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Posts posted by Inzuher

  1. Before R4 came out, the SM design was set up so that just about anyone could do it. The design of R4 violated that design philosophy. Were SMs easy? Absolutely. That was the entire intention to give maximum accessibility to the vast majority of the player base.


    In creating R4 SM, they created encounters that the majority of people cannot defeat. Most of the player base are not raiders. They are casuals, RPers, and solo/story players. Previous to this, they were still carriable if need be. No one can be easily carried through R4 SM unless the rest of the group is extremely proficient.


    I have yet to hear about a single true PUG group complete the op. Very few even beat the first boss, much less Lady D. To make matters worse, even after a week, I've not heard of anyone outside of a NiM or Hardmare team clearing the op. I have heard of a few PUGs getting to the last boss, but not many. And of course, they did not beat it.


    As for the Lady D fight itself, most of it is actually fairly straightforward. The real fight doesn't really start until the burn. That's the part that overwhelms people. For a SM, it should not be as difficult as it is. Between the adds and the knockback, things could be going fine, but the next moment, they are not.


    SM should not be designed for dedicated raiders. As previously mentioned, there are a lot of people that want to do it for their story quest, which was given as an alliance alert of all things, which means there will be a lot of true story mode players that want to do it just to see the cut scenes. As things are, they'll never be able to see it.


    To those of you who say it's fine as it is, I propose a challenge to you. Go form a random fleet PUG, not some pug via discord. Take 7 other true SM randoms in to R4 and see how hard it is to complete it, if you can. The odds of a successful run under those conditions are extremely low I would suspect.


    Can we elect this man as the casual representative to the player council? Jests aside, you articulated everything I felt. Well put, sir.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm sure the vast majority of players at level cap agree. The issue is what solution should be implemented?


    In the past, I believe static weapons and armors had "mods" built into them, but players couldn't see or remove these "mods".


    Would it be possible to update weapons and offhands to drop with mods, and have these mods bound to their particular slots? The latter was done with Ossus gear in 5.x, at least in part. It was possible to remove a mod, but the mod would then only be accepted in the slot it was designated for (e.g., an offhand barrel or armoring would only fit into another weapon in the offhand slot, etc.).


    It's a little harder to remember how the rest of the mods worked (i.e., the mod and enhancements slot), as it's been a couple of years since the Ossus update, and it may have been the case that they weren't locked in the same way. I remember needing to buy gear that wasn't for my spec, like Sage healer gear for my dps Shadow, to get a particular type of enhancement, though, and the enhancement I needed would need to match the general piece (e.g., alacrity enhancement from Sage healer head slot would only fit in another head piece slot). As such, I'm pretty sure enhancements were also locked to their respective pieces of gear.


    In any case, given the state of the the game and the number of bugs/issues that came with 7.0, I don't think we'll be seeing weapons in Outfitter soon. It'll either get delayed again or scrapped entirely, more than likely.


    We still have RNG in place for what drops out of weekly upgrade boxes or from bosses anyway. I'm not sure what the real problem is if they just made all gear have mods again. This would certainly solve the weapon issue, which is honestly, as you point out, a very significant problem.


    Sounds like a decent solution.

  3. Right now there are no moddable weapons in the end game, forcing you to use whatever design the default weapons are. I get weapons were supposed to be added to the outfit designer, but given they were not, Bioware needs to find a solution for this.
  4. Another fouder and once time guild leader here. Just dropping in to say I agree with the sentiment of the thread. For one this patch has too little content to be called an expansion. Secondly, all the changes they've made actively make the game worse. When you don't add any content, don't make people grind the same stuff but with worse stats and less abilities...
  5. I waited to see the itemization post and then desubbed. I have no interest in my ability to get gear being gated behind other players. It's not that I dislike raiding, it's that I dislike people management which is the route of all raiding. Get on discord at a specific time, make sure everyone is there, wait 15 minutes for late people, oh your MT has wife aggro? Good luck with you backup you don't have. Oh your two best healers are having a spat and won't raid together? Sure hope you have more. Oh man, your best DPS had a power/internet outage, well, hopefully that guy sitting on the Bench showed up on the off chance he actually got to participate. Raiding is not about skill, never has been, it's about management.


    I see all these posts on reddit about challenge and skill expression being a justification for better gear. Except those things are permanently reduced every time you get top end gear. So that argument feels like raw deflection from just wanting something to lord over other people who don't want to jump through social hoops.


    I just got this game and absolutely love the freedom, that's why I subbed in the first place. But now, I'm not sure I even see the point of continuing to play until the expansion is released since I have no desire to go through the social crucible required to participate in the game.


