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Everything posted by IndoJabijin

  1. It's unfortunate many people believe B2P model means less content patches. Guild Wars was entirely B2P and more so all of it's campaigns plus it's 1 true expansion where normally within a 6 month range of each other. The ONLY reason Guild Wars stopped adding content is because they took their resources, time, and developers to Guild Wars 2. It's essentially the same thing. Would you rather pay $15 a month and get content patches every 4-6 months or would you rather pay $40 every 4-6 months when a new content patch gets released with no subscription? I don't understand why people assume they're going to run out of things to do for months on end after they reach max level. It doesn't matter anyways. You're not paying monthly for the game, and you can always play it when you get bored or whenever new content gets released. That's the advantage of the B2P as opposed to paying $15 a month and not getting content. Guild Wars is a critically acclaimed game who's known for it's highly competitive PvP. It also requires more strategy and tact compared to most games at the time BECAUSE you're required to choose 8 skills out of the possible hundreds each class can get. The art style and art work for Guild Wars is award winning and is also considered to still be one of the most beautiful even compared to today's standards. I understand the game is not everyone's cup of tea, but calling it a plain awful game is outright wrong. It's a good game for the game it's aimed to be. A story driven co-rpg with an amazing PvP/skill system.
  2. I do understand that some characters look the part. But that hardly makes the game Asian. What I think will stand out from the game are it's aesthetics. It's gameplay, mechanics, story and lore, as well as art style go very much in sych with each other to work.
  3. I don't understand. What part of Bellevue, Washington screams Asian? :|
  4. It doesn't, at all. All of that is pure profit. MMOs don't need to charge a monthly fee to sustain servers, add content, or create expansions. Box sales and the occasional micro transaction (like WoW or Guild Wars have which are purely cosmetic) are more than enough. And because GW2 is an MMO there isn't any less of an expectation on how often content patches should be given out. Just because the payment method is different doesn't mean GW2 will receive less patches than SWTOR. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I don't think EA will ever think of funding anyone for an MMO. LOL.
  6. The game (SWTOR) is an MMORPG. It's just that Bioware fell short in making the game social able and user friendly.
  7. Also, everything you said about an MMO being an MMO is what Guild Wars 2 is, besides having a subscription. Not all MMOs need to have a sub to be considered one, it's just the standard for these days, and sadly it's an unnecessary one as developers don't even need the $15 a month to keep servers running and to keep content pumping.
  8. I never said Guild Wars pvp was the best. I said it's the most competitive, which it is.
  9. Guild Wars is thriving still. And I don't care what anyone says, Guild Wars PVP is insane and is probably the most competitive form of PVP currently out on the market.
  10. GW2 officially entered closed beta this month. I predict we'll be seeing news about release within the next 6 months if all goes smooth.
  11. Care to explain why it's NOT an MMO? The topic is clearly based on GW2 and not the original. If by your standards GW2 is not an MMO then neither is WoW, Rift, AoC, EQ, EQ2 or any MMO that has ever been created. A little clarity would help.
  12. I don't even know why D3 or GW2 will even matter. Only 1 is an MMO and neither have any subscription fees so I don't see why people can't play them both and still be playing SWTOR.
  13. GW nor GW2 have any elf races. GW2 is not instanced and is a true MMO. No one ever claimed the original Guild Wars to be an MMO (including it's developers).
  14. If Guild Wars 2 is not an mmorpg than this game is a single player rpg with the occasion multiplayer aspects. Seriously, the original Guild Wars is not a mmorpg (and was never described as one). Guild Wars 2 is, just because it doesn't have a sub doesn't make it any less of an MMO.
