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Posts posted by RenegadeArcher

  1. I have 3 level 50 characters. A Sentinel, a gunslinger and a commando. I can tell you that it's far more work for a Sentinel in any hardmode or operation than my other two characters. Additionally, the ranged can dps with far greater ease and with less movement and in the end do significantly more than my superiorly geared Sentinel even can.


    Melee dps definately got shafted.

  2. I've got a 50 Sentinel geared in Rakata and Columi gear, and it feels like he is dpsing with plastic butter knives. DPS, survivability, lack of utility, and the clunky/bloated mechanics are absolutely abyssmal at best. This of course is in addition to the ability delay and stuttering issues that persist, even after the most recent patch that supposedly fixed that. Anyone putting operations together that i've seen avoids bringing sentinel or guardian dps to operations because of this. Ranged are preferred above all else. Why bring an inferior class with serious issues to an operation? We are more of a liability to the raid than we are an asset. We are only taken only as a last resort. It's sad, but so true.
  3. I agree that we do need more travel options to expedite things. I'm all for a reduction in load screens. They do seem to be overly excessive. I spend more time on load screens than it takes to get to my destination the majority of the time.


    We should have the option to land on the planet or dock in the orbital station.


    However, i disgree that the stations should be removed. Instead, they should be turned into additional quest hubs for space battles or addional system quests, social hotspots, traders markets etc. Anything to provide use and vaule to them instead of just being a time sink. I see a lot of potential in what they could be used for.

  4. Hey i have a well geared 50 Sentinel and he dps's like he's using plastic butter knives. It's pathetic. Other classes burn stuff down significantly faster than i can with far less work. To say that this class has some serious quality of life issues, survivability issues, and dps issues is an understatement.
  5. Please do. The limit of 50 is simply inadequate and unacceptable.


    In other MMORPGS I would have thousands of auctions posted at once. Yes, I really did. And I made a fortune in game doing it to.


    If crafting is to be of any value, you need to be able to sell your wares.

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