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Everything posted by Fallensouls

  1. They had to sell it or go bankrupt so yea that's what the papers said or better yet in the stock trade it was said they almost went under, point is they failed as a gaming company.
  2. because letting players select their companions level would be a waste of Devs time. They could have just deselected the OP skills to make it more challenging like I did, instead of complaining on the forums. Guess that was too smart huh? Or even better solo them without their companion and make it into a hard mode that way. I think if they turned off the hack they use, the game would be way more challenging for them.
  3. I think the servers are ok for now , everyone in my guilds are waiting to see what bioware does in the next few days about companions, before anyone does anything drastic.
  4. buy modable gear on the GTN. every 5 levels update your mods. easier to lvl that way and keep your gear current to your lvl.
  5. I actually think its hilarious people in green armor are doing Warzones. That's what you guys wanted more players in PVP. Don't see why you are complaining?" So what you lose 12 matches in a row. The new pvpers are going to mess up the ranking so much LOL. There is a old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it"
  6. Agree with the OP companions were totally fine if they had issue with them being op turn off skills. Guess clicking a button was too smart for them huh?
  7. Since you added surge to Critical, I thought you should have added alacrity to it as well. Also shield and absorb should be rolled into defense because, tanks are the only ones that use those anyways. Those extra stats would make the mods easier for new players and really it would be close to what was in beta. Less mods to sort through since that's the way your leaning anyways.
  8. You know what several people have touched on the really simple thing that could have been done. If your companion was too OP for you deselect some of their skills. The majority of players were happy with the new expansion except for the annoying bugs, till you had to screw it up Bioware. You guys had it perfect people were happy except a few and you had to go pull a SOE out of your backside. Yea we all know where SOE is in the gaming world. Bankrupt because they thoroughly ticked off so many millions of players that it caught up with them. My suggestion, ignore the PVP'ers they don't use companions anyways. Return them to almost the same stats before you totally run off the majority of great players you got back. You guys got a short time to do this stop stalling or this game is lost. Maybe not today or tomorrow but year from now could happen ive seen it happen.
  9. LOL you never played Final fantasy or the best pvp game of all time Lineage 2 then , those were grind fests this game is nothing. Try archage if you really want to see a grind Asians seem to love to make those type of games.
  10. Treek is no longer the tank, best healer we purchased for 2100 cartel coins. You need to either fix her or refund our coins. Also for us having to put up with her not being the item we purchased you need to give us some thing for our troubles. I think a Gold armor set would be fair. You made promises to get us to buy her and, you once again let us down, so make this right.
  11. If you want to weaken the companions that's fine but put my character back up to power before the nerfs that took place before revan then. Because the whole expansion has gone to crap. You guys love to nerf but dont really consider the effects. Right now this whole thing is a joke, you should know better than to listen to the minority of players who cry on here constantly about the game is so boring and too easy. Half those guys use hacks which you dont bother to catch.
  12. I disagree the companions are fine you guys need to shut up and just play. Bioware did a great job on all of this. And I for one would like to say thank you for the great expansion.
  13. You guys at Bioware put in allot of hard work, its obvious in the quality of this expansion. I have to say the Story , the companion changes everything has been awesome!! You guys did a great job I really appreciate it. I wouldn't change a thing. Don't listen to all the crying and complaining about level sync and companions you guys did a great job and its all fun. Just bring back our favorite female companions and Id give you a 10 out of 10 on this. Thanks again for all your hard work.
  14. Death Troopers was a Star Wars novel that the Empire experimented with a super soldier serum and the Troopers became Zombies. Tired of the Rakgouls want some thing new. Thought this might be another option, with pretty much the same mechanics.
  15. Yes they are making the same mistakes Sony Online Entertainment did with the NGE to make it easier for players. And we all know what happened to Sony Online Entertainment, which I was hoping this road was one Bioware would not go down. I like this game I liked it from the moment I started in beta, but making major changes to game play is not always the right move especially if your player base wasn't asking for them, and is not fond of the changes being made. That in the end will not make the shareholders happy if your player base decreases like it did in the first year. But you know as well as I do they will not listen and this decision has already been made.
  16. I totally agree, If the requests are high then maybe eventually Bioware will pay attention to their players wants. Of course allot of times this is after the fact like Mass Effect 3's ending, but still the more outcry for something there is the more they need to pay attention to it if they want to keep players that is.
  17. Then that is actually a good thing because if the demand isn't high they will never do it.
  18. There already is a cross guard lightsaber in the game LOL
  19. EricMusco Nico Okarr | 09.17.2015, 04:32 PM Hey folks, As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him. This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him. Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ). -eric Hopefully this clears up your questions about NIcco, and according to this you will get a token for him in the mail so hopefully lower lvl toons will be able to have him.
  20. If they do OPs, PVP, or FP along the way it will yes. Allot better than handing some one a lvl 60 and they try to do any of the group stuff with the wrong gear , or not knowing their role in groups. What about new players needing help along the way in the lower lvl planets? Without the more experienced players to help them how many would have quit the game in frustration? There is allot of reasons selling lvl 60 characters is a bad idea. It will eventually lead to fewer players, because if you don't level a character you don't have as much emotional value in them.
  21. LOL ^ I agree this seems to be typical in most MMo's
  22. Yea I was there for the ill fated open world PVP at the beginning and in beta. No Ops players are better because of team work and bosses hit allot harder than players do. and just because you can kill lower lvl players than you doesnt make you good at anything. I also said I pvp as well when Im not bored to tears waiting for the PVP instance to get enough people to key up. Ive seen so many so called pvpers say they are good and get on the forums complaining about a particular class and those players are anything but good at PVP. But the classes continue to get nerfed for so called balance which in PVP NEVER happens, mainly because of exploits or outside programs, or players dont really want balance they want that flavor of the month class.
  23. Actually you are dead wrong, in all the latest MMO's that are in development they are trying to do some thing new that doesn't copy the easy mode games like WoW. Guess you don't read many gamer magazines.
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