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Posts posted by DweezillKagemand

  1. Since soundrels have stealth and can pick their fights, they dont need any buffs. A class that stack the odds in their fabor should be naturally weakerin a fair fight.


    Stealth has a 2 minute cooldown. Plus, AoEs pull you out and if you get stuck in combat, you're probably going to die.


    Every class & build has its own strengths & weaknesses, most people who always cry foul are just bad players or have setup their toon wrong


    I like how you think this justifies anything.


    It wouldnt work . Noone would spec focus /rage then .. No buff vigilance then to make them prefer single target damage.


    What? You want to make another tree OP? This will force you to stack crit, like every other class when wanting critical hits. Trying to make the tree balanced with the most OP 1 currently just doubles the imbalance.


    Pretty sure you farmed that Huttball healing in the acid could be wrong though




    - Stun lock people to unsub (you were stunned, then dead, without a chance to play)

    - can stealth away

    - ranged autoattack

    - able to self heal some

    - lethal dps




    - Has to jump in to attack

    - no get out of jail free card

    - would kill for a ranged autoattack

    - lethal dps



    I think they should make all the Operative Stuns work as badly as Force Statis, IMO.


    Stealth has a 2 minute cooldown, son. Plus, you can pull me out of it and the stealth detection in this game is ridiculous.


    Also, you have Guardian Leap, which is one of the best defensive abilities ever, for both you and the person you're using it on. You can instantly leap out harms way to one of your ranged DPS.


    Has to jump in to attack? Son, Operative has to run in, we don't even have a proper gap closer. Plus our nuke requires us to be in stealth and behind the target in melee range without being pulled from stealth AND it hits for less than smash and smash is an AoE. Not to mention the fact that it's guaranteed crit, hidden strike isn't.


    Sure, take my stun, if I get an AoE that allows me to crit 5 people for 6k consistantly.


    You really can't compare Guardian to Operative.

  3. Use injection when you can, don't listen to these fools. Try to be in cover when you use it, it does help. Warriors cannot jump to you in cover.


    A Shiv or a Hidden Strike will grant you free TA's for when your kolto probe isnt proccing, you should be able to always have at least 1 TA up, try to not lose that TA as it increases healing output. Don't forget your cleanse, know what it removes and what it does not. Remember Evasion is a self cleanse also. Time your shield.


    Last but not least, positioning.


    Try to always have something you can hide behind when taking fire, not always available to you, but you should keep this in mind.


    Sever Tendon works well on melee classes.




    I approve, Scot is a good healer. Yeah, casting Kinjection is kind-of a must - it heals for upwards of 5k with high gear, plus it adds a stack of TA.


    Keep two kolto probes on yourself at all times - you're the only person that will never be out of range, this will insure you get TA stacks for Surgical Probe. This coupled with Shiv on overextended melee will net you an infinite supply of Surgical Probes.


    Be sure to pick up the Slip Away talent in the Lethality tree, the 30 second CD stun with movement speed is amazing.



  4. welcome to the big league. you gotta learn to kite. the more they focus and the more you play, the better you'll get(at least you should lol)


    also, try queuing with a tank to peel for you. or look for one in the warzone and dont leave his side.




    You're playing SWTOR, son.

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