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Everything posted by Kaizersan

  1. No company would kill off the reason to play for the west coast and APAC region but BW did so explain that stupid move.
  2. No the reason for the move simply was due to cost as the west coast is more expensive to host a data center then where they have them now which is a more business friendly state.
  3. Yes because they moved the west coast's server to Virginia which is closer to you.
  4. funny thing is when FFFXIV moved their NA data centers they told the players ahead of time so they could provide before and after evidence so they could better study the impact on players based on location.
  5. How about just doing the smarter thing and not doing it at all as you clearly knew it would impact players and still chose to do so anyways without any care to your players in the APAC region.
  6. I say this because friends of mime from Austin Texas are getting the same ping times as before the change if they moved to Texas they would be incredibly low.
  7. The servers are on the east coast not Texas dude.
  8. Not likely as they already physically moved the data centers to the east coast and that cost money.
  9. Just release them in english for now then.
  10. Still waiting for you to say sorry to all the players for breaking your commitment to bring these updates every three months which on your current track you will be a month late .
  11. instead of you constantly coming on here and saying sorry you should tell Kieth to do it as it was his responsibility to make sure everything was fine with this update and that stuff like this doesn't happen.
  12. No because such testing and announcement should be done the firday before the patch not the day before to allow for players to adjust the time they set aside and like I said in other post here I asked a few testers about this bug and it was reported awhile back during testing so it should have been fixed or announced the friday before not the day before.
  13. If that was the truth then he would have never been able to release his 2 videos showing the 2 operations boss fights which are from the PTS which he was under NDA for but like I pointed out once something is made public it is no longer covered by the NDA because BW itself released that it existed and if you don't believe me ask him yourself.
  14. it's not the delay that is the issue it is the timing and the apparent lack of quality testing.
  15. Also game breaking bugs are given top priority in most game companies except it seems Bioware.doesn't.
  16. You do realize that once a bug is made public the knowledge of said bug is no longer covered by NDA so those who have tested it can talk about it and it is not hard to find people who have access to testing which is every iinfluencer as the last few content patches they released operations boss fights before the patch release and those influencer have to publicly state they are to cover themselves so as you can see it isn't that hard.
  17. This type of bug would have shown itself before the final build and due to the fact that testers I have talked to told me they had reported it during testing so there is no excuse when such a bug was reported months ago.
  18. this is not a normal bug this is a game breaking bug those are two different things so sorry droid but you should get your logic circuits checked.
  19. the problem with your logic is that you think this is acceptable when bugs like this should have been ironed out well before release and should never had made it into the final build.
  20. So one question that needs to be raised is that you guys always seem to find these major bugs at the very last minute and not well before the release date when bugs like this should be tested for and fixed well before you even set the final date because there is no excuse in the end for stuff like this to happen time and time again with major updates.
  21. when you unsub from a game it means you are no longer supporting the games current state that is clear by the action and from that it backs up my statement thus proving me right.
  22. You do realize that means nothing because they don't list how much is pushed by each game IE fifa could be responsible for 90% of that revenue and swtor only 10% which is most likely the case as Fifa is a way bigger title vs swtor.
  23. Not really because the truth is in the numbers of people who have unsubbed since the start after being dissatisfied with the game the number of unsubs is far greater then number of subs currently in game as subs represent support for the current state of the game.
  24. make a poll and see for yourself post the poll on here and on reddit and see the difference.
  25. Also you shouldn't listen to the MeNaCe here who is only interested in praising the sorry state the game is in instead of seeing it for what it really is a big mess.
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