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Everything posted by Averzaath

  1. So, still no reason to do NIM... good job bioware.
  2. •Achievements earned during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event that were lost have been restored thanks to a gracious donation from Czerka Corporation. Czerka Corp: Anytime, anywhere…we’re there. This patch note was paid for by People for the Unchallenged Control of Czerka Corp, a subsidiary of the Czerka Corporation. No, you guys haven't fixed it... Missing my Rancor achievement, have the rancor to prove it. And missing Unlucky (breaking a slot machine) achievement, yet again, have the title to prove it.
  3. Hello, So, in my achievement hunting adventures I have come across some achievements that either grant no points or are inconsistent when compared with similiar achievements. If you have something to add, feel I left something out, you're more then welcome to add but please provide a source to compare with to show the inconsistency and not just "yeah, I put in this much effort.. I think I should get more points for this" Location Belsavis & Nar Shaddaa - Rampage > Annihilation > Eradication. These achievements all give 5 points, while on any other planet it is respectively 10 > 25 > 50 (small note Corusant has the achievements leading up to and the 5000 kill, Dromund Kaas does not. I would expect these planets to mirror) Hoth - PVP - Novice > Defender > Elite Defender > Master. On all planets these achievements grant respectively 5 > 5 > 10 > 25. The only noticable expection is Alderaan, but the pvp achievements on Alderaan require double the amount of kills, which gives you more points. That all sounds fair to me. Hoth is the only odd exception to this, requiring a total of 500 kills like most other planets but respectively granting 5 > 10 > 25 > 50 points. Legacy I will ignore pets, titles and weapon achievements, because if I remember correctly, these have never granted any points and I think are not designed to. Galactic Starfighter Matches Played - Triumphant Bomber Pilot Does not grant any achievements points, to be in line with the other Triumphant achievements it should grant 10 points. Battle - Miscellanous Technician and Expert Technician grant no points, to be in line with the other miscellanous achievements these should grant 5 > 10 respectively. one last small note, flashpoint directive 7 story mode, maybe the rebelious Bulwark can be moved back to his own row and not try to cut in line of Mentor. This is what I have seen and encountered. As I have said before all additions are more then welcome /salute Avé
  4. I've recently been playing with my agent and Lokin, for the companion npc killing achievement. Had him in his Transformation DPS stance, but sometimes he just had no stance, when I had just activated his Transformation. I've found out that he will loose his stance when Stealth is used, he however does not loose Med Watch when engaging stealth. Hope you've been informed enough. Avé
  5. http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/380662_240981182627227_1931413424_n.jpg
  6. Hello everyone, I'm wondering, how usefull is accuracy for a guardian tank? Does the increased accuracy (and there for sacrifising other stats) help guardians keep aggro better? So, basically, have you specced/geared in accuracy and why (not)?
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