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  1. To Bioware/EA/Whomever it may concern: Is there any way to fix this without causing worse problems or are we forced to just sit and wait for over an hour and a half every time we feel like playing? Sincerely, Valorean
  2. I logged in at around 10:49am to have my Server: The Swiftsure tell me there was an estimated 1 hour 10 minute queue and around the 1 hour and a half mark I began to browse the internet because I had finished doing other things around the house. When I alt-tabbed back into the game to check the status I had been removed from the queue and was forced to restart and only this time the queue had been increased to less than 1 hour 45 minutes and I was 1300 in the queue. There must be a remedy for this situation. I do not have 2 hours to leave my computer running with nothing to do but wait in the queue screen so I don't get removed from it for not watching the screen. So far it has been over 3 hours since I first began trying to login and I'm still at ~250 in the queue........ Please do something to relieve this situation. Thank you
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