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Posts posted by Reducio

  1. *************** It’s Not A Trap *******************


    Greetings all fellow SWTOR fans!



    Guild: It’s Not A Trap

    Website: The It's Not A Trap Army

    Server: The Shadow lands PVE

    Recruiting: 8 MAN Casual

    Raid Days : SUNDAY

    Raid Times: TBA

    Open spots for new raid teams: Please See Below



    • 1 - MT OPEN (Vanguard/Guardian/Shadow)
      1 - OT OPEN (Vanguard/Guardian/Shadow)
      1 - AE heals - OPEN(Sage)
      1 - Target Heals - OPEN (Commando/Scoundrel)
      1 - MDPS - OPEN (MDPS)
      1 - RDPS - OPEN (RDPS)
      1 - RDPS - OPEN (RDPS)
      1 - RDPS - OPEN (RDPS)





    Who are we?


    We are an evening PvE progression guild at the forefront of SWTOR PvE raiding. Our members mainly fall into the mature category, being around the 25 - 50 age groups. Our guild was founded shortly after launch from the ashes of a Pre-Launch guild. We are focused on continual growth and moving forward in progression.


    What are we looking for?


    We welcome all over 18 year strong PVE focus players who meet our current Progression or social needs. Our current recruitment focus is to build a second HM/NiM progression group within the guild. Are you ready for the challenge of NiM content?


    What are we looking to accomplish?


    We have recently re-structured our guild and are committed to foster a community of players that enjoy the social aspects of the game and welcome an ELDER GAME PvE challenge. We believe the game is the most fun when our guild fosters in game friendships and executes guild goals.


    Member Benefits:



    • Guild Website updated daily with global gaming, guild and news
    • Guild Website based incentives and contests.
    • Member Crafting. Fellow guild members pay cost of mats or are gifted certain raid materials items on case to case basis.
    • HM/NiM Progression. Scheduled raids with set groups and advanced sign ups on website
    • Knowledgeable Operations Leadership/Officers and mentoring
    • Two Tab Guild Bank: One on both Republic and Sith side in our sister/ALT guild
    • Dedicated Ventrilo voice-chat server
    • Guild Buffs: 10% increase to overall experience gain.


    Becoming a Member of the Trap Army:


    If you are interested in learning more about our guild or jumping headlong into joining, please register on our guild website Join the Trap Army (also registering your main in-game character in your profile). An officer will look over your application and invite you into a conversation or directly into guild within 48 hours. All new members will be given a temporary rank of recruit for two weeks before becoming a full member.

  2. Have 5 really good pub players looking to transfer to east coast server. Looking for guild that has room and is ready to raid. trying to find home that fits. All adult hard core raiders with a lot of experience. 7 server time start time would be ideal or something close to that. The players we will bring over can vary tanks and heals if needed or dps if needed.


    Hello and good day !!


    Our guild is first and fore most not a trap. We are looking for mature players focused on PVE progression and look to start a second core 8man progression ops group with the intention of hosting weekly combined 16man progression.


    If this peeks your intrest please click on the jump to our website in my signature.


    Best wishes in your ongoing search!!!

  3. Well then I guess I should tell you all that I'm transferring TO this server! I've been playing on a server where even as a tank I couldn't get into operations cause no one played them and it was ALL about PVP.


    Depending on how things pan out with my friend and his guild, I may be looking for a guild. Anyone looking for a tank to do some end gaming?


    So I have to ask why are so many people leaving? How's PVP on this server? Do people run operations? Any good end gaming guilds?


    Can't wait to see how this community is.



    Welcome to the server!!

    As others have said the PVE is strong with our server!

    Good luck with guild shopping and check out our PVE guild if your on the republic side!

  4. On a differnt note what are the chances that the devs that said no macros were part of the lot that are now unemployed due to lack of player base?


    Furthermore, im going to follow this thread just to see if we can get a dev responce. It would really be nice too see more stuff in game we as paying consumers want.....

  5. We are going to go from 3 Ops and multiple FPs to 1 Op and probably a couple of FPs at end-game just because they wanted to add a couple more days worth of pointless leveling. All that will happen is more people will leave the game once they realize they have to grind all their gear etc from scratch again.


    I have to agree that this is a little bit disturbing. Honestly i hope the new op gives us more then a handfull of bosses to tackle. Especially given that it will render the former ops obsolete.

  6. Hey BW,


    As a sudgestion for future ops and tiers of gear, why not create one large ops too cover multiple tiers of gear? You could then release bosses and tiers of gear in stages. You could also add a server progression element to this for PvE competition. This competition/event could determine the release of the new `wing` of the ops and subsequently the new tier of gear. Furthermore if other servers are progressing through the ops/`wings` faster then other servers you could add a party wide buff or boss wide debuff to the ops on those servers on a pre determined time schedule.


    Finally this massive multi story/multi tier op might be best served with multiple bosses {i.e. more then four} and could give a true sense of progression while down tuneing the gear stats curve between tiers of gear. On a personal note, i would also throw in having a boss in one of the tiers drop an augment/relic with a resist statistics required for a later boss mechanic.


    Any one else have any thoughts on this? This is a post out loud with a thought to try and break the one raid/ops per patch/update mold. Thanks in advance for constructive thoughts!

  7. Your right!


    There are many issues with this game. The customer support is among the worst ive ever seen. And BW seems to ignore the community and continue to keep there blindfold on. This might be slightly due to us as a community tolerating there lack of ability and responce.


    So what do we do?


    My opinion would be first and foremost give them time to correct the issues and be patiant. However that does not mean being infinatley tolerant. If you want to make a statmemt to the company do it were it counts, the bottom line. In a sence we the community are like share holders of the games buisness. We pay there monthly salary for them to give us results. Now if they fail to produce said results we should simply not pay them..


    What does this all mean?


    I say we the community give BW/EA an ultimatum. Either they fix the communities high priority issues by say 3/1/12 (example) or we will simply boy cott/turn off our subs to your game! Now tell me you cant fix pvp/ability delays or add mods... Either that or continue to troll the forums complaining and throwing your two cents (okey 15/month) at the company!


    (apologies for speeling this tablet hates me!)



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