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Everything posted by choboon

  1. Just a comment to nitpick. I have a 50 Commando, specced for Healing first, now Damage. As a healer they dont just do ok, they are hands down the best tank healer republic side. And the high cost you mention is only if you do not actually spec in the heal tree, as the cost goes from three ammunition to one for your main single heal if you do a proper rotation. Just for clarification )
  2. Its fun as hell. Every FP i healed was awesome. Normal and Hard. It is not clunky at all. You target, then you heal.
  3. Which is why i quit pvp with my healer and make an alt for pvp now. (Vanguard) Sad truth.
  4. I love my troopers. First one is 50, second one just 10, started today. The story i think fits for a Soldier class. I never considered the voice boring but i wont say it definately isnt as that is subjective. All i can say is he is a blast to play
  5. I am level 50, close to 30 valor rank and have done hard FP. I am thoroughly enjoying my time ingame. PVP sucks for the most part imho and should never give the quality equip it gives as fast. Nothing that cannot be balanced though. All in all i am having a blast and the issues i encounter is nothing i cant step around.
  6. No thanks, the game is easy enough as it is. Learn your class and communicate with your tanks/team. Yes please to the rest of your list.
  7. I got a 50 Commando, now i start a Vanguard. Totally different classes. I get different dialogues cause i played first light, now dark. Lots of quests i missed out on my first go. Dual Spec and changing AC is a bad idea. I think i explained my subjective viewpoint of this in an older post. Comes down to people just wanting everything asap, which creates a situation in which nothing has value any more. As such no emotional binds form, which leads to the constant wandering of players from one AAA title to the next. Always in search of a quick fix , which self evidently never satisifies because people do not seem to understand where satisfaction and community come from. Will stop rambling now.
  8. Even if 90% were accurate it would be 90% of a vocal forum posting minority. As in every game, most players never post. I totally agree some things need urgent fixing but OP is right, so much drama for so little real problems.
  9. M1-4X is my favourite as Commando Healer. Once equipped he is an awesome tank, he is funny and he looks cool Other then that, wish i could have that Jawa...so cute
  10. This... If Bosses hit enrage timer and kill the group you need more damage. Upgrade, change rotation, try again. Unless you dont want to really try things, you want a spread chart to tell you what is better so you dont "waste" time. Sorry, this is subjective, but for me that has nothing to do with gaming anymore.
  11. Didnt bother reading first post, pretty sure ist not worth it. Anyhow, Rift was fun for 50 levels, then you do some raids and realise that ALL you can do is farm stuff. All day long... You can twink another Mage, oh no, wait, you already have all Mage classes on ONE char. You could twink a warrior, except, its the same quests and grind all over again. I enjoy Swtor a lot more then i ever did Rift. I had lengthy vacations so i got a 50 and a 30 now and enjoyed them both all the way. Just starting to get into a lot of things and will be around for a while. Haters hate...
  12. I pay more for coffee every day. If you do not think that the game is worth 15 dollars a month, then why even bother caring about its future ? I happen to like p2p games. I think people should be payed for their effort and in the case of swtor i like the result. f2p is good for two kind of games. Games that would otherwise not attract enough attention or games that would otherwise have to close.
  13. All it takes is one google search. nuff said. While i dual and multi boxed a few MMOs for the heck of it, i dont think that swtor is the game for it. Have a second account in the background for crafting ? Yeah, i can see that. Not actual dualboxing though. Though thats just me.
  14. Hm, i enjoy the story greatly. I group for hours every day. Not real life friends but people i meet ingame. Enjoying pvp so far. No brackets can sometimes give a team an unfair advantage but it usually evens out. So i disagree with your personal and subjective opinion.
  15. I got 11 bindsm rest i use os rarely i mouse click as i dont need them in fight. Best bind i have is targets target on mousewheel up and last targetted friendly on mousewheel down. That way when i heal and want to add some damage i can flip mousewheel up then down again to drop a heal, up again to dps. Works great.
  16. Are you kidding me ? I love mortar The sound on Grav is really really bad though, agreed.
  17. I group quiet a lot, even for normal questing. For FPs it is a no brainer cause i am heal spec, soooo, people love me For normal questing i just grab whoever is around, invite them and tell them " You and me will do a few quests together now" If they are cool and we get along = onto the friendslist. If not, then, well, no biggie
  18. The droid that us Commandos get has a tow cable and the same problem. So know i just let him grab the big guys and aoe the small ones.... He is to awesome to not use but it would be nice if he actually stopped using it when you tell him to.
  19. Kangraxx was evil, fun to pickpocket him before the fight to get two rings though ... o0 As for the topic, some classes have it easier at certain points of their level curve i believe. Then there is personal skill and the fact that practically everybody that pvps will outlevel pve content and have an easier time. Personally i like the story missions to be challenging to get that heroic feel. Also good advice on the stims, agent also has a skill to interrupt and block skills for 4 seconds on a low cd.
  20. The difference is that with an lfg tool and cross server especially, there is no punishment. Without the tool and more personal interaction those people find themselves growing lonely.
  21. Actually yes. It does work better. Its like the old times, which in this case i believe were better. Now whenever i team up with people, if i like them they go into my little notebook i have and on my friendslist. I note down their spec and next time i need someone i check my friendslist. Usually one or two month into a game i get groups going in a matter of a few minutes. And i know all of them...
  22. I am a healer, have always been. As such i love DDs that actually know what the heck they are doing. But to be honest, all i care about is making it through the FP/Instance (add group content here) If i do, then why should i care if random guy x had a suboptimal performance by x% ? What i care about in the first place is having fun chatting during downtimes and making it through, meeting people in the process. And i am a highly competitive person, as such, after a while you will meet your own kind. They WILL perform well. And one of te biggest things for me is to work my way through content without tools holding my hand. By trial and error, by teamwork, by getting to know your toon etc. It is of course completely subjective but in the end my experience from 16 years online has been the following: If you give people the tools to be a ****head under the cover of inter anonimity, they will use them. Besides, what is the fun in reading performance from a tool ? I do that at work. Why do i do it ? To gain max perfomance with minimal workload. Not my idea of fun or for that matter, beeing a "pro", as many tool users like to call themselves. I could live with a self only tool whose output cannot be copy pasted. That way people testing rotations can do so and the jerks are not given tools.
  23. Mostly in major titles and only to a degree, the bad examples simply stick out more. Small MMOs tend to have a tighter community. Those also tend to be the games that dont give you everything in two weeks. Makes you think...
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