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Posts posted by warultima

  1. Grats on winning the vote.


    I would like to express my feeling on operative dps (especially concealment) being unviable in rateds.


    Why is it so "un-imaginable" that concealment can preform a little bit better than it is rightnow? Cant we bump up concealment so its more like its big sister deception Sin?


    I have 4 character at 55. operative being my favorite. But the only way I can do rateds with my guildies is to spec Medicine.


    If medicine being viable is the reason why the dps aspect of operative must be kept ****** then can we please get dual specs (i wouldnt mind paying real USD!)? So I can heal in rateds and play what I want in normal? And if medicine is why dps operative should be crappy, why is it an exception for Sorcs? They have amazing heals when specced, amazing burst in lightning, and they can even hybrid and heal/dps decently at the same time?

  2. Or you can get lucky in PvE and get carried by some on farm guild that really dont give a **** and get lucky on drops and BiS PvE from Lv47 greens to T4 in less than 3 hours, which is unheard of in PvP.


    It goes both ways, please stop QQing.


    If you say that doesnt happen... make some friends?

  3. I left this game 8 months ago when ranked was 1st introduced.

    Concealment wasnt wanted in RWZ.


    I came back to this game brought expansion and resubbed.

    Concealment still not wanted in RWZ.




    This truly feel sad. I bet Assassins are still better than concealment operative.


    It feels like Bioware (or EA w/e) really dont care about class balance. All they are focusing on (from what I see in game after 8 mo obsence) are the abundance of "purchasable" fluffys. I bet if class balance can make them instant money, they would have already fixed most class issues and are already selling "concealment balancing bundle" for cartel coins.


    Since class balance doesnt translate into quick bulks, I guess this is why EA is doing what they are doing now, selling pretty lightsabers and speeders for quick cash and careless about class balance since everyone has the option of "roll a marauder/sniper/smash monkey" or "go heal"... well I guess thats balanced since there's no limitation on rerolling better classes.

  4. Again most shadow sin players really have very very little clue how much better they have it over most other ACs. Only reason its not as frequently refered to as "FotM" is because it takes more work to do it right compare to say rage monkeys. But Shadow/Sin are probably one of the most OPed class only if you know how to play, noobs need not to reply.


    Seeing a post coming from one of the longest "hidden" fotm class, and possibly the most powerful solo/dueling AC in game, QQing about a perceived crap dps AC being too strong when shadowsin is better than operatives in 90% of the categories.


    But just like my last post said, most shadow/sins are completely clueless newbs anyways. And these completely amazingly clueless players are probably the ones that actually kept shadow/sin from being nerfed. So be thankful to them shadow/sin newblets.

  5. Ops healing is good no question about that.

    But it takes a completely clueless newb shadow to get owned by a concealment operative but most shadows are completely clueless newbie derps anyways hence you still see shadows/sins die to something like an operative or merc/mendo in 1v1. I know its sad but the solution should be nerf operative, so the common majority of derps that picked a Sin/Shadow should never ever die to an operative 1v1 ever again, even if they go afk.


    New Passive Ability (learned from level 10): Wrath of the Shadows / Anti-Assassination for Shadows/Sins.

    Everytime the shadow is being damaged by an operative, there's a 100% chance that this puts a stacking buff on the shadow increasing shadows damage mitigation by 50%, max 2 stacks, this effect may not occur more than once every 0.5 second, also putting a debuff on the operative, preventing all heals and stealth to or from the operative, this debuff persist thru death. lasts 3600 seconds.

  6. You do know that devs do not want class balance, right? They need FOTM classes so that people will keep rerolling which means more subscription money.


    Sadly, but everything in the current SWTOR's PvP designs, all of a sudden made sense.

  7. I have a hard time following a few posts in this thread. It's like a foreign language to me.


    That being said; I think I can make out that the answer is to nerf operatives.







    Oh. And buff assassins while you are at it. They need more abilities please.


    Shadows/Sins are in good place, all they are missing is Force Charge, Undying Rage and probably triple the damage of Spike and make Duplicity a passive skill for spending 3 points into deception tree.

  8. Yeah, I've got a Carnage Marauder at level 50. That's why I find your comment ridiculous. If you think that mara/sent is hard to play you must really terrible.


    R74 Marauder here as well as 82 concealment operative. If you are having problem playing anni/combat I suggest you work on the rotation. The basic anni opener which is force charge, deadly saber, rupture, (crippling slash), ravage, anni. The entire anni spec revolves around the above rotation, you add in stuff like berserk, defensives, and tats it.


    I can charge around recklessly and kill a few people before i die. Cant do it on my operative.


