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Posts posted by shednik

  1. Ranked PvP for new teams requires a commitment that sounds like you're not ready to take.


    You will have close to no RAIDing time because prime-time matters when queuing for team ranked PvP. If you're a seasoned team queuing anytime isn't a problem. If you're new to the scene you'll get ROFLstomped when the queuing teams consist of those who've been running ranked PvP/premades for over a year.


    While I agree with you on the commitment and to be ready to take a beating from some of the more established teams. I just don't see the point is telling him/her that you don't think they're ready, they came asking for help and never mentioned they were part of the high end raiding. Some of the best pvers can be awesome pvpers because they have the ability to focus and follow directions.

  2. There will be no extra waiting since you diverrt all preamdes (they are more in numbers than PUGs right now) into one Q and the solo PUGs into thier own Q. The timer in Q would drastically be less since today ALL are in regular Q, since they know that there wont pop a WZ in ranked. It doenst pop since its empty!


    What about groups of 2 or 3, your plan fails to address those group sizes. The game doesn't have the population for what you want w/o cross server and doesn't address all group sizes. I think it's time you go back to the drawing board and construct an idea that would actually work and address all group sizes.


    cognitive dissonance at it's finest, their beliefs are based soley on emotion

  3. Never heard of ranked arenas?


    By this quote alone you show that you've probably done little to no ranked pvp in this game. Ranked isn't for everyone so I don't think it's fair to force a casual pvper into ranked just because they would like to be in a group of friends.


    Ahhhh, so you have, you just don't want the competition. Gotcha ;)


    When did I ever say I didn't do ranked pvp? I've mainly only done solo ranked thus far because my guild on imp side fell apart and I just joined a new guild on my pub characters. Trust me I welcome some healthy competition and I only run regs to get my daily done or to finish gearing up a character in conqueror. If arenas counted towards the daily I would rarely run regs because I personally enjoy arenas more than the warzones other than huttball.


    So I think you are reaching just a bit to assume I just don't want to competition there pal just by saying I don't feel groups should be forced to queue for ranked.


    and btw I probably queue solo atleast 60% of the time, other times it's generally with 1 other person.

  4. Then they can q as solo regulars until that is fixed, but we cant have it like it is right now. Its totally unplayable for all PUG and NO FUN. Its killing the game


    So BW should shaft others who like to group up just to make you happy? Force people to queue solo instead of being able to play along side friends just because you prefer to queue solo?


    Someone is a little self centered I'd say.


    You can't force people to play ranked just because they want to play grouped up with their friends. I can assume all the people who are against premades have little to no experience playing in a ranked setting so they really have no idea what it's like.


    So tell me UncleSam and Marrius how many ranked 8v8 or 4v4 Areans have you played in that you feel you can recommend it to all people wishing to premade?

  5. But they *CAN* do something! They can learn how to play better so they can compete against higher skilled players!


    Why does nobody even consider that an option????? :eek:


    Come on now Dany that would require admitting defeat AND doing some work to get better...


    How many people do you know have the ability to swallow that much pride and admit they need to improve and ask for help?

  6. I love rolling up to a node in stealth, with another friendly stealther nearby, and each of us being able to predict what the other will do simply by our relative position on the map and the nearby turret/enemy. BAM, node taken. Words spoken, 0.


    No speaking necessary. Just not sucking.


    Premades are not the problem, and this is why Bioware will not acknowledge this "issue". There is not enough of a population to support dividing the queue between premade and solo, and they've said cross-server queues aren't possible with the current tech/software they run (though, I haven't seen the statement myself, just repeating what other forum users have said)


    I like this guy/gal


    I've done this many times as well with a fellow stealther...people communicating via chat is all you need to coordinate just like you would in a pre-made. The only real benefit to voice comms is that you don't have to stop and type to call something out, and the only real benefit to a pre-made is that you can choose the bads you want to play with.

  7. Since this is obviously a hot topic again for some reason I know Bioware has posted several times on this pressing matter. For your convenience I will list what they have stated below.




    I know it's a long read but it's worth it.


    Solid read 10/10 would read again! Glad to see cycao is back :D

  8. We need a change, since its NO fun being premade in God Mode




    Its NO fun getting stomped of premades as PUG.


