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Posts posted by KiaThas

  1. Im unsure of the time this game covers.


    But for example, Both kotors there was a win/dominance by the end of the game.


    When this game comes to its end, specifically when it dies due to lack of subs or whatever what about the story part of the game.


    Who comes out on top the Sith/Empire or the Republic/Jedi?

  2. If i Missed wow, wouldn't i be playing it right now, I think everyones missing the point, I was merely asking if people found these points valid.


    I wasnt pointing out the games terrible, The forums seems to be infected with more people declaring 'troll' than actual doomsayers. Which by the way I tried to avoid.

  3. Level 50 now, have been for some time.


    There seems to be a fair few activities to at 50!


    Ilum, Pvp, Raiding, dungeons etc.


    But after 5 minutes of logging in each time i just find my self lacking the will to play.


    I log in and instantly queue for Pvp, the queue times now are becoming unreasonable, Its just about a 5-10 minute wait for a 6vs8 game which always ends in the republic loosing.

    Could we have perhaps integrated servers for pvp?


    Ilum, its simply the lack of enthusiasm to want to do this, since the dailies are not fun... especially after the 4-5th time. And the travelling there is just horrendous, just running through a load of airlock stages etc.. why not just land on the planet.


    Raiding and dungeons, Raiding happens once a week in my guild, that's it other than that there isn't raiding, and even then i don't always get in, there might be a Pug which is destined to be a disappointment for everyone. Dungeons flashpoints whatever you want to call them, since my guild is mostly just everyone doing the same thing as im doing waiting in the fleet for a match nobodies up for a flashpoint, and Pugs are just for regulars and stuff which i just cant be bothered with because ive already done.


    Sadly i did rush the content a bit. The game somewhat lacks adventure, all the travelling is done for you on ships etc, i was getting bored with the story, cutscenes are 'okay' for the main story everything else is just a waste IMO. The vast open spaces seem so empty but just so small. I found myself wanting to move on planets because i hated the current one, to find the next one is similarly disappointing.


    Everything like the fundamentals and bugs im fine with, its just i'm struggling to find something which i should find entertaining, entertaining.


    Does anyone agree with me?


    EDIT : Dang just seen a post similar to this. nvm

  4. The file size of the game is by far the biggest game i've seen so far.


    Single player Rpg's and larger Mmo's together only make up about 10GB.

    Wow is now at 23GB after 4 expansions, and the majority of that was thrown on in cataclysm.


    My point being, when you first install/download the game you expect an endless amount of content. But to the surprise there isn't much...


    For example, there is only 3 pvp matches, the explorable area's dont really amount to much, there really arn't many armours.


    I was reasoning with myself that the game has cutscenes, but then hundreds of single player games a filled to the brink with these and yet they can go down to 2-3 GB.


    After getting to 50 down one side (republic) I fail to see where all the space is going?


    I dont particularly have a big hard-drive and the games just constantly getting bigger. With there being so much open space to improve on it will do it rapidly. This is why its a bit of a concern for me.

  5. Clearly doesn't know what OCD stands for.


    Guildmate last night suggested making sprint speed the default speed, then making sprint a cooldown that, similar to Escape, everyone receives at the same level. Big burst of speed then slow down to normal.


    Obsessive compulsive Disorder. And what he was saying was quite accurate really.

  6. I don't agree, the zones were designed with a level 1 speed in mind. Level 10 would be great tho, doing kaas/coruscant quests without it is a real pain, always discourages me :\ I often even skip quests just so i dont have to run all the way and fill the exp gaps with warzones or something.


    Level 10 is probably better. Level one is ridiculous, I fly through the 1st planets as it is, nevermind sprint.


    If cba running anywhere, play a warrior on inquisitor, there starting zone is tiny.

  7. Lets face it the armours in this game are far from the best, but neither are they terrible at the same time.


    But there cant be any more than 200 pieces throughout the game. Since most armours have just been re-coloured etc. And you can hardly see the details in the guns, and some classes just have wrist cannons!


    The weapons don't really need innovation, since the only difference in a lightsaber is the hilt, and the colour if you could count that?


    And in the armour progression videos aswell they're a little misleading since for one advanced class you used pvp, and for the other you used pve. I was thinking we were actually going to get a new entire set of armour.


    I guess when it comes to a trooper for example it doesnt matter but...


    You've captured some of the looks for certain classes, for example the pve armour for consular fits for a sage (despite it being hideous) , but neither pve or pvp armour actually fit shadow. How on the reality of earth can I run about in a skirt?


    Can we not have armours looking like this?




    Just please when releasing the next tiers of armour, dont cut corners and re-colour sets, actually create a new piece, because you cant carry over one armour for an advanced class to another for most classes.

  8. Rather see a mix match of races per playable classes I would like to see some actual new races added to the game. Some 'new' content, and not just a mix-match of previous races.


    For example voss would be a race which most characters are welcomed.


    Or have a 'super' race at the end of the legacy system, level 30 for example. One for each class.


    I earlier posted about having a yoda race.




    The legacy could restrict 99.9% from being able to play as this race. Only people who play for endless hours will be able to play as this race. Which actually gives a long-term reason for people still playing.


    The race' mystery would still be maintained.


    And it could be like the early days of wow where peoples mouth dropped at the sight of a particular weapon. Only here it can be the race.


    Oh and while im at it.. Pod-racing. Man that would be nothing short of awesome!

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