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Posts posted by KiaThas

  1. Having no pandas was a community members opinion - please respect others


    gtg - will be back in a bit to list out all the awesome ideas! Go Team!


    I fail to see where in a universe like this panda's would fit in, so in no way is this ground-breaking, fact its just stupidity not to realise that its stupid.

  2. If SWTOR cames to a F2P mode, i don't know abut them, but i know at the least I leave for sure!

    IMO That's just a modern scam that never brings nothing realy good for the games at all!!:eek:

    They are never realy " free" as they say, it's always a form of scam...and the players ended up being the scamed ones, especialy the old and loyal veterans of that games!:(


    I must I dont like the idea of free to play models, players which were loyal from the start seem to have been neglected if movements such as this.


    Lets hope if the game goes down this path they copy sony and give the players which bought the game free content. (I dont wish for this to happen).


    The game seem's to have too many sub's at the moment for it to happen, with future content patches I can only imagine it going up and up.

  3. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this:


    While leveling thru starter zones on Empire Side may be faster, commendations drop less frequently compared to Republic. In the time it takes to level on republic you are pretty much guarenteed your 8 commendation chest armour by the time you are done. On the Empire side you hit 6 commedations easy enough and then have to farm for, you guessed it, the time it takes to complete a full republic starting zone to hit 8 commendations. This what has happened to me on every Imperiral Character I have vs. Republic Character.


    I know imperical evidence but it has happened on every toon I have 10 Imperial vs. 8 Republic (I am an altoholic).


    Please test for yourself. Your mileage may very ...




    I have done this, which is un-true seeing as they're completely random.


    I've have jedi characters go through to the fleet with 6 commendations and had sith with 9-10.


    And vise-versa.

  4. The game that set the standard is DDO. They allow Premium players access to all

    content, classes, and races. Also more character slots and 500 Turbine Points per

    month. Most FtP games these days follow the same ideal. FtP players have limited access to all of the above.


    However the reported 2 million player base means you may be a little premature with

    the doom and gloom scenario for TOR.






    Of-course of-course, this is what I wanted to hear really.


    Yeah your right, just with the server's lightening up im becoming a little worried, however, I was told to expect this after the 1st 2 months or so.

  5. Googled it but i cant really use the info placed there to make useful in aspect of this game.


    I'm not saying nor implying the game will go f2p but..


    What happens if it does, do we get free content etc? whats been the norm for other games which have gone f2p like dc universe for example.


    Seem's a little unfair that players are getting the the same content without having to pay the initial start up of £30 or whatever it is now...


    Any speculation?

  6. After yesterday's subscription renewal (don't know if this is just coincidence) i've noticed quite a sizeable drop.


    Averages at about 130 at peak times on the republic fleet.


    Today the numbers were between 80-110 at all times, every time I checked except once it was between these numbers.


    Pvp queue times longer as-well, maybe just because its a weekday but I dont recall waiting over 10 minutes for a war-zone.


    Slightly worrying to be honest.

  7. Geeze, no. There are two taxis on Korriban that drop you in the middle of nowhere with a 5 minute run to any quest objectives. Then there's the whole problem of not being able to use a speeder to get most places because you have to go through tombs where speeders aren't allowed.


    Tyhon is a LOT better than Korriban when it comes to traveling.


    There is a 'heck' of a lot more travelling in tython though. each quest takes you to your next area on korriban, while im running to my next spot im actually doing a quest which is taking me to the direction of where its being turned in.


    The quests on tython are actually to run to the next area.


    And korriban is actually a deadened planet, Look about you'll see relic's and statue's just about everywhere you look, just because it looks dull doesn't mean its not detailed.

  8. Whilst scouring through the forums I noticed that they lack Poll's on various updates, what the players want etc.


    In games as simple as Runescape Poll's are posted by the developers or moderators.. What ever you'd like to call them.


    These poll's ask a large variety of question's varying from Which design look's best to what skill would you like to see next...


    I do see the odd poll on Facebook, but these are question's more social, and not everyone playing has access to Facebook.


    I'm not saying that these are the key to success as Runescape didn't implement these for a good few years after the release of the Newer version.


    Now I know that Runescape and Star-Wars way too different to compare...


    But I think that these would bring the game quite a lot of positives. The content would be shaped more by the players. Questions could be asked like what would you like us to focus our attention on etc. Or put out a few armour design's for the players to pick out.


    Polls would suffice for some* of the lack of communication between players and developers.



    However, im not saying that the polls will be all positive's not everyone agree's with the 56% that voted the the one thing.


    But polls are merely there for guidance as to what majority of players want. Adjustments can be made through polls to almost fit the criteria of all players. Not using these is wasteful.

  9. Yeaaaaah I'm gonna say, from a consular/inquisitor perspective I'd much rather have the consular pvp gear. the hermetic tattered robes totally beat the Transformer/space Cow look.


    All armours look just awful, I agree with you on that inquisitors look like a space cow.


    But the PvE consular is just ... guys comon.


    Who in the right mind of the designing department would think that players would like the way it looks.

  10. Yes / no?


    This could work all the way up to a Roll playing aspect, if they implemented a quest chain or something. Wow you had to change race which somehow didn't work.


    However I cant see it happening unless players have to pay for it, but I vote Yes

  11. I Love how the OP, Specifically said 'not to' post negative comments.


    Yet somehow people still do it. Just another post for people to Flame on. Brilliant :rolleyes:


    However I will not be subbing the 6 months, simply because I cant afford it.


    Although I will continue to let my monthly subscription go for another 6 months!


    I was getting bored on my 50, then I re-rolled an alt' on the other faction, in-love again.

    And I saw the upcoming patch's In a leak, which I am sure many of us have already

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