    This pretty much sums up how I feel about the change. The Devs are misjudging their audience. Most people that do hardcore raiding content isn't playing SWTOR.

  6. (Preface - I've seen this conversation before)


    ****************** DISCUSSION ****************


    Should, or does, simply paying your sub allow (entitle) you to BIS gear? One group (Raiders) will say emphatically, 'NO'.


    "Casuals" or those who don't raid, or do any content above SM OPs or Vet FP would say 'YES'.


    Raiders will counter with, "Well you don't do cutting edge raiding, so why do you need or deserve BIS gear?


    Casuals will reply, "I pay the same amount as you, why is my time (spent not banging your head on progression bosses) less valuable?"


    PvPers will chime in, "Hey what about us?" and be promptly ignored. (The easy solution to this is a stat, let's call it..Resiliance', that only has effect in PvP (or minimal in PvE), and is only obtainable in PvP. (or vendors).


    Crafters will raise their hand, and be similarly ignored. and wander over to sit in the corner with the PvPers.


    EA will say, "Everybody gets a Legendary weapon. So shiny! Be happy!"


    Raiders will pipe in, "The grind to max your Legendary is equivalent to a second job"


    Alt-o-holics will listen to the raiders, look at their platoon of level 75's....and sigh.




    If EA lacks the wherewithal, or imagination, to design multiple avenues to "end-game" or BIS gear - that's on them.


    We just pay the price.


    As I said, I've seen this conversation before


    This made me smile.


    Still, I'd personally prefer being able to gear up without doing master mode operations.

  7. Henchmen bounties on Hutta and Ord Mantell are just available to low level characters.

    You are just unlucky with Udo Ensh, it's random which one of the possible bounties you get.

    So just keep going. :D


    Thank you for the answer.


    EDIT: Found him on Tatoonie.

  8. Udo Ensh is the last henchman I need to capture for the bounty event. However, I am having no luck finding him. According to old guides he's suppose to appear on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Ord Mantel, and Hutta.


    Has anyone encountered him, and if so where?


    Also, how come henchman bounties are no longer available on Ord Mantel and Hutta?

  9. I've noticed how certain decorations and armor sets are missing from the direct purchase options. Item's such as Black Vulkar Swooper Armor Set and Bounty Holding Cell. How come? I thought the days of gambling packs were over.


    These items are now ridiculously expensive on the GTN, because of the Cartel Market caused inflation, and because their original packs are rarely bought.

  10. I think it's more of an employment issue: EA doesn't provide them with sufficient funds to keep a sufficiently large staff. The inclusion of volunteers could reduce the work burden; It wouldn't take Bioware as long to just check an article for approved content as it would writing it themselves.


    As for recruitment, they could announce looking for some, and people could submit applications like you would for a job. It might take a bit of time to find the right people, but once you got them it would provide Bioware with a valuable - and free- tool to keep the community informed and engaged.

  11. Ever since the galaxy changing events of Knights of the Eternal Throne the world of SWTOR has gone from being well-defined, in Encyclopedias and more, to overall vague and difficult to navigate. This leaves players, in particular roleplayers, with a lot of questions concerning what is going on:


    - What is the Jedi doing?


    - What is the state of the Sith Empire?


    - Has Nar Shaddaa returned to being a neutral zone?


    - Is the resource crisis still ongoing?


    - Is Voss recovering from the assault by the Eternal Empire?


    - Who really died on Iokath?



    With shortage of staff, Bioware is understandably focused on creating new content and keeping the game running, which probably leaves them with no time to update us on issues of world building. The solution, as I see it, lies in involving members of the community. I wager more than a few of us would be happy to write lore articles for free, provided Bioware equips us with bullet points of things to cover, and reads the article over before it is posted somewhere official.



    Bioware hands a trusted community member an task such as: Write about the state of the Jedi order. Include these points:


    - The Jedi Order has returned to Ossus in order to rebuild.


    - Satele Shan has returned as the Grandmaster of the order (or introduce a new Grandmaster if that is the case.)


    - The Jedi Council is being reformed.


    - The Jedi is keeping in contact with the Republic government and will continue to act as generals in the renewed war against the Sith Empire (or perhaps not?)


    - Present some of the lore surrounding Ossus, tied to Exar Kun and the Great Sith War that left the world damaged


    Once the article is written it is posted somewhere for a Bioware employee to read, provide feedback, decline or approve. If / when it is approved, the article is posted on swtor.com.

  12. 1. Class ship strongholds. Enable us to decorate our ships and invite other players to it like with strongholds.


    2. A dye system like the one in Elder Scrolls Online; when you have a dye unlocked you can add it to any outfit.


    3. Hide Hood option, or a head gear that just hides the hood and shows nothing else.


    In that order.

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