellectual Property / buys the code and does SWTOR the right way.... here is to high hopes....but with the way BW will have destroyed this game by then I doubt anyone would want to consume such a cluster freak.
  12. Agreed 100%. Rerolling isn't the solution. Only a simpleton would say that. This huge mess isn't a customer created one. Its a direct cause of the company lack of proper decision making. To even THINK about charging for this service during this cluster F is an insane idea, the mere thought would cause people to quit. Charging once this whole thing is resolved is different but I think the service should be fully free like in rift, Tera, and many other titles. Its the least they could do after pretty much bending us all over and sticking it to us
  13. This would only work IF we knew what destination servers were going to be, BW has left the customers fully in the dark with no hope in sight......
  14. Like another gentlemen that posted, my son plays too. Just a few days ago he came to me and said "dad, i'm quitting star wars, there's nobody to pvp with.", he's 9 and knows the problem better than the company. And my biggest pet peave, is these forums, their horrible. Talk about the most mobile unfriendly forums ever!!! Its proven that more users use their mobile phone to browse the Web these days...geezz
  15. If its taking this long it means their DB design is horrific and not properly normalized. Just last week I had my development team migrate a 12TB database from one design into a more split design. And customers was using the database in real time during migration. (20k concurrent users at that time.) The DTS package took the guys two full days (8hrs each day) of query testing and trigger writing, was passed through QA in 4 hours then went live the next day. It was flawless. So I don't very what's taking BW so long. Copying data is simple!!!!!!! Maybe they just need people there that know *** their doing eh?
  16. Call center reps and in game gms are primarily outsourced to Indian call centers. That's why they suck. They barely understand your question let alone the game. We been there, done that, customers just hate talking to someone who ain't got a clue.
  17. I'm a CTO for a software company and I approve this message. Id of fired my DBA for being incompetent. If our company did what this company has done let's just say I wouldn't have a job. Being publicly traded as well, our shareholders would sell and the company would fold... Just upsets me seeing developers lead by morons ruin a product.
  18. Now when has bioware ever been on time? Early summer means early fall duh. By the time this happens there won't be a population to transfer as everyone will have quit. Seriously, what is BW doing? Even fatman population has declined. The only reason it went up was cause people started rerolling, but they stopped cause how boring and repetitious the leveling experience its. Oh well, they tried,, they just have the wrong people running the show.
  19. you just made me bust out my Lawler skates.......clearly you don't play the same game as us.
  20. Failure. Legacy should work like planar attunment does in rift, at least those guys got it right....not hard BW, seriously what monkeys do you got working there? Lol.send them back to the zoo
  21. I never said this ......I thought it was a dumb move in the first place. When bad code exists on the backend ya fix it, not open up 100 servers.... ITs like a flat tire, you don't ride the rim till the car breaks down, you pull over and fix the friggen thing.....can somEone say EPIC PHAIL
  22. Seriously????? R u durp? Transfers and the tech is there!!! They just transferred the Aussies with the service. Man stupid people piss me off.
  23. Funny funny posts...I doubt you'll be singing the same song once you hit 50 and tire yourself from rolling ALTs and find out end game is non existent. Unless you think doing the same repeative dailies is fun end game. Gl running flashpoints seeing the majority of the servers are a ghost town. Guess you guys are just new. A few months and then tell us how you feel. I like the game, don't play anymore cause there isn't anyone to play with on my server and I refuse to pay a monthly fee for a single player game. And I've got two 50s full rakata(was able to raid prior to the server deaths). And tons of ALTs and a level 42 legacy. You'll tire of the same cut scenes since they are the same for each class. Meaning if you level a sage and shadow its the same damn crap. So yeah, not so great of a game anymore, lacks in fun for us original hard core players and lacks in content period. Its a questing on rails experience. So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect.
  24. Oh wait..... Can't raid on all these dead servers. Re roll? Not viable. At least not for us working adults with families. Oh how I miss our raid times on black vulks,, how I miss our ques to login.....how each planet had 50+ people so that I could complete all these 4 man heroics. Oh how I miss showing up at 9pm and full clearing EV and Kp HM. But now is just a barren wasteland....10ppl at PT republic side on the fleet.....and its dropping more each day.... How I wish I could try out the new Ops and flashpoint but can't because nobody plays on our server anymore. Either fix it, or fix it so I can one man ALL content... ....yours truly, ex sub
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