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Everything posted by DarkEin

  1. I'm very happy about this change. It makes sense for "Tracer" Missile to have the tracer light, and Fusion Missile being on CD should have the more dramatic less used animation. I don't mind the damage nerf, with talents the way it's setup now it should do 10% which is fair, it hits too hard for something that can be spammed. Thank you BW.
  2. Yeah, totally ridiculous for her to react to things like a normal person would.
  3. The higher you get the smaller boost you get from the automatic balancing. At high 40s you're actually at a disadvantage damage-wise than lower level players. It's not because one is better than the other. It's not a big problem since it's only for a few lvels, but it is still a problem.
  4. #1 No battleground masters, so selection is totally random. I couldn't agree more, I hate getting Huttball over and over. However, Cross-server PvP is coming, and with it we're supposed to get the ability to pick which WZ we want. #2 LvL caps, lvl 12s fighitng lvl 49s, now who do you think is going to win? well the lvl 12 of course. This isn't an issue til you get to about 45ish, so yes about 4 levels of PvP is kinda silly balanced, but really not a major thing. #3 Gear means abosutly nothing, until your lvl 50. I'm glad it doesn't personally. #4 SWTOR needs a arena system, this really does define who really is skilled in PvP. I hope they never ever ever add arenas to this game. Arena attracts the biggest d-bags, and somehow brings out the most inner d-bag of the d-bag. #5 The UI setup takes so much time to get used to... but it still needs the option to freely adjust your own personalized UI. 1.2 #6 Two radars in the WZ!? umm. the UI is already cramped enough. Should be able to take care of it in 1.2 I think. #7 Harzards are a cool introduction but the damage is way to high. I like that they're a crazy damage... Until I get stunned in fire vent -.- #8 World PvP, cannot go freely into the other city. SS/TB pleaseeeee #9 addons.... I'd really just be happy with macros, don't care much about addons and #10 mainly the most annoying most frustrating thing about this game. There is no space PvP? this is star wars guys! cmon! NOW. I dont care enough about #1-9 !compared to #10. Space PvP is what will make STAR WARS THE MOST UNIQUE!!!!! MMO out there, #10 really needs to be addressed. Agree, agree, agree. It would require free flight obviously, but it doesn't have to be elaborate. Just a couple small strike teams in an asteroid field, or they could even do it like SWG. They just need to have it, period.
  5. I did it as a tank, even with Mako as my companion. You can Interrupt one and burn it alone. Open with Mako doing her 8 sec CC on one, then start on the other. As soon as the other breaks out do one more GCD attack on the one you've wounded, and then carbon spray to interrupt since as soon as it breaks from Mako's CC thats what it tries, but continue to workon the first one. When it starts again stun it. The first one is going to get a heal or two off, but nothing you can't work past. once one is dead the other isn't hard.
  6. I think we can agree on your motivations.
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