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Posts posted by Badfenix

  1. For the people who get a sense of accomplishment out of leveling and do not play end game (usually grind alts or leave until cap is raised). I would also say that "end game players" are actually a small portion compared to the over all player base. Raise the level cap is part of the theme park model. :cool:


    cater an mmo to 1% of non end gamers / end game pvp? Thats a winning business model.

  2. I (I know many people are unwilling to attend <Game Genie>/<Empire> events) .


    Their loss. The real reason people don't want to do anything against game genie is because they are so afraid they will lose they are afraid to even try, so they just make up some excuse why they hate the guild. Every guild has its trolls. Most people are too blinded by fear and hatred to go out and have a good time. This last tourney format was over all pretty silly and aimed at fun and set up to encourage people from all guilds not necessarily pvp ones. its a shame when people will boycott a server event because of the hosts, then turn around and feel ostracized by the pvp community.

  3. My suggestion to Nadir was that for a 1v1 tournament, specs should be limited to at most 20 points in a healing tree. This way you can still hybridize a little bit if you want to, but the core healing talents are off-limits.


    Not that I have any say in the tournament rules, but I am just curious what the rest of the server thinks of a restriction like this.


    The main purpose is intended to prevent full healer vs. full healer matches that will go on indefinitely. The secondary purpose is that full healer vs. anything else could end up being very long as well depending on the players involved and we want to keep the spectators entertained in light of that 46 minute match in the 5v5 tournament.


    Alternatively, you could allow full healing specs but if two players with full healing specs are matched up against each other both will be required to respec to something with 20 points or less in a healing tree. This would still leave a possible stalemate between a full healer and a tank guardian with self-heals on leap, for example. Not that I know much about 1v1 duelling but after a 30 minute duels with Sindol and Elandria I am pretty sure nobody would want to watch either of those.


    Also worth discussing whether or not consumables should be allowed, or the good ol' vanish + out-of-combat regen somewhere far away. That would depend on the choice of location of course if that was actually a concern.


    I don't think its fair to any healers (or any class) who queue up to limit their skill tree selection. If its all in the interested of keeping things moving and entertaining we could have more than one duel going at a time. People can and probably will respec based on who they are facing so in some cases(I dont know any off the top of my head) it may be prudent for them to be have more than 20 in the healing tree.

  4. Rerolling on this server because I heard you had some pvp. My original server The Ebon Hawk has no rated and the pug population is getting worse by the day. I am looking for a guild that is competitive in rated. I've seen all pve content so I'm not particularly interested in that. My original toon is a valor 100 marauder and its the same class I'll be playing here. If anyone can suggest guilds for me to look into or if anyone wants to group for lowbies character name on this server is brorogan.
  5. A few things here.


    First of all, there is a reason people are crafting things free with mats, and it has nothing to do with helping out the community.


    Firstly, people have undercut each other to that point (and are only willing to go that low because they can still profit off of crits on armorings/mods/enhancements/hilts/barrels). Secondly many of the same people crafting free with mats, also control the price of stabilizers on the markets, ensuring they're getting their credits from you one way or another.



    lol I lol'd - 'athena


    As someone who is very involved in the stabilizer market I can assure you no crafters offering free crafting are doing so to profit on stabilizers. Stabilizer prices on our server when TFB HM came out were in the very high 100's to the very low 200's. The first week of TFB when the quest turn in was giving out stabs in very large quantity from quests and inside the instance itself the prices dipped to the low 100's and even below 100 several times. Supply and demand in action. There were many people such as myself who stocked up while the prices were low. <Empire> stocked up to ensure we could craft our 8 raiders and the couple of alternatives all the mods/enhancements/hilts whatever we needed to be full 27's as we RE'd 100% of our TFB drops to learn schematics we ended up with a stockpile after we were done. With no new content in sight the guild bank has been slowly selling off while others like me continue to buy low and sell high. If you look at the names of people selling stabs its usually pvpers who are RE'ing wh gear from min maxing. Whenever EWH came out I cleared out my cargo hold of all WH mods armorings and enhancements and ended up with well over 30 stabs, i'm sure it was the same for many with high valor.


    As far as the hilts are concerned empire only has 2 marauders and we both have both our hilts and we don't buy any crafted item unless we are going to equip it.


    Lastly I can make the following and am charging only the stabilizers. I will cover all the other crafting materials. Message bro or swtormart pub side.


    potent 26 mod

    deft 26 mod

    Might armoring 26

    Force wielder 26 armoring

    Adept 26 enh

    Assault 26 enh

  6. I proposed this, and it has been met with extreme opposition. The Leet of our server arnt interested. Pax has done a series of these internally and with great success. Most people REALLY like it. Howwever, the min/maxers and people who are way better at math than I am will tel you that some classes have a slight advatage. It would seem that all recruit gear is not created equal.


    Although I can tell you from experience, The diff is negligable. For all intents and purpose Recruit gear levles the playing field and enables the involvement of players that would otherwise never be able to pariticipate in events such as these.


    I propose starting 2 divsions of PVP rankings on our server.


    A Pro no limits Tournament like this one and its predecessor.


    A Handicap Tournament in full Recuit gear.


    I am certain that some will refuse to particpate in such an event on the grounds it is a waste of time. That is entirley your perogative. However, I do believe for the health of PVP on our server, a tournament such as this could be beneficial.


    People don't wanna do it in recruit because some classes are itemized better than others, although we can agree all of them are poorly itemized. Also min maxing normal wh stuff to best suite your class/spec is also a sort of skill and part of what drives an mmo (custom stats). If people want skill no gear based pvp there are plenty of options out there Global Agenda being one of my favorites, SWTOR is not that and doesn't try to be.

  7. Just spam trade, there are dozens of crafters for those. If you don't find one you can send your mats to Saass (imp) or Freight (pub). Tips never required but never refused.


    I looked around for a while for someone to make me those new HK parts and eventually just learned them myself. I can craft the following:

    Assasin Droid DT-12 Motor

    Assasin Droid DT-12 Parts

    Assasin Droid DT-12 Sensor Unit

    Assasin Droid DT-13 Core

    50k a craft

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