    There must be a PUG god mode then too because there have been countless times where I've been solo queued with no premade on my side facing 1-2 premades and we wiped the floor with them.


    It has to do with talent and the desire to work as a team not solely on the fact that people have an ability to group up.

  9. I used to think the same until I tested it out


    The difference in crit was negligible between running the higher cunning vs higher power


    (9) Artful 27X - 468 Cunning/387 Power

    (9) Artful 27AX - 576 Cunning/216 Power

    Difference - 108 Cunning/171 Power


    The difference in Crit Chance comes out to about 0.4% or CritChance=0.2*(1 - (1- (0.01/0.2))^((108*1.09)/55/5.5))

    The difference in bonus damage is about 15.78 (39.33-23.544)

    Cunning bonus damage calc: BD=(108*1.09)*0.2

    Power bonus damage calc: BD=171*0.23


    So in the end you can trade almost 16 bonus damage for .4% of crit...I've had better results switching to the higher power mods. Now if this were PVE we were talking about then I may be swayed the other way for DPS output over time, but this is PVP where trading less than .5% of crit chance for more bonus damage is a win IMO.


    I'm a math guy if you can't tell, I have a spreadsheet I made for all the stat calculations somewhere.

  10. I would drop the accuracy way down if you are gearing just for Lethality.


    I recommend going with the Power/Surge Ear & Implants, (You can get one with Accuracy/Power here if you'd prefer)


    Mods go with the 27/28 Deft Mods with the higher power

    Enhancements I'd stick with the Adept ones (Power/Surge) and maybe grab one with Accuracy/Power.





    I play MM and Leth with this gear seems to work well for both.


    22.85% Crit Chance

    ~70% Surge

    ~3000 Cunning

    ~1000 Power


    I haven't tested it yet but I may try adding a piece of gear that is crit/surge as I don't run any crit rating as of right now other than the 7 points from my matrix cube.



  11. I generally have run with just under 23% crit chance with only 7 crit rating, ~3000 cunning, plus skill points and I dump the rest into power which totals right around 1000 power. I use cunning augments because of the 9% bonus and the high power mods, power/surge enhancements.


    I may test bumping my crit chance up to ~25% but my current gearing setup works fairly well with any of the GS/Sniper specs.

  12. Bumping this. If you want to PvP but don't know where to start, then you didn't read the first post. Not interested because you're bad? No problem, we'll find some other bads to play against so you can become un-bad. Not interested because you're so good? Stop superqueueing regs and take on a real challenge.


    Currently working on setting up some kickball ranked times to get more people involved. Join the FB group and you'll see all the updates. Not to mention it's an easy to use LFG tool for PvP.


    I support this message.

  13. Well, I'll make this one short.


    I don't understand your process on the "Rage nerf". Now I will applaud you for taking baby steps on adjusting this AC, but really, the only spec that was nerfed was Carnage. So I ask this:


    Increase Gore Window by 3sec.

    Increase BA CD Talent to 3/6sec.


    Nothing too crazy, but you need to give this spec more damage opportunities if you nerf UDR and BT..


    I really hope they make some more tweaks before 2.5 goes live because it's just sad how out of touch with reality the "combat" team really is. I can understand it's only one guy making these changes but they seem to be done with tunnel vision without looking at the big picture.

  14. I have done only 1 guild merger so far in the near-2-years we've been playing since launch. It didn't end well. In fact I think of the 15-20 players I took in from the other guild, only 2 remain to play with us. The others left and/or were purged from the guild probably about 2 months after the merger. It just caused drama in the end and also hurt our reputation I think on the server for those 2 months.


    I won't be doing those anymore lol.


    *force persuade* You will do another guild merger cid!

  15. I'm hopeful things will finally turn around but I'm not as optimistic as I used to be, my sub runs out in early November. I would hope that BW would have things planned out/tentative timeline presented or else I can't see myself renewing my subscription.


    Jurgens - Good job on the re-write I didn't have time to comment much on the original work while it was built in the facebook group but I think this will be received better. I know many of us will be leaving if this doesn't pan out regardless of the presence of an ultimatum. I've supported this game for nearly 2 years and had a lot of fun during that time but I don't think the game is worth the subscription any longer in its current state.

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