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Everything posted by Amalak

  1. Yeah, it was poorly explained... I kept having to re explain it to guildies... I feel bad for the ones who still thought the set bonuses would transfer... its kinda turned into a cluster... But I think its a step in a the right direction, @ least from here on out, with the new tiers it should work well and allow for customization like they said we would have from the get go...
  2. was curious about this as well. thx
  3. Looks like this needs some big time updates.... like white is no longer available until further notice, the New World Boss on Voss Drops +41 Magenta Schematics, The Black Core Purple and Orange PVP Crystals can be bought with WZ comms and Credits from PVP Vendor, the Daily Mission Rewards Vendor Sells Schematics for +41 Crystals etc etc etc
  4. Yep, the New World Boss on Voss Drops the Magenta Recipes... not sure about the other ones yet... like Im dying to know if there is a Black-Purple or Black-Blue PVE Recipe.... I know you can get the PVP ones from the PVP vendor.... for some Credits and WZ comms...
  5. It looks like BM will still have the set bonus attached to the shell, the only armor with the set bonus attached to the chest armoring mod will be the new tiers of armor, i.e. War Hero and Campaign Armor
  6. I posted the same thing, I rolled on a PvP server for the open world PvP, but sadly it does not exist... They called Ilum open world PvP, but setting up a zone is not Open World, its just a larger warzone, but even that is all but dead now on most servers.... Its a very very sad state of events...
  7. Its so easy to move from crew skill to crew skill in this game, during raid last night I was artifice as I had been trying to crit my second relic (Rakata Crit Relic crit on second try and Rakata Power Relic crit on 17th) which finally did, so I went back to bio and a couple hours later I was back to 400 biochem..... Everytime I switch to another crew skill to craft stuff I want, I buy mats on GTN when I see good deals and store them for when I decide to switch to a different crew skill, then when Im done and RE everything I made, then I sell all the left over mats. Most of the time I actually make decent amount of credits from doing this or at the very least its a break even... This game is so easy and even casual players can make a ton of credits, get full raid geared and full PvP geared out in a matter of weeks. Seeking compensation for such an easy MMO as compared to most is maybe a huge sign that says, "SWTOR is not the MMO for you)
  8. Thats RNG for you, and Im sure it is 25%, remember that opening up 10 bags in a row doesnt increase your chances, that everytime you open a bag you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting a token, just because you open 4 doesnt mean it is broken if you didnt get a comm in of those bags.... That being said, it was a mistake for them to make it an RNG grind, its never worked in the History of MMOs so why would it now... at least they admitted their mistake and took action, game is still young at least they didnt wait a year to change it... P.S. I feel your pain, I'm Valor Rank 62 and have 8 pieces... my brother on the other hand who is valor rank 64 has one piece and has openned alot more bags than I have, I would say at least 3 times more bags, its not fair and it sucks, hence why Ive stopped PvPing till 1.2 comes, it should have been a true progression from the start, they could have made getting tokens or even the armor itself cost a high amount of WZ comms or BM comms or whatever currency they wanted... at least then it gives you an achievable goal and lets you know exactly how much work you needed to put in and time to reach said goal from the begginning and it would not have blown up in their face nearly as much as it has...
  9. Not sure where you got your info from... on the PTR I have level 13-15 orange crit crafted armor with lvl 56 and 58 mods armoring and enhancements as well as level 49 augments
  10. Not true, while this maybe your personal preference and thats more than okay... There are lots of people including my GF who like the pink one.... and my sales of the Magenta Crystal even though its lower level has actually gone up as of late, even with the vendor selling the purple one on the fleet...
  11. Looks like you need to add the black-purple crystal and the black-orange crystal.... the latter seems like it would have a very Halloween type feel to it....
  12. If you didnt like the skill you maxed just go to another one, even this biochem you seem to be so jelly over... its not like its expensive to max out a crew skill anyway, I went artifice and synth just to make some stuff and went back to bio, it cost around 450k total.... and if I count what I sold that was left over from REing everything it was closer to breaking even
  13. /agree and just FYI, they will probably move this to the Suggestion Box forum
  14. You have a valid concern, but the penalty only deals with Ranked Warzones ONLY, and its only 15 minutes... So if you're dealing with Noobs not playin for objectives in Ranked Warzones then maybe waiting out the 15 minutes is a good thing so you dont have the danger of getting grouped with them again....
  15. You're not the only one on pins and needles... but like the previous posters said, the Devs did state wthey would give us some warnings and with the Big updates to the PTS last Thurs and Fri, I would suspect they need @ least a week to test it out....
  16. Thats been a bug since beta.... you can craft it still if you have all the ingredients, and everything will be just fine... Its confusing and a pain but what can you do
  17. I cant speak for everyone, but I think as a Force User, you let your skills do your talking and not your outfit..... In the History of Star Wars Universe, if it was a Sith or Jedi, they (for the most part) werent dressed in fancy clothes or over decorated outfits... Even Count Dooku or Emperor Palpatine wore simple black robes or black cloaks... I think when it comes to Force Users, you have to follow the old business rule of K.I.S.S..... keep it simple
  18. Simple Robes for Force Users would be great, looking back at the movies or books etc.... I play Sith chars and all Im looking for is black hooded robes, pure and simple... while some of the designs arent too bad, I really dont needed spikey shoulders or metal bikinis...
  19. Ilum was never "World PvP", it was just a bigger Warzone... and it was actually fun for awhile.... on Warriors of the Shadow there were times when we would have 50 vs 50 or more and granted sometimes it was unbalanced etc etc, and I see why they needed to stop that... But "World PvP" cant be staged it cant be set up, especially not on a PvP server, its random. While I hate using WoW as an example, but I use to love it when running thru the Wetlands and Bam running into 10+ Horde, or not being able to finish my quests because they were waiting for us. PvP servers are just that, or rather should be just that "World PvP" 24/7. If people dont want to get ganked or worry about balance blah blah blah...play on a non PvP server. I agree with the OP, lets bring back, or let me rephrase that, lets bring in some "World PvP"
  20. I would love to say you are incorrect, but it does look like we lost out on quite a few warzone commendations. Im just glad they decided to let us do it back at 1:1 rather than nothing at all
  21. Thankfully, I havent run into any of that or too little over the last few months to notice... But it does seem weird to be playing on a pvp server yet, I can count on one hand the times Ive run into the opposite faction other than in a warzone or the designated area on ilum. Oh well what can you do.... Thanks for the replys
  22. oops you're right sorry about that, trying using google.. "pvp commendations 1.2" if you find Duffy's write up on it, its best and most detailed discription of what they can purchase in the new update....
  23. In 1.2 you can use centurion, champion and battlemaster commendations to buy crafting materials, schematics and lock boxes, if you use the search feature you'll find a more detailed discription of what they are used for in the new update.
  24. You can use them to purchase new crafting materials and schematics etc... there are several posts about it already, if you use the search feature you'll find more detailed discriptions of what you can use them for in 1.2
  25. I picked a PVP server for the excitement that I thought it would bring, you know as you're leveling up the risk of getting ganked at any moment... I mean I miss the thought that I might not be able to finish my dailies because of getting camped, as I leveled I dont think I ever ran into the opposing faction and the only time that there was "open world pvp" use to be on Ilum in the designated area, but even that is gone now and looks like it wont be coming back anytime soon. I kinda went off on a tangent there but I guess my question is, is there even a difference between a pvp server vs a non pvp server?
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