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Everything posted by Coconutmunkee

  1. Welcome to the forums. It was a joke, based on all the cry-babies that say just about every system that would improve quality of life in this game.. would ruin community. What community you say? Since your faction only has about 75 people on during primetime? Exactly. The tomato stole my chips.
  2. This. He forgot to mention about 300 other possible issues, but i'm sure you get his point, OP.
  3. You're correct. But as you are not a developer or creative director, or stock holder at EA, or Bioware employee in any way, as well as probably not even being a resident of Austin, Texas.. saying their system is outdated is completely moot. There are better systems out there, but this is the one we have. This is the one we are using, this is the one we're stuck with. I don't see them changing the entire system, so it's completely irrelevant to discuss.
  4. Do you realistically think that a simple merge of the servers would solve issues? Maybe population-wise, sure. But how about the hundreds (and possibly thousands) that would be outraged that their name was forced to be changed. Not only your character name, but quite possibly your legacy name would be changed. The reason I forsee this being difficult, is that your legacy is bound to your legacy name, on a single server. It is NOT bound to your account. Therefore - they need to make a way that legacy is bound to your account, without making it so every character you create on every server has the same legacy name. There are issues with it, whether you choose to see them or not.
  5. When you're in the "general discussion" area, it's immediately above. ^
  6. Whoever revived a two month old thread. ****. D:
  7. Aww, is the game too hard for you? Sesame street on kinect is --> way
  8. You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made? Everyone else has.
  9. There's a way to subscribe to a certain thread, and check your subscriptions through the forum management. Not sure if this would help you. I know what you're talking about and yeah it'd be nice.
  10. Unless you're a hoarder of pets, you really don't need the pale one, as one of the quests gives you a Crimson Rakling as the reward. No definitive end date as of yet, but there are rumors about friday being the end. Sunday, a quest offered a piece of containment gear Monday, a new quest was added with yet another piece of said gear Game files indicate there are 6 pieces in the set, and if tuesday brings another quest and piece to it, we can only speculate that it will end after all pieces are introduced.
  11. Open your interface editor and you'll see the disabled bars. They're red. Click them. In the configure window, you'll see a checkbox labeled "enable," and once you click this.. it will show up. Read the patch notes and watch the videos for the rest of your questions.
  12. Because imperials have never ganked republic players.
  13. The mailbox already has an auto-fill features for those names you've encountered on your account.
  14. You can still get purple in 1.2 White is the only one going away. /thread
  15. That's YOUR quote from another thread.
  16. They weren't on a schedule. There's no NEED to patch that late. They are patching that late, to be as fair to everyone as possible. You're only losing 2 hours of play-time. Is that 2 hours really THAT important, that you have to come here and make yourself look like a fool? Just do the smart thing and close your browser.. and go play TOR for 2 hours, to make up for the 2 you're losing tomorrow night.
  17. Read your EULA again. They can patch whenever they want, and you can't say anything about it because you hit 'accept.'
  18. Because a LFG tool would be universal and seen by everyone on the server, and not just the people that are on the planet. So they can go out, quest.. and be locked into looking for a flashpoint at the same time, instead of sitting on the fleet for hours. Currently, flagging yourself as "LFG" only shows up if someone actively goes to look, and even if 100 people are flagged as "LFG" - you still run into the issue (that is being addressed in 1.2) of only seeing part of what they're looking for. That's how it would change things.
  19. Requiring ventrilo for even the toughest fights, is still an elitest attitude. I can figure out the damn fight, without having someone bark orders in my ear. I can adapt to changes within a fight, without someone telling me to move from the fire. I still use it. Everyone has a different point of view. Each "tool" has its pros and cons. Here's a simple solution: If someone griefs you with your 'stats' from a combat log - put them on ignore. If your guild/raid lead are doing the same - find new people to play with. FREAKING SIMPLE. THE TOOLS ARE ONLY CONSIDERED GRIEFING TOOLS IF YOU ALLOW THEM TO BE. Edit: this isn't directed at you Ealhdun - just continuing the topic.
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