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Posts posted by Junostorm

  1. I've specced into 'Contingency Charges' (11 pts into the Saboteur tree). Yet I don't see them in my abilities book. What are they exactly? Are the supposed to be an active skill or buff that I need to activate? Or are they a passive damage add to some of my grenades?


    (Even if they were a passive skill I would expect to see them somewhere in my abilities book.)


    It adds an extra effect to your existing Sab Charge.

  2. My Sharpshooter Gunslinger almost never gets the 5k Damage in a Single Blow medal in warzones. He's in half-Champion and half-Centurion PvP gear with 600 Expertise. And unless I am guarding a turret that is constantly under attack, I rarely see the 300k Damage medal, either.


    Am I doing something wrong or have the wrong spec? Or is this common? I certainly don't have to get the biggest numbers in a warzone, but when I see others classes achieving it, I start to think I must be doing something wrong.


    Thanks for your input!


    I have yet to achieve the 5k medal myself. Though there was a few rare times I did back to back +4k hits.


    The 300k medal depends on how many healers the opposing team has, the more healers the more damage you need to do. No healers then less you need to do. I have ranged from 50k to +500k in warzones.

  3. Why not toss Flourish in place of the first Charged Burst? As a DF, my rotation is pretty simple.




    I keep up that rotation until Flourish comes off or the guy is dead.


    I use Flourish when moving into the initial setup spot or to a new one. Once in Cover I have a six second window to get that 1st Charged Burst off to maintain its instant cast ability.

  4. He is running SS as has Trickshot in rotation. I use Charged+Trickshot almost religiously anytime they're both up (especially in pvp or PvE mobile phases as can do quick high bursts when on the run). Plus if you go all out sometimes you have a small lull so can add a Charged when waiting every minute or two on a single target boss.


    Yes pretty much Charged Burst as a filler. I do need to work on getting Vital Shot in at some point to optimise the rotation.


    And I am running a 31/7/3 spec at the moment.

  5. I read though some of these posts concerning rotation, cannot say if your version or mine is correct.


    This is my rotation:


    0. Cover

    1. Sabo (if energy is above 90)

    2. Charged Burst

    3. Trickshot

    4. Speed Shot (or 3x Speed Shot if Rapid Fire not on CD)

    5. Aimed Shot (you assured at least one proc Quick Aim from either Charged or Speed)

    6. Trickshot

    7. Charged Burst

    8. Which ever ability comes off CD 1st with Trickshot as priority, below 30% Quickdraw)


    Frag Grenade, Quick Shot, Vital Shot, Flourish Shot and Flurry only when moving and depending on energy level.

  6. No one cares about the Brits! The only thing they ever did well was Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Doctor Who, Doc Martin, Downton Abbey, and the Office.


    Being Human - Better acting in Britain - Better story less whining in American version


    The Office - Way funnier and more brutal in Brit - Better Story in America


    I think that's just the case, Brit is great in short doses haha!


    Thankfully, America has never tried to remake Doctor Who. Of course, Stargate, Firefly, Star Wars are all American made.


    Do not forget Torchwood. And as I recall SciFi channel a couple years back did Doctor Who movie.

  7. Damage dealing Sages and Commandos still have access to their respective innate advanced class healing abilities. Spec’ing into their healing tree adds new healing spells and enhances their existing ones. Regardless of which spec they are running they can to a degree heal themselves and others. Sentinels do have an attack which places a healing debuff on a target, allowing us via one of our abilities to do the same would be a good start.


    Another issue is that the majority of a GS’s attacks are weapon based, whereas the majority of the attacks of the other advance classes are either tech or force. And either one of those damage types negates defence. These types of attack negate two of our core defensive abilities Cover and Dodge. Changing Dodge from defence boost to a damage reduction ability is a step in the right direction. Also perhaps change Trickshot and/or Quickdraw into a tech attack as well.


    Defence Screen is woefully lacking in its ability to prevent incoming damage. A Sage’s shield absorbs more and has a shorter cool down. For the length of its cool down Defence Screen should absorb more.


    Mind you we do have some fantastic abilities, hunker down, Flash Grenade, Scrambling Field , etc....


    Our damage dealing ability is perhaps the best single target damage in the game, what we lack is that our current defensive abilities kind of suck at the moment. These abilities are designed, as it seems to be used fighting our mirror, the Sniper, whereas every other advance class are not.


    We do not need a boost in our damage but revamp of our defensive survival skills to the point they are on par with the other advanced class and how some of our damage is dealt.

  8. Gunslingers/Snipers are a defensive class and thus should not be committing aggressive actions such as capping a point; they are supposed to be defending a capture in progress or already captured node. It is a defense oriented class. Just like they aren't supposed to be running the Huttball. If you are ever in a situation where you are self-rooted/immobile and you are not behind cover, you are doing it wrong.


    Flash Grenade bombs on recently spawned enemies in Voidstar are RIDICULOUSLY powerful when it comes to defending your allies cap a door. And Pulse Detonator is the strongest AOE player ability knockback in the game, especially with the Spacer talent in SS.


    I don't want to be mean, but given the way you've been dismissing everyone else on this thread I must say this to you: Please, stop posting and start playing the game.


    As a defensive class we are squishy bunch ;)

  9. The very rare 9 is the most I have seen since they fixed the Frozen Shockwater. These 10 are possible as I have got them all at one time or another. Just never all at once.


    2.5k hit

    5k hit

    75k damage

    300k damage

    solo kill

    kill shot (or whatever the deathblow medal is called)

    1k defender

    3k defender

    10 kills

    25 kills


    If you live long enough unbeatable, invinc & immortal are possible. Never gotten the 5k medal yet.

  10. So yeah, Gunslinger isn't for you. Gunslinger and Sentinel are two of the highest skilled capped classes in the game, so if you don't want to take the time to learn how to play it, you should roll something that even a braindead pidgeon could play.


    Yeah it is crazy the number of abilities I use at any one time and I love GS for that reason.


    The challenge of playing the class keeps me interested. I think I will level a Sentinel :)

  11. The one thing snipers don't have to worry about that gunslingers do is how much you're really getting out of your second weapon. Still haven't exactly done the math, but I'm pretty sure there's something about dual weapons that make them less efficient at dealing damage than a single weapon counterpart.


    Two rolls for GS vs Sniper's one. Plus the ACC reduction on the OH wpn leads to a lot of miss, dodge, deflect, etc... spam.

  12. Why not increase your Accuracy to compensate?


    I have 102% normal and 112% special. A couple of wpn attacks turn into tech ones would make a solid difference between players thinking a GS is an easy kill and not.


    Cause these days it seems being in cover attracts melee like bees to honey. Though due to this I have gotten a lot better at dealing with them.

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