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Posts posted by Tashia

  1. ok -- I have thought about this some --- and here is my reasoning as it is ... just my 2 cents ...



    within the story --- not in the game itself or real life ... our own separate little instance of story ....


    we have 8 classes ... now if we have 2 possible story lines for each class ( as we would have to, if we truly -- in the story --- switched sides.... ) Republic and Empire ...


    let's take a smuggler -- ok he was republic before, but switched to Empire for his own reasons ---

    ok so HIS story line would be Empire from then on ... fine ...

    now here's a republic smuggler that stayed with the republic -- and HIS story line from then on would be Republic -- ok, fine ....

    now the math ... we have 8 classes -- if it was going to be a real ( in story) faction switch .. we would need ( 8x2=16)

    16 different story lines --- 2 per class -- to have this work ....


    at this point in the game's life -- and yes it has a while to run yet -- with the staff down like it is to bare bones ( or so we seem to agree on ) --- I just can't see this happening -- not without a full blown rehiring or whatever of more staff and writers ....

    I'd like it too --- but just can't see it happening in the game's present situation ....

  2. In no particular order

    Euan Morton, AKA Male Sith Inquisitor.

    Doug Bradley, AKA Emperor Vitiate.

    Darin De Paul, AKA Emperor Valkorion.

    I don't know the name of the voice actor but whoever voiced Dread Master Raptus also did a phenomenal job.

    Female Sith Warrior and Male Sith Warrior also did an excellent job.

    Darth Malgus.

    Aric Jorgan.

    Revan, especially Revan Reborn. The VA really nailed it.



    one of the dread masters was done by Matthew Wolf -- I THINK it was Raptus ( but I'm not sure)

  3. I had the exact same issue -- tried to resub, couldn't --- waited days for it to click in --- didn't .....

    in desperation I finally CALLED customer service on the phone ... finally ... they got it fixed --- so it wasn't just me, huh ?

    gee whiz. I'm afraid to let it lapse now ....

  4. I just killed mine --- nothing I really want to do this update anyway --- and the little bit we will get before the year ends <shrug> --- not interested ---

    3 out of my 4 toons have all their companions back ... and I'm still waiting for the rest of the JK's ... I'll be back in 2019, but not before Scourge comes back ... it just doesn't interest me anymore, right now ....

  5. Is it bad that I automatically add a week to any announcements of a patch? Granted I would prefer a delayed patch to bug soup, but I really wonder how a company that sets low targets and then consistently fails to achieve them expects to continue.



    same here ---when the announcement first came out -- I mentally added one more week ...

    hate to say it -- but I was right .....

  6. after being called "the Empire's lap dog" -- my BH is insulted --- I will stay republic ..


    after being betrayed by the Empire ( and NO I haven't forgotten or forgiven .. I trusted them; they lied to me and used me -- as a Chiss, this is unforgivable ... ) my Agent will stay Republic ...


    my smuggler is a business woman -- business is better in the Republic ... and she loves stealing from Imperial ships anyway .. they get so bent out of shape over it ...


    my Jedi wants to come home, back to the Republic ( I had hopes for making a change in the Empire, but I see that is never going to happen)

    -- she remembers what her Master told her -- "remember WHY you became a Jedi "

  7. all of my toons are LS V's --- even the Imps .. and I like it that way too .... ( Mako is just too cute and she is my BH's moral compass anyway )

    I don't know -- is it just me, or do I hope I see some more Darh Marr thinking in the empire ? --- remember both Satele AND Marr said the Sith and Jedi codes were flawed ( and they are imo ) --- so are we just going to totally ignore THAT part of the story too ?

    Have we even learned anything about how stupid both sides were and let the Eternal Empire just run all over them -- helpless ... remember the force sensitives of Zakuul ?

    -- and how they kicked our bums all over the place ... have we learned anything?

  8. I hope not, I've had enough of the 'Lana & Theron show' if he comes back I'll take Thanos' advise for Thor and aim for the head.



    As Risha said if you tell her to leave and not come back or I believe it was, <Player > " I don't want to see you again ." <Risha> "Oh, you won't SEE me ..... "


    you may not SEE him coming, but he might be there ---- muhahahahahaaaaa ( that would be delightful )

  9. for the record --- I love Lana --- I do not want to lose her .... period ....


    as for Theron -- ok, I romanced him on 4 toons --- and have kept 2 active --- other 2 I am sitting on for awhile to see what happens .....


    I do not think Theron is dead -- nope --

    IF someone was close to death, he would NOT walk out -- he would be carried out .... Lana tends to go a bit dramatic at times ... one reason I like her ---

    besides, can you see the face on all those that wanted him dead and left him ...... when he shows up again ? Epic !

    and a plot twist -- he comes back to get you ... ah, the pain screams of the Empire !!!


    just because you left him to die --- doesn't mean he WILL die ...... besides, don't tease us with that speech he gives at the end of Nathema -- about he and Lana staying with us --- it is too cruel, even for BW

  10. I cross bridges once I get to them.


    Soon Camelot Unchained will be out, so at worst even if SWTOR decides to call it quits, there are some other options out there that will be available within this next year.


    Basically, one thing gone means space for something new.



    same here --- I am scheduled to be an alpha tester in Pantheon -- whether it actually MAKES it to alpha is another point (currently in pre-alpha) .... so I have it to fall back on and it will keep me busy even if SWtOR goes bye-bye or if it doesn't --- alpha will keep me occupied regardless --- plans already made

  11. Toxic elitist --- been around a lot -- in more then one game ....

    ignore ... just ignore and play on ---

    I am in all 230 gear for the most part, but I never critisize anyone for gear --- geez, it's a game guys .. elitists get over yourselves ( never forgot,one of my very best friends in EQ2 was an "elitist" in EQ --- his own admission, not mine; so they can change )

  12. xenophobic ? maybe a little --- isolationists ? --- definitely

    but remember their history ...... I can see how they would turn isolationists


    and as for Thrawn ( and I too love him) -- as I read the book, he was a rebel against his own people --- that is why they did what they did ( don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read "Outbound Flight ", or the next book in line -- can't remember the name, sorry )

    also believe he is a bit force sensitive; that is the only way I can accept that he can do what he does and knows what he knows about his "enemies" ( really, he is kind of spooky at times he is so intuitive)

  13. While under most circumstances I'd be all for giving players more options for in-character romance, I'd like to point out that there's still a lot of players who don't have their original romance options from the class stories returned yet. It was already irksome that they created a romance option for Arcann before they restored the romance options many players selected years ago. I'd rather they finished returning all the romanceable companions before they started writing new romances for new NPCs. Otherwise, given the limited writing and development resources TOR seems to be operating with, we may NEVER get these class romance options back, or if we do we'll all be stuck with the Quinn two-sentences-and-done type of 'meaningful' returns. *gag*



    agreed --- I also don't want that "love interest of the month " thing to happen ----

    some of us love our vanilla companions, and want them all back --- and more interaction from them --- but <sigh> -

    if we get that "flavor of the month" thing going --- who knows ? ( and I for one will NOT cheat on Theron -- new LIs or not, I will be faithful )

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