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Everything posted by fronken

  1. Sorc is so much more than just dps. if you only want to dps you got the wrong class. sorcs dmg will boost ahole lot with more talentpoints but still not as much as sniper ill imagine. as for pvp in a 1on1 i'd give sorc the advantage !
  2. fronken

    PVP is pointless?

    I can assure you this is not the case. try some more and when you get the hang on how to counter the (im assuming you mean assasins/shadows) youll find it will be an even match!
  3. Sorry if i missed the answers to these question in other posts but here goes: Are we gonna be able to have more than 1 specc at the time? when will this be enabled (what lvl) if it exists and how many speccs can we have and at what cost? Are the prize on resetting talent point keep rising or does it settle at a certain amount (what amount if it does) ? Thx in advance
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