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Everything posted by illgot

  1. as much as we are all irritated they didn't change anything from 7.0 PTS, they are short staffed. Hopefully they realize this game needs credit sinks. The GTN on many servers is reaching a point where items at 2000 CC are rarely found on the GTN. By the end of summer maybe items less than 1500. End of the year, maybe 1000 CC will be the new GTN limit due to the 1 billion credit cap. Imagine how CM sales will be negatively impacted if anything 1000 CC or over won't be found on the GTN due to the 1 billion credit cap. That's going to full stop a lot of regular CM shoppers from buying CM items to convert to in game credits because they won't want to stand on fleet all day trying to sell something instead of playing the game. Bioware will either fix the economy or let it crash. If the economy crashes it will directly impact their CM sales.
  2. people during the 7.0 PTS pointed out that the price of the Command Crate armor should have been a credit sink. We were losing amplifiers, an amazing credit sink, items on the GTN were quickly surpassing the 1 billion credit mark so they were direct trade only which bypassed the 8% GTN tax. We needed credit sinks but Bioware went ahead with using this as a tech frag sink? There is an 11k tech frag limit, why do we need a tech frag sink? Meanwhile there are people running around with billions and now you can't even find popular items on the GTN because even 2,000 CC Master Datacrons are around 2 billion credits thanks to inflation. Get rid of the tech frag cost completely, people are buying OEMs/RPMs/Legendary Embers. Add the Command Crate items to Collections, set the vender to charge 5-10 million credits per piece.
  3. ran into 3 scammers in the last 24 hours trying to pull the Hypercrate to Cartel pack scam. The old hypercrate icon looked like a pallet of packs which was a unique icon you could not mistake for a single pack (which used to look like a bag of chips )
  4. I had similar issues with my logitech mouse. I read that altering your in game options for Camera speed fixed this and I don't seem to have the same issues. I set my Camera speed in game to max, saved it, then reset it to where I wanted it and saved it again.
  5. Hopefully a devs will come on and let us know if mailed Galactic Season items will auto delete in 30 days.
  6. I'm shocked people didn't stock up on Rep Tokens each week. You can still use the rep tokens and gain rep, I just don't think you can turn any syndicate plans in anymore.
  7. all non claimed GS rewards will be mailed to the first character that logs in after the reset. This can be useful if you want to store items on a character rarely used if you exceed the Galactic Season token limit. You can open the mail and take out individual items I believe so no worries if you want to withdraw specific items and leave other items in the mail for permanent storage. Just make sure not to delete the character with items in the mail or server transfer the character with items in the mail.
  8. We also have the issue of price discovery. No one knows what to charge for items over 1 billion credits so people flat out over charge. There is no visible competition so prices are usually higher than they would be if there was competition on the GTN. Yes, you are all paying more credits than you should because there is no competition to sell items worth over 1 billion credits (a lot of competition to buy, none to sell). So many people are worried about prices going up if the GTN cap was above 1 billion. Yes, some items will immediately increase. All those items that have been around 1 billion for months, they will increase, but many more will decrease because there will be price discovery and visible competition on the GTN. I wonder how much this is impacting Bioware financially. People who buy items to immediately resell on the GTN have less reason and a more restrictive choice of items to buy because they have to stay under the 1 billion cap or stand around on fleet trying to sell their items manually.
  9. I want to toss the Incinerator Tuning on an axe or a Lightning Tuning on the CorSec Baton.
  10. currently 2000 CC seems to the be limit on a lot of items showing up on the GTN. Last December you could still find the occasional Hypercrate which was 5400 CC on the GTN. in another six months I believe the limit will be less than 1000 CC for 1 billion unless Bioware takes inflation seriously. This is going to negatively impact their Cartel Market sales which is the only reason this game is still active. Raising the GTN cap would be great, but the player cap of 4.29 billion is making it impossible to trade expensive items in a single transaction because credits are that worthless.
  11. some companies only allow the character that purchased the item to use that item. other companies attach stats to their cosmetic items which basically turns those items into pay to win. SWTOR at least allows players to buy almost any Cartel Market and sell them to other players for credits. I myself am at 98% unlock in Collections and have only purchased 20 dollars worth of Cartel Coins because I bought everything with credits. I find the SWTOR system a lot more fair than most MMOs.
  12. Can the Cartel Market weapons like Gamorrean Axe and CorSec Baton get a tuning slot? Another weapon is the Scorpion TK Short-Blade.
