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Everything posted by Sykologist

  1. Or some people get sleep/have social lives/don't urinate in a bottle.
  2. Yes. We get that. But you look like an ******e when you say "OMG I SKIPPED THROUGH ALL THE CONTENT TO 50. WHY IS THERE LIMITED CONTENT?!"
  3. ^ This. I have 2 level 26s, and 2 level 10s. I'd be called semi-casual.
  4. Or because, you know. It's not Christmas? Or New Years just passed? (Which the prior week, most employees take vacation due to losing vacation time in 2012)?
  5. I'd love to see the sociopath who pays $15 a month to complain on the forums
  6. Normal player: Dear god, what is wrong with people!? Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work. Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums. This game needs these 39 features by next week. Fix'd
  7. 8 million, and dropping. Reportedly losing 200k a month. Odd.
  8. I buy more RAM. I login. I wait 5 seconds for loading. I am dead to the world for the next 8 hours.
  9. Don't do drugs kids. You may end up like this guy.
  10. You should make this thread a 3rd time
  11. Enjoy waiting until 2016 for that "innovative and genre changing" MMO that meets your ridiculously high expectations.
  12. We should get pets too! Wait... PETS THAT WE CAN COLLECT. And... and... WE CAN BATTLE THEM with Panda Jedi
  13. There was a search and more features to the GTN in beta. It brought the Fleets to a crawl with lag. So they removed it until they could figure it out.
  14. They know. They've said improvements are coming. This isn't Harry Potter. They don't have a magical wand to fix **** instantly.
  15. Yeah I never got that. "I'm quitting this game, BUT MY MESSAGE MUST BE HEARD. WE'VE GOT TO TELL THE WORLD!" I've quit WoW, SWG, EVE, Planetside. Not once did I think "Oh GOD I NEED TO TELL THE PEOPLE WHY."
  16. Nothing. And that's what was advertised. You might as well ask "WHY DOESN'T THIS GAME MAKE FRIES"
  17. HEY OP, GO **** YOURSE... Oh wait, it's positive.. +1
  18. Keep leveling it up. I'm profiting at 1k per mission at 300+ slicing
  19. 7 days of casual play? Apparently 12 hours a day is 'casual'
  20. Actually you're the main reason gaming is going down the crap hole. You have an ideal of the "perfect" release for a game. Yet, that ideal is so unrealistic that no game will ever meet your standards. And if that game ever DID meet your standards, you'd start ************ that they have nothing to add.
  21. WoW and pokebattles await you.
  22. I'm going to drink this bottle of Jameson and then be able to understand your post.
  23. Because it's not intentional, and is being... wait for it... EXPLOITED.
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