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Everything posted by kosmosiss

  1. Very interesting. Update this post as much as you can!
  2. No one knows any of that information for certain.
  3. Post elsewhere, you have no idea what goes on in people's lives.
  4. The few days I am on during that time, Bondar Crystal is the same. We had under 15 people on the fleet until after 5pm EST yesterday...population seems to be steadily dropping. Atleast from what I have seen.
  5. It's posts like this that make me happy I am a War Hero on republic and Imps have 2:1 advantage lol.
  6. Yeah I don't think it's confirmed there is better gear for high ratings. Otherwise, welcome back to WoW.
  7. That's a STIM, Force Valor, smuggler and trooper buff - no knight buff
  8. I hope this never goes into the game. It will just favor players bashing other players and excluding good players from groups because they don't have some type of standard win ratio that the elitists of each server define as making you "good."
  9. The point is now you get more valor then you ever would have in the current system and people will forget about medals and COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVES. It's a good change, I just can't stand the constant complaining.
  10. Couldn't agree more. I think I am the only infiltration shadow on my server, both factions. It's ridiculous. I love the spec.
  11. I love how people are already complaining about a huge boost in valor before the patch even hits. Get over it.
  12. I love this game but I have to agree. It seems very clear that they are listening to all these QQ posts that make up these forums. We need original ideas. We all know what happens when they listen to all the complaints...
  13. Spec infiltration. Gunslingers/snipers are incredibly easy to beat. Kenetic has no burst.
  14. I think it's a good spec for both pvp and pve, since I don't want to respec 3-4 times a week. Upheaval is really nice, but I feel like I gain a lot of damage back with increased DS damage and armor pen. The survivability from Elusiveness is very nice as well. But maybe since I am in full BM gear now, I will give Upheaval another shot.
  15. I've been running 7/31/3 for quite some time for pvp and pve and loving everything it offers.
  16. This is the 1000th post today about it. Small sample size, it will even out...trust me.
  17. It happens. There are times I finish my weekly in a couple hours. There are good times to queue and bad times, hard to anticipate.
  18. STOP COMPLAINING. As someone that has seen both sides of the RNG, and is fully geared. It needs to be a grind, you have a reason to still play.
  19. I went 0/18 then had 7/8. So that's what...7/26. It is extremely frustrating, but I just hope it evens out for people like it (seems) to have done for me.
  20. We get it. Why spend time even posting this? This is the same stuff repeated in EVERY SINGLE THREAD on this forum.
  21. kosmosiss

    Valor 70+ gear

    I do not see that happening at all.
  22. I agree the system needs attention. I just recently went 0-18 with BM commendations. Thursday-Sunday I got 7/8. Obviously I was happy to see that, but it was just so insanely random compared to striking out 18 times. I think they need to tone down the RNG, especially since 2 bags a day can be opened.
  23. So I went 0/16 with BM bags. I kid you not, I have received 8 commendations in a row the last 4 days...unreal.
  24. I'm from neither, but I queue with people. Premades raise your odds considerably.
  25. I'm on Bondar Crystal as well, I never lose that much. Start making more premades, or queue at better times of the day. Sith is 50% sorcerers, we know this by now.
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