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Posts posted by Reducio

  1. Hello All,


    I am coming back to the galaxy of SWTOR and I am looking for a new guild. I haven't played since vanilla and would be looking for a group of people who are willing and able to get me up to speed on the important changes while I level up my toons.


    Let me know if you are interested in helping out,




    Hello Friend,


    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR forums Link


    Guild Website



  2. Hello All,


    I am coming back to the galaxy of SWTOR and I am looking for a new guild. I haven't played since vanilla and would be looking for a group of people who are willing and able to get me up to speed on the important changes while I level up my toons.


    Let me know if you are interested in helping out,




    FRIENDS !!


    Our community is looking for more mature and PVE focused players!

    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR forums Link

    Guild Website



  3. We have an army of traps!


    But seriously it is a fun guild, we do a little bit of everything. I'm the relations guy in the guild so if you have any questions about what we do or some of the fun events we set up just let me know.


    The ARMY is looking for you !

    Join us today people !!!!!!!

  4. I am new to SWtOR heals but have 6+ years healing in wow so I'm not new to the job!! Being burned out from wow I've decided to jump into SWtOR and absolutely love it and plan to hang out for the long run.


    I'm really hoping to find a casual Ops team that runs 1 night or day, a week. Thinking a team that runs SM/Hard is the way to start off. My character is Megancode and has gear ranging from 208/216/220!! So if you don't mind taking me under your wing I know with time and experience I'll be a solid healer for your team.


    Best way of reaching me is via my email at healingspec@gmail.com or Twitter @ffpmmarc


    Mega 👍




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  5. I am a returning player and have play all expansions. I'm looking for an active guild to play the new knights of the fallen empire content with and catch me up to speed on anything i missed. I mainly play PvE but not opposed to PvP. Guild size doesn't really matter. I main a Sith sorc 65 but may branch out to bounty hunter. Thanks for viewing!




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  6. Im new to pub side but not SWTOR

    I have 6 x lvl 60 toons plus a several others on Imp side

    Just made a Sage and im around lvl 35

    looking for a Guild to roll Ops or WZ's with

    PM me on here




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  7. Hey, thanks for stopping by.



    So as the title suggests I am a returning player. Last time I played was Rise of the Hutt Cartel (level 55 cap, right?). Anyway I play on Empire and I have three level 55's; Sith Juggernaut, Powertech Bountyhunter, and Marksmanship Sniper. I focus primarily on PvE, and in most MMO's as you can tell, I tend to be a tank. I'm good at tanking and most of my friends think it's my "calling" haha. But I'm good dps too, I freaking love my sniper. I'm 25 so I'm not some immature kid who's going to cause drama. Been playing MMO's for like 12 years, have experience in WoW (on and off since vanilla, but played every expansion while it was current content), LOTRO, and of course SWTOR. Lots of experience raiding, am decent at PvP but it's not my favorite.



    I'd like to find a guild that has fun people who like to joke around, yet still do operations and progress through content. Obviously I have some leveling and catching up to do, and it would be great if I could find a guild to give me some guidance along the way, and then start doing Ops with at level cap. I'll level pretty fast as I generally have a lot of time to play.



    Due to the nature of my job, availability is pretty chaotic. As I mentioned, typically I have a lot of time to play, but usually on my own schedule. Therefore I can level and do solo content pretty quickly. But as far as committing to a time to do Operations, ideally I can do any night of the week from 10pm Eastern onward. My ideal operation time would be 10pm - 1am. I can probably do earlier pretty reliably but it may be a problem occasionally. And I can play later than 1am as well, but I might start getting grumpy (I'm an old man inside).


    So if you have any questions, feel free to ask here of PM me. And if you're interested, or know a guild that could be a good fit, get at me!






    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  8. I'm looking to join a guild preferably a smaller group (15-25) just a casual guild nothing hardcore and preferably not elitist. I'm relatively new to it but have subbed only just today. Please respond fairly keen to join a guild and play with others




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  9. I played over a year ago. My highest character is a 55 Shadow. I have done extremely little endgame content, although I do enjoy PVP.


