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    Powder Springs, GA
  1. Why can't we just play the way we want to play, and you play how you would like to play? I'm starting to think the REAL social butterflies here are the ones that want a quicker LFG system so they can get in, get out, and get on with a REAL life, in the REAL world, and not be stuck spending extra time trying to be a better person in a FAKE world.
  2. You realize that you're one person.. and your experiences don't necessarily match the experiences of others. So telling us to "Go back to WoW" is just getting old and ignorant. Nobody KNOWS what they will or won't do.. but if you're someone who wants change, its probably a good idea to voice your opinion on a, i dunno, some kind of forum.
  3. It takes too long, and if everyone DID start using it.. for it to be quick and effective, people would have to be cold and to the point.. "You're LFG for such n such?" - "Yep" - Invite, complete dungeon, disband, repeat.
  4. I don't understand why we're forced to use one and only one tool for LFG... You alienate the busy gamers, the multi-taskers.. the people who just don't WANT to spend the extra time it takes forming a group the old fashioned way, just to have it fall apart before it even begins, burning all that time you spent.. "getting to know people". All it seems to be doing is pitting people against each other.. LFG vs No LFG. I don't know about you guys.. but the community already blows, and is divided.. at least in my experience playing Republic side. Why are companies hell bent on forcing gamers to make friends? Let it happen naturally for goodness sake.. All this face book and twitter integration (not that SWTOR has it, but its hitting games now) is making me sick. Allow players to CHOOSE how they want to play.. if they want add ons, give them the option.. LFG tool, give them the option.. You know we can talk and make friendly once we're IN the Flashpoint/Operation.. communication is key to be successful inside
  5. I think you're confusing "hard" with "extremely time consuming"
  6. Nope, already cancelled. New games being released now don't get the benefit of the doubt BECAUSE others have already been out so long, you already have the model in front of you to work off of. My reasons for cancellation: No LFG system. Galactic Trade Network is the biggest piece of **** i've ever seen. No PvP brackets. Pre endgame gear is once again filled with duplicate models with a different color All of the above, which seems to be what most complain about, are at the bottom of the priority list of "fixes" Also the game just gets boring pretty fast when you log on in the mood for MMO, and get single-player RPG. World feels kinda small, planet to planet, pretty much on a set path.. and forget about it if you're playing Republic, population is so unbalanced is silly.. which is another reason we not only need LFG queues.. but cross server as well.
  7. I didn't rush to 50.. i've got a level 30 and two level 20's... and it's still boring as hell, and hard to find groups past your mid 20's. Do I camp the fleet for hours hoping to get a group? Oh wait... I'm DPS, make that days. Not to mention if you're playing republic without a guild, you're just screwed.. Not having a LFG tool is retarded. Quit trying to FORCE us to be social.. if we were social people, we wouldn't be giving our money to you, idiots.
  8. Cancelled my subscription after they stated basically everything the players wanted, was not a priority over this minor **** half the players never even experience. Consider your queue's lowered, you're welcome.
  9. /bump very good idea, grace period after disconnect please.
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