  15. All the classes in GW2 are able to fill all the roles, which are currently damage/support/control. It does not make for a dull experience and it does not REDUCE the level of complexity. If anything it increases it because you're no longer depending on anyone to heal you, and you're no longer depending on anyone to take damage for you. The encounters in the game require positioning, timing, and strategy as opposed to taking the mob in the opposite direction and only letting the tank damage it for a few minutes when the boss gets down to 15% health because of some stupid AoE. It also encourages players to step out of their comfort zone and experience different types of gameplay. Anyone who will play the game determined to be pure DPS will be severity gimped if they don't switch roles on the fly in both PvP and PvE. That's what makes it dynamic and unpredictable... unlike the holy trinity.
  16. My 560 TI is over heating when playing for extended times. Several player textures and hairs turn completely pink. If you see any pink textures you'll know it's an overheating problem. In order to maintain a reasonable temperature I have to up the fan to 90%.
  17. Two different games and two different markets. The advantage of Guild Wars 2 is that it's buy to play and it's also a AAA mmorpg developed by a good company. Everyone and there mother will buy guild wars because it's buy to play. And it's also one of the primary reasons why it's so popular: people won't have to fork over 2 subcription fees. Buy the game once and you're set til the next expansion.
  18. I didn't miss the point. It doesn't matter if WoW's raw ui isn't as good as many people think. And unfortunately many people won't use it as a comparison to SWTOR's ui. Why should they? When 3rd parties have perfectly the UI and WoW currently has the smoothest gameplay. That's what people are going to compare it too. Great artists steal. This has been true for everything regarding business and it was made famous by Steve Jobs.
  19. Unfortunately that's not the way it works. SWTOR is competing with games with multiple expansions, a add on friendly ui, smooth combat and a gigantic world. It is not competing with WoW 7 years ago. A newly released game has to be as user friendly and have as much content as games that have been out for the past 10 years. The only developer that has openly said this (and seem to grasp the concept) are ArenaNet. Saying the game just launched doesn't cut it. The game should've launched with a ton of features that are not currently implemented.
  20. GTX 580 consumes a ton of power and is a heat magnet. You'd be better off going with the AMD variant as they are a better price and produce less heat.
  21. I'd like to emphasize that just because a game is like WoW and themepark does not mean it's lifeless. WoW has outdated graphics but the world itself is very beautiful and bursting with life. This is because Blizzard made incredible use of colors and the game is aesthetically pleasing. Another game that comes to mind that doesn't have amazing graphics is Maplestory -- a 2D side scrolling game. It's also aesthetically pleasing and is bursting with life because of it's art style and color usage. What kills the life out of this game is that it's lacking in the aesthetics department. Use of color, art style, map layouts, NPCs, mobs, UI and all that jazz are what bring games to life. Not amazing graphics or cutscenes.
  22. No. You don't find NPCs being active throughout the world. You find them being active in designated quests/mob areas. It's fantastic that there is a group of NPCs gunning down some mobs. It's not so fantastic when you walk 15 seconds away from that area and find nothing. Or if the NPCs near the active NPCs are doing nothing.
  23. An 15-2500k (especially overclocked) will destroy the game. I will not comment on your GPU as I'm not familiar with with anything other then NVIDIA cards. As for your PSU, nominal wattage means nothing. Power supplies are all about what brands/company makes them. Corsair brand power supplies are amazing quality and anything at the 700 range is fine (and would probably even be overkill).
  24. Lower CAS timings/latency are better, but please note that the actual difference in performance will be negligible in real life. You will not be able to tell any difference in performance, when the sticks are used in otherwise identical machines. If the price difference is more than $50, go with the slower timings. If they are the same price, than go for the lower timing memory. EDIT: As for the memory speeds, they are one in the same.
  25. - The lack of paths and waypoints for mobs. - The lack of active/vocal NPCs in hubs/cities. - The lack of active/vocal NPCs throughout the world. - Mobs seem to be placed in designated areas (in certain planets) and you go through zones of emptiness. - The lack of players due to instancing (I agree with this to a point, cap just needs to be raised higher). - The game, itself, has no aesthetic appeal outside a few planets. The graphics and storyline can be good, but if the world feels lifeless it'll get old fast. The problem with TOR is the aesthetics. Play a game