    I'm looking for a guild that will help me re-learn the game, as well as have mature and laid-back socializing. I'm in my early 40s and don't have any desire to be "the best" nor do I have the time -- I'm just looking to have some fun and pass the time.






    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post: SWTOR Forums Recruiting Post


    Guild Website{s}: IT'S NOT A TRAP

  10. Hello all. I am looking for a long term guild to raid and enjoy the game with. ATM I am a end game raider in warcraft but on the side ive been working on my toon in swtor. I've raided everything here in swtor up til the Shadows ofrevan content. I would like a guild that starts their raids around 9cst - 10est-7pst. End time isnt that important for me. With a family early starts are kinda out.


    I do have a free 60 waiting to use so if a public guild can meet those times i could porbably insta 60 a sage and work it out quickly. Ill check here every few hours to get names and contact you in game.


    Thanks for taking the time to read.




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post:


    Guild Website{s}: Enjin Guild Website | @TRAPARMY

  11. Former high-end WoW raider and PvPer looking for a guild to level with and learn the intricacies of the game with in preparation for high end PvE and PvE in SWTOR. Currently playing Sith Marauder dps:rak_02:




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post:


    Guild Website{s}: Enjin Guild Website | @TRAPARMY

  12. I have looked for a thread like this that had been answered, but could not find one.


    So, I just started playing again for the first time since 2012, and I gatta say, this game has really impressed me with what its become. I'm playing on Shadowlands; does anyone recommend a guild that looks for adult members who are on a casual to semi-serious basis with this game? I want people to chill with and do flashpoints with, mainly, as well as hopefully PvE once I get a toon to lvl 60.


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have for guilds or any other topics! Hopefully this acts as a helper for not only myself, but for other new/returning players, as well!


    Character name for the time being is 'Vinsent'




    Please see our Recruiting thread on the SWTOR forum site and/or our guild website. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or Jump on the site if and feel out an app if you would like to find out why it is NOT a trap!


    SWTOR Forums Post:


    Guild Website{s}: Enjin Guild Website | @TRAPARMY

  13. Guild: | TRAPARMY |

    Website: http://traparmy.enjin.com/home

    Guild Time Zone : Eastern Standard Time

    Server: The Shadow lands PVE

    Recruiting Status: OPEN




    Who are we?


    We are an evening PvE Guild made up of friends that enjoy gaming together. Our members mainly fall into the mature category, being around the 25 - 50 age groups. Our guild members have been playing together for years spanning across multiple platforms. We are focused on continual growth and progression through all stages of SWTOR content.


    What are we looking for?


    We welcome all over 18 year strong PVE focus players who meet our current Progression or social needs. Our current recruitment focus is to look to build a core HM progression raid team for new patch PVE content and to bring on board casual persons looking for a drama free home with multi game roots.


    What are we looking to accomplish?


    We are looking to continue our deep tradition of sustained growth in multiple games. We would like to bring in persons who can contribute to our community as a whole. We believe the game is the most fun when our guild fosters in game friendships and executes guild goals.


    Member Benefits:


    • Guild Website updated daily with global gaming, guild and news
    • Guild Website based incentives and contests.
    • Member Crafting. Fellow guild members pay cost of mats or are gifted certain raid materials items on case to case basis.
    • EndGame Progression. Scheduled raids with set groups and advanced sign ups on website
    • Knowledgeable Operations Leadership/Officers and mentoring
    • Guild Bank: Access Granted for all members from casual to the hardcore
    • Dedicated Ventrilo voice-chat server
    • Guild Buffs: 10% increase to overall experience gain.


    Becoming a Member of the Trap Army:


    If you are interested in learning more about our guild or jumping headlong into joining, please register on our guild website http://traparmy.enjin.com/home. An officer will look over your application and invite you into a conversation or directly into guild within 48 hours. All new members will be given a temporary rank of recruit for two weeks before becoming a full member.

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