    So if you feel your operative is outperforming your marauder... you either suck as a marauder or suck at both classes and somehow you are talented to push buttons better on your operative.


    Most people who say anni is hard to play are usually pro clickers. Maras having more useful buttons doesnt mean its harder to play unless you are clicking your way to heaven.

  9. But thats a fotm to counter another. Try a merc or oprtative where they dont even have 30%aoe reduction. Your 18sec 25% dr and a force tech god mode at their disposal.
  10. Wait so you want operatives to be better? Not gonna happen, there should be a *large* gap between subpar classes and the fotms otherwise how would some "average/subpar" players to be competitive. At least now BW gave them options where some classes can play itself for them to a degree.
  11. Sweetheart, I realize you're used to always having the advantage against other classes, but you can't have the upperhand against EVERY class.


    If you really want to kill them, roll a DPS scoundrel/op and faceroll them.


    Why not? There's a reason why I rerolled a mara and sin. If I cant have advantages against all classes then what's the point of being a marauder? Sniper really needs to get nerfed, or let us skilled marauders to be able to force charge thru cover and give us a class passive, we should be immune to all CCs roots and slows for 4 seconds after we force charge. And force smash damage is fine, but the AoE radius should be larger than it is rightnow.

  12. oldest line in the book when it comes to bashing devs for not nerfing a class


    try something original


    BW didnt lose any subscribers from nerfing the 2 most populated classes. Right...

    But some people are in some serious denial... you know like how "those marauders tell you" that dps merc is just as as good as marauders if not better.

  13. Yeah, they really didn't need to increase the backstab cooldown. I think with the Acid Blade nerf they should have increased its duration a bit, or at least increased the dot damage portion.


    Back Stab should be 6s CD, it makes sense because it is the "ONLY" attack that can apply acid blade while in combat, and acid blade takes 6 seconds to finish ticking.


    It will help a bit especially in PvE dps.

  14. Complaining about marauders is so last season.


    I know right. Especially to someone who plays both Sith Marauder and Jedi Sentinel. *looks up*

  15. What server do you play on? I would like to reroll on it so I can learn from the sentinels doing 4500 dps. That truly is astonishing and deserves props. The server record on my server is 1343 DPS by a jugg.



    4500dps is not realistic. Pocket healed derpasmasher assuming every smash hits at least 3 target can pull maybe 2k to 2.5k. I would love to see a screenie for 4.5k dps and I want to know how they hell he pulled that off.

  16. and if youve ever caught a DPS Merc/Commando anywhere on the map at any time, even with all their cooldowns, youd have seen how ridiculously easy we are to kill at that point.


    i need to basically perform a symphony on my keyboard in order to even come close to killing a marauder, and i need to get massively lucky with procs and crits landing


    fyi to most mara/sent fotms mercs are just as powerful if not more powerful than "their" fotm class. They only rolled marauder because its underpowered and cant kill anything without all their cooldowns up all the time. They didnt roll a dps merc or operative due to those 2 classes are too overpowered (**** 2 GCD KILL FROM STEALTH AND TRACER MISSILE INSTA GIB), and there's no fun beating others. More challenging on underpowered classes like marauder and assassins.

  17. If you have never caught a mara/sent coming out of spawn with no cd's and seen how rediculously easy we are to kill at that point, you really dont have enough experience to post in a class balance thread.


    Just dont panic and pop everything when a sorc is tickling you for 400 damage a sec, a lot of marauders just panic mode and pop everything. I rarely find myself "out of defensive cd" you would have to pop ur defensives "recklessly/stupidly/panic mode" to really run out of CDs as a marauder (you are not doing it right).


    Even without any of my defensives I can 1v1 anyone just fine, with cloaking pain and some times saberward I can 1v2 and 1v3 with relatively ease. I sometimes have to pop UR and Obfuscate to finish off the last kill in my 1v3s, this is pure solo no healer ofc.

  18. No. Knock off another second, remove the cost of 1/2 health stipulation to active and it will be inline with Force Shroud.


    Actually this change will make my marauder even more flexible to play. All spec gets it for 3 seconds Anni can spec to be 4. Its a buff to the better players, nerfs to derpas.


    So anni marauder will be the ultimate survival machine

    carnage has the 80% raid speed buff and highest direct burst damage

    rage has newbie proof derpasmash.

  19. ........Anywaaayyyy, back on track. From reading the notes on the PTS forums, it states this is not the final draft. Tbh, I cannot remember the last time they posted MAJOR class changes in the pts notes. I can't see why they wouldn't, they always tinker with classes in some form or another (for better or for worse!)






