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  1. Application submitted. Prospective new member, recently back on TOR from a long hiatus, looking for friends and a decent RP scene. EDIT: As expected, quite a few of the names I had aren't available anymore. My joining will be on my renamed JK Vesiana.
  2. Currently downloading patching stuff. Recently rejoined after months of hiatus, and looking for a new home. After I know which of my characters have survived or need renaming, then I'll see to applying. -EK
  3. Suppose I'll cross my fingers and hope the stars align for me.
  4. Used to be Nightwind on Sanctum of the Exalted. Now that I'm back, I hear my home is on EH. Hi everyone~ Any decent Social/RP guilds recruiting? Preferably a laid back one with a mature membership. -EK
  5. Thanks for your help. It gives me incentive to redo my Jedi, at least. I missed out on getting "Sinclair" for her.
  6. Haven't played in months, so I'm considering this a New Player question, since a lot has changed. Nearly an entire expansion's worth of updates, in fact. 1- Is there a way to track what characters I had on my account? I can't seem to find one. 2- Is there a master list of what servers got merged a few months ago? I suspect the one I was on no longer exists, as I can't find its name anywhere. It was Sanctum of the Exalted 3- If I lost both my server and all of my characters.... do I also lose my Legacy? I worked hard for "Nightwind" 4- Let's say I have to totally start from scratch. Ugh. Are there any recommended servers for RP? Thanks,
  7. Recently re-subscribed after several months' hiatus, so apologies for the noob questions Are these items BoA , BoE, or BoP?
  8. I'm in your boat, and that ticks me off xD Seriously, one day! Why couldn't I go a day earlier? One day would've made all the difference... or at least an hour's difference
  9. I recall seeing a Developer post. Basically, they're shutting it down the evening of the 19th to patch up for release. Starting midnight of the 20th, you'll have to have your product code to play
  10. This wave covered most of October. Here's to hoping Nov 11 makes it in Wave 2!
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