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Everything posted by illgot

  1. I would love this option but it should easily cost 10 times the price of a single dye. 250 CC dye = 2,500 CC. 1500 CC B/B dye = 15,000 CC Will Bioware do this, I doubt it.
  2. no I must have misread something in gen chat. People were talking about 7.2 bringing back 8v8 ranked. Getting rid of ranked completely is bad.
  3. oh well that's crap. I thought I read that they were just opening up ranked PvP for 4v4 and 8v8 like the earlier days.
  4. logic. One bad player throwing a tantrum in a 4v4 and /stucking before the game starts or refusing to play has a greater effect on the outcome than one person in a 8v8. Mathmatically. 1/4th is greater than 1/8th. This is based on what I read that 8v8 are coming back in ranked.
  5. there are good players who are willing to help but there are a lot of children looking to blame everything on their group and will /stuck the moment they don't like something THEN blame their team mates for the loss. Very few people are the prior and more people are like the latter. With 8vs8 this will at least thin out all the children because one person being a child in a team of eight is going to have less of an impact than one person in a team of four. The "oh well there is no toxicity unless you deserve it" is complete bull. Sorry but they paid their subscription, being toxic because they are new isn't deserved. Poorly geared, poorly skilled, or flat out lost players do not deserve to be abused because you think their subscription means less than yours. If you are toxic to anyone for any reason, you are the reason all these "unfounded toxicity stories" exist.
  6. and most of the credit sinks I can think of Bioware coming up with I can see them also adding a CC option to generate more revenue.
  7. I doubt we will ever see Bioware do something that has a negative impact on their CC sales.
  8. I would love for Bioware to rework all these old sets and put them back into the Cartel Market. Take the mods out, maybe "reforge" them, let people unlock them in collections.
  9. Or different items have different crit potentials. A part may have the potential of a 50% crit. Finished product may have the potential of 20-30%
  10. that wouldn't shock me. I'm pretty sure Bioware doesn't even know that about 20 items never rotate back on their CM or drop in hypercrates, three CM weapons don't even have weapon tuning slots, and a few items are listed in Collections but seem to have never been made available.
  11. why is he bringing up 8vs8 ranked that no longer exists as a reason why guard/delay tactics in unranked isn't feasible? Even if those tactics never worked in 8vs8 ranked (and they did) it wouldn't apply to unranked where teams sometimes leaving nodes completely unguarded or you have one person guarding standing on top of the node waiting to be CC/break/CC'd a second time. I agree with you, back in ranked 8vs8 games at least half the team understood how to play. Now in unranked we are lucky to have one or two other people that understand more than attacking anyone that moves.
  12. Someone stated that EU laws may require items on sale to be at full price for a certain time period to stop retailers from making an item look like it is discounted when it really isn't. I'm not sure if this would apply to a cash shop in a video game. The devs may also be testing out sales at non sale price points.
  13. I see that all the time still, especially this week because of te galactic season goal of 8 unranked pvp matches. You really think the majority of players in unranked know what they are doing? I've wasted time looking for a stealth guarding an objective multiple times this week to only find out the enemy team left no guards behind. Finding a single guard my Assassin with Two Cloaks can stun and steal an objective from wasn't hard.
  14. deconstruct for tech frags/jawa junk. I've been maxed out on all upgrade tokens for months because I have had 330 purple gear since 7.0. For me there is no point in doing anything in game because the only way to upgrade my gear is R4.
  15. This is a difference in play style and ideology. You don't believe that one stealthed player can play an objective faster than a player who jumps at the first enemy they see. This is proven wrong in almost every game where a stealther steals a pylon, plants a bomb, or delays capture long enough for more back up to arrive. You apparently have never seen a stealth player do any of these things? Any situation in which a stealth player steals the objective or delays capture is ignored because it doesn't fit your idea of... No one is telling you how to play, just that you are wrong about a single stealthed player in unranked can make more of a different than an aggressive player that jumps at everything they see.
  16. oh yeah, you need to have thrusters option to get between locations. I play a lot of hit and run builds but when I'm on a slower ship I self destruct to travel between A and C. Sometimes I get lucky and a smart bomber has dropped a hypergate closer to the attacking location. I wish more people understood that self destructing on satellites can be a huge advantage when attacking multiple locations. I don't care about my stats though
  17. yes please. If they are permanent just build them into the stats table. No need for them to be visible buffs taking up valuable screen space (with a small chance of us deactivating them). I would love a check option to turn the class buffs off in Options but by default they should remain on for returning players.