  13. Someone just got scammed on Star Forge. They answered a trade for a Hypercrate and the person with the Hypercrate instead inserted a single Cartel Pack. Player wasn't paying attention since the icons were similar which resulted in them receiving 1/30th of what they were told they were trading for. Since you, Bioware, can't seem to stop scammers or trace them to their primary accounts, at least change the Hypercrate/Cartel Pack icons so they are not the same icon. Right now the only difference in icon is the Platinum Cartel mark and Gold Cartel mark. We could do a bit better like the old hypercrate icons which were a big "crate" of packs vs the single pack icon.
  14. I have no faith in the developers. I am keeping players aware of the scams. The developers have access to all the CS reports sent in about these scams, if the developers wanted to track the players creating these dummy characters on a disposable account and track where they are putting the credits and items before moving them to their primary account that is fine, but I doubt they will ever put in that much effort.
  15. player deleted the alt code imposter of Lonie and is now using another boosted 70 character to try and pull the same Hypercrate/Cartel pack trade scam. Quick turn around, usually they wait more than 10 minutes after deleting a character to remake them. This new character also has an "Unknown Legacy" name.
  16. Just a heads up, the scammers on Star Forge are using alt codes to try and impersonate players on Star Forge. We have a player named Lonie that likes to chat. Lonie is not a thief and has a normal legacy name. A player using a similar name to Lonie using alt code letters though is a freshly boosted level 70 character of "Unknown Legacy" trying to trade scam players by selling 2 Hypercrates for 4 billion credits but instead inserting 2 Cartel Packs. Be weary of this on all servers but this is the second person this scammer has tried to impersonate using alt code letters. When you make a trade with someone do not click Accept until you inspect what you are receiving. If you click Accept and the trade screen resets, inspect the item again to make sure it was not switched out for something else. And know the difference between a plantinum Hypercrate and gold Cartel Pack symbol.
  17. All it takes is ignoring around 5 players on your server to clear up the majority of the troll BS that baits people into political discussions. They intentionally log on and spout the most foul ideology like racism, sexism, etc for attention. Ignore the fools who are using you as a cheap form of entertainment.
  18. Scammers are out again tonight on Star Forge. Using boosted level 70 characters to look legitimate one scammer was using the name of another player (one letter off) to try and set up fake trades. They are offering to sell 2 Hypercrates for 4 billion but inserting 2 Cartel Packs. Other scams we have been seeing are players clicking Accept after you place the credits in the window with no items in their trade window in the hopes you aren't paying attention. Earlier today someone stated they were caught off guard by a COD mail disguised as a GTN sale. Just be careful. Never click accept until the other party puts their item in the window and you verify. Screenshot and report anyone who tries to scam you immediately. Eventually Bioware will do something about the scammers or lose long time subscribers. It's their choice who they think is more important to this game.
  19. when I have to pay for an expansion and a subscription, no. One issue is you are splitting your game population by expansions and asking them to pay subscriptions.
  20. I've just played 3 matches. All 3 matches had 2-3 AFKers in unranked PvP. That's fine, my team stood no chance with 25-33% of the team not participating, but hey, at least those AFKers earned 1 point for their weekly right? Change the point system. Allowing players to earn PvP points for daily and weeklies for non-participation is a horrible design that is only frustrating the players trying to actually play. If points were awarded to players who participated such as earning medials then AFKers wouldn't profit as easily.
  21. Bonus, Bioware gets to charge Cartel Coins!! There is no reason not to do this Bioware
  22. keep buying and stacking rep tokens. They should be usable well after GS 2 ends. I compounded my rep gain using the Reputation III guild buff and the reputation boost consumable.
  23. The limit exists to keep players coming back every season. If players could bank 30 or 45 Galactic Season tokens then there would be less reason to play the following season. My plan is to simply let them mail me the Galactic Season rewards and let them sit on a my character until I need them. They did that last season.
  24. I want a tiny ice cave stronghold. Something around the size of our Fleet Apartments or smaller.
  25. The format for the "sale" is wrong. The price in the body of the text and the COD do not match. The amount is honestly too much. Very few people carry that much credit on any one character, and then to send 2 of them? The scam is lazy, sloppy and not well thought out. The only people that will get caught off guard by this are people who keep billions in their inventory and do not know how a COD system works.
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