    Last time they post major class changes are back in 1.2 and coincidentally that marks the point of an extreme subscribers declination. Not saying the sub bleeding has anything to do with 1.2 changes but to BW they probably realize that killing 2 of the most popular classes with a clock sweeping nerfs "probably" dont have a positive impact on the subs. Hence they've been staying away from major nerfs.


    As to other posts, there's really no point arguing with a marauder... especially the ones who think 1 sec nerf to undying rage is a huge nerf and was completely uncalled for... Some people needs the class to play for them, some people dont, thats just how it is.

  20. I don't mind slightly underpowered but the way I heard it, it seemed like there's no reason to go dps on an operative.


    It's not that there's no reason to play DPS operative, its mainly due to other classes can do it better, and easier as well. If you cant even outdps marauder on a dummy (equal gear and skilled you will never ever touch marauders dps btw) the difference will be even greater in operations. Reason is simple your uptime will be lower, and you are a melee dps without a real gap closer on super short cooldown like force charge, and depending on mechanics where you cant connect your TA can expire and drop off because its only up for such a short time.


    Similarly to arsenal merc, they have 30m effective range, extremely easy rotation, and naturally higher dps than you do as a dps operative. (yes even if you execute a perfect rotation AND assuming you would have 100% uptime).


    In short, in PvE, ALL CLASSES (unless the player is stupid and fail) can easily out DPS you. In PvP, other than healing (which you said you want to DPS) Assassins can do everything you do but better,


    Sins provide great group utilities, one of the best 1v1 classes as well, can taunt and AoE taunt, have much more survivability than you ever will, with some setup they also out burst you, they have real gap closer on short CD like force speed so they are even more mobile than you do, and every minute they can extend their force lightning (one of their most damaging attacks) to 30m up to 3 shots, if they take madness they have a hard hitting 30m aoe they can use as well on a very short CD. They also have passive self heal in 2 of their trees which happens "automatically" (no lolcasting) while they are DPSing, lastly you got no force shroud nuff said.


    Oh and some noob sins will tell you you can heal as DPS operative (as an attempt to justify their prowess over operatives), which is true, but your heals are extremely laughable without "enough" points in medicine tree.


    My advise to you is play whatever you like and dont listen to what others have to say. If you get kicked by the Ops leader just get use to it, life on an operative DPS is rough, theres a reason why they are the absolutely least desired DPS AC in the entire game PvP and PvE (at least merc/commando excel in PvE dps).

  21. First:in this game all classes are overpowered execpt merc/commando. Mara are op, operative healers are op smashing juggs are op,hybrid sorc are op,powertech are op assassin are op,snipers are op. In other words, nothing is op,there is only papers unable to beat scissors so they cry for nerf. (smashing juggs are not that hard to kill,PTs are not that hard to kill to and if you have half a brain and know the effect of the assassin's def cooldowns, you can kill it too)


    Smashing jugg---> assassins are op---> used smash on force shroud--->facepalm

    assassin-->maras are op---> wasted all the stuns before undying rage--->facepalm

    mara---> smashing juggs are op--->you have a build that is almost the same--->facepalm

    assassin-->PTs are op--used force shroud before any dot and ''bursted'' while the 25% dmg reduction shield was up-->facepalm

    mara-->snipers are op-->have not used force camouflage as a gap closer and used ravage when the sniper's knock back was still up---facepalm


    On topic, I'll say you should choose assassin, the class is a lot better than operative on the survivability side and maybe burst more (I've never played an operative so I cant really juge the dps)


    OP wants to 1. Stealth and 2. Deal Damage. So operative healer is OP doesnt mean operative DPS is OP. In fact DPS operative is one of the least desired DPS class in both PvP and PvE.


    DPS wise, Operative will have higher open (assuming the operative gets to open with hidden strike) operative will go slightly higher burst in the 1st few GCD, Assassins will blow them right out of the water when they got all their buffs stacked up like "energized" or "5x surging charged" or "3x harness darkness" then it's "burn time"


    In most cases if a fight lasts longer than the 3 GCD Sins become better at DPS as well as everything else and their survivability definitely helps them in that regard.

  22. I recently started playing SWTOR again and was really excited to play a concealment operative. Now everyone is telling me that they are a useless class PVE wise which is a shame because I really like to both PVE and PVP. Anyone know if Bioware plans to buff operative dps? If it is as low as eveyrone is saying they have to do something...right? :(


    Operative is far from useless. You will do very well as an operative healer in both PvP and PvE. And if you dont mind being as slightly gimped version DPS compare to premium DPS ACs like marauders and such you can also do fine as DPS. You just cant go derpaderpa and expect to be successful like smashmonkeys or pyro PT.

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