  18. it would be nice if venders would have an outline while not in direct view and clicking the vender takes priority over clicking a player. This would be a QOL change that we'll never see. I have never had issues myself because go first person or if the mount is large enough walk up to the NPC and view them while "inside" the mounted player.
  19. that's incorrect. Scenario that pissed off the last person I was teamed with. We were guarding the door on Voidstar. We were both stealth. I am sitting by the door guarding and 2 enemies run up. He immediately engages in combat and doesn't bother CCing either enemy (it was the start of the match so the enemy was not in combat). He then proceeds to chase both the enemies around the pillars and they started leading him away breaking LOS with the door. At that same time he was focused on the two enemies leading him around the pillars, a stealth popped up near the door I was guarding and started to plant. I CC'd the stealth trying to plant the bomb, they broke the CC, restealthed. I stayed stealthed near the door waiting for more attackers. Mean while, the operative I that was guarding the door starts getting pissed because I'm not fighting the two people that he is chasing around Voidstar. He either dies or vanishes, then says "I'm not guarding the door with <illgot> because they aren't doing anything" and proceeds to mouth off the rest of the match. This is the second round. During the first round, while we were attacking. I got very lucky with a good combination of my team distracting the enemy and the enemy chasing my team mates away from the objective. During the first round someone else planted the first bomb but I opened the first bridge, I planted the bomb on the second door, I opened the first shield in the last room, I planted the third bomb, and I activated the computer at the end because I stayed stealth and avoided combat while my team kept the enemy stalled. If you are not actively working the objective and chasing people around, I'll let you die and stick around and guard/attack the objective. Thinking you are more important than the objective tells us how important you think you are. The only exception I make breaking LOS with the objective is with the Hypergate since deaths = points. But then again I'm playing the objective of earning points for the team or stopping the enemy from earning points by helping my team mates to get away and heal. But I'm never going to leave the pylon completely unguarded to chase down a kill.
  20. Depends on your server. I moved to Star Forge and it pops up frequently almost any time of the day. I've noticed a few other pilots from Satele Shan as well. Satele Shan is basically dead. During prime time during the weekends we are lucky to fill 1 instance of fleet up. Most of the times I check between 6-8 PM EST I see less than 120 people on fleet and it quickly plummets outside of the prime time hours. I sat in queue today for 40 minutes at around 5 PM EST and no GSF. And this was not the bug mentioned earlier in the thread as it was my first attempt to play GSF today.
  21. I ran into this when using my companion as a group healer. She would randomly stop healing and just stand there. I had to bind "Attack" to a hotkey and click it in combat to reactivate the companion.
  22. The Quell and Rycer with the Speed Thruster have no issues getting between A and C. For anything that does have issues I self destruct and respawn then travel to other side of the map. Even if you get caught with a 10 second respawn timer that is less time traveling than running out of engine power and slowly regenerating especially if you have to cross an opposition occupied B. I rarely play the Imperium because it is more of a support ship and lacks the Speed Thruster option. and back on topic, you don't need B to win. If your team can defend A and C they can win. If they abandon A or C because "you always need satellite B to win" your team is wrong. Satellite B offers an advantage backing up A or B but that is not the most important factor in Satellites. Playing smart and defending the two satellites your team owns does more to help win the game than panicking and refusing to defend a satellite because you don't own B. Lets say your team abandons A or C to try and take B. Three primary scenario's can take place. 1) Best case scenario is you take all three satellites. If any team managers to take all three satellites, that team is probably far superior to the opposition and would have easily won with A and C only. 2) you take B and lose the satellite you abandon. Now you have the same number of satellites with the advantage of going between two satellites faster. But now the enemy team is going to try and focus on B because that's what players do, they tend to focus on mid over anything else. 3) you fail to take B and lose the satellite you abandon. Now your team has lost the advantage of owning two satellites and given the enemy team the advantage of going between satellites faster. The team that owns B and a second satellite has an advantage of traveling between satellites, but it is 100% incorrect to think that the only way to win satellites is to own B.
  23. the AFK tag in GSF needs to be updated. I have seen support bombers get kicked out of games even though they are providing a hypergate or repairs/missiles to players. They aren't being attacked or directly attacking because they aren't in combat but are playing an important support role. in a TDM a single suicider can almost guarantees you will lose the game. Even if they are only suiciding when they get the AFK tag, that's about 5-6 dealths per match. I have seen people go a straight 15 suicides, zero kills, zero assists, zero damage, zero medals, zero defender points.
  24. I will look into that one. I was using Man with a Steal Voice on Hutta but that is only available once per week.
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