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Everything posted by zoranporan

  1. i had 400 artifice at around lvl 32 or something, and tbh i crafted maybe a total of 6 items that i actully used up to lvl 47, every other crystal, ench i got from buying them off commandation mods vendor on every planet i got to; cheaper at higher level, then spending 2k credits per mission, sending comp's out just to get random crap material. for me artifice was no good, tho i didn't really put much effort into it other the just maxing it out. yesterday i switched to biochem for the stimps and packs. and i dont regret it one sec, not only do you get 2 extra medals in wz's from using packs (medic and surgeon, 2.5k/5k singel heal), but you get a much better stat increase from a stim then you do with a new hilt, crystal, ench. some might argue that the relics you get from artifice at 50 are great (the artifact ones), imo they are not ! yes they do increase your crit/power/surge/ w/e for an amount of time, but they do not benifit to your stats. if im not totally mistaken (cba research right now) then you can get prototype relics form the dark/light vendors at lvl 50, that have +52 endurance on them, they are not unique so you can equip two of them, and get +104 endurance extra, and they come with an on use bonus. as for leveling biochem, heres a guide i found on the these forums wich is great for leveling up any cs. the amount of materials needed is actully less then the guide suggests since it does'nt include reverse engineering: The post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=5432 Google docs spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApFZQPDxUk6WdGpra1B6UzJXWUotX21iWk41YmlVbkE&hl=en_US#gid=0
  2. im not totally sure about the theorycrafting here, but should'nt your crits benefit from +power aswell as your normal hits? the way i see it, surge only gives higher crit dmg, and no benefit to normal, in that case, power would be a better stat to go for, if it increases both hit and crit ? inputs?
  3. Awesome vid !! Im so glad you did this, just to show ppl that you have to utilize the abilitys you get to your advantage, not QQ on the forums about how the class is **** (aka them not knowing how to play) Im running the same spec as you and have been since lvl 40. (cuz of your trailer actully) At lvl 40 when i got force crush and got my selv full lvl 40 pvp set i saw a whole new marauder world in wz, and im loving every minute of it ! More vids !! +1
  4. Try this out: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bZhRZGbRrdbRdGR.1 Im currently at 41, with this spec, going for the above one; http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100Z0zZG0RrdbRdGR.1 I am loving this spec for pvp, tho i still have some practice to do with my rotations and such, but in general i put out about 150k dmg and 6+ medals every match i do. Also, if your above lvl 40; you can get all the pvp items wich will as a mara give out about 13k hp buffed in bgs. Force choke after oliberate or force charge give me about 2-5k - 3.4k crits AOE, its soo much fun
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