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Everything posted by Inelastic

  1. I was able to use Jaesa as vengeance. I would alternate between interrupts, force choke, force push, and other stuns in order to keep the mobs from casting. For elites, I would send in Jaesa first to tank for a little bit to soak up some of the damage. For two silvers, I would have her tank one and then have the both of us kill the one attacking me first, then we would switch to the other one. It was definitely harder than it is now as immortal. Oh, and I used a ton of medpacks.
  2. Tayne Flarhgunnstow, Sith Juggernaught
  3. My guess is that they are the same. However, I wouldn't put it past them to have forgotten to tie in the light side comments to the light side Jaesa since they forgot to properly tie in the comments at the end of the companion missions to proper outcome.
  4. As immortal spec, you don't really need a healer companion. The only time I really bring out Quinn is when I solo the heroic 2+ missions. Just use your stuns and interrupts when the mobs are in the middle of casting, and use your damage reducers. Also, have your companion in the right stance for what you need; as in ae dps for groups and single dps for strong/elites. For vengeance, I was still able to solo elites by sending my companion in to start to soak up some initial damage, but having a healer for them made it easy. I never needed a healer for regulars. I also used a ton of medpacks.
  5. I want to put Vette's shock collar on him. Vette is probably the best dps, but I still prefer to use Jaesa. She rocks.
  6. /signed I would love to see this as well. I'm purposely not giving Jaesa a helmet because she looks way better with her hood graphic (dark side); which does get overwritten by giving her a helmet.
  7. Before Cata. it was fine. My quests would hit green when I was about 2/3 to 3/4 the way done with a zone, then would be yellow again when I hit the next zone. After Cata, it changed drastically. I've been having outleveling problems as well, playing a Sith warrior. I run every solo misison I see because I want to experience all the stories on a planet. I usually skip heroic missions because I can't solo them and no one wants to do them at 3am when I usually play. I've run all the flashpoints up to my level so far (once) and I usually do the space missions everyday. I was done with Balmorra at level 24 (the planet is levels 18-21 I think) and moved to Nar Shadaa (Nar Shadaa is levels 21-24). I finished Nar Shadaa at level 26 and am moving to Tatooine (24-28 I believe). I started to skip bonus quests to try to slow my leveling down and since everything was really green to me I could slip past many mobs I would normally have to fight. I think it could use some tweaking to bring it in line so that those of us who want to do all the quests. One problem about this is the archaeological digs I see on the planets. I ignored all of them on Nar Shadaa because they were grade 2 and I'm almost done with grade 3 now. It makes it really expensive to have to keep sending my guys off on missions to get all the materials I need instead of being able to dig for some.
  8. "Easily the most graphically impressive MMO to date, with some truly stunning environments." I laughed. Yea, some of the environments are stunning like when I first stepped out on the landing pad on Nar Shadaar. But most graphically impressive? They must not have heard of Rift, or even FF 14.
  9. Wow, you guys had tons of monies. I have 20k and I'm about 3/4 into 24. The only thing I've been spending monies on is training and missions for crafting.
  10. I think it's possible that some people forget about it; especially those who have a healing companion. I know once I got mine I don't have to use it between fights anymore. I can see some of those who get theirs right at the start might not have needed to use it and could forget easily. But yea, everyone should be using it to recover out of combat.
  11. All the names you see are spread out in both instances, so if you see 150 people on Tython, then there are 150 spread out in both instances. I'm guessing it's roughly 1/2 on one and 1/2 on the other, so you're only seeing around 1/2 the people running around that are on the planet. I also think they started it out at a lower number than usual because they want the servers to be smooth and don't want it to be like WoW when that first launched. They might increase it with time. It would also suck if there were too many people and all the quest points were crowded (like Burning Crusade launch). Also, by next month alot of people will be no longer playing and the queues will go away.
  12. I believe it's there, but doesn't work most of the time. I get alot of crashes and I have gotten back in, well to queue position 1, instead of 398. I would like to see more RP stuff, like sitting in chairs, alcohol to get you drunk, some backroom places in cantinas that have tables and table dancers, the cities be a little more livelier...just basic things that give the game more immersion. Also I want an auto-decline duels option. I see one for every other thing, but duels.
  13. I know right? I also think that sitting in chairs would be great. It bugs me that I can't do that.
  14. I think there is one, but it doesn't work most of the time. My game crashes every 20-30 mins and I do get straight back in sometimes, but I also have to wait other times...and waiting in a 40 min queue to get back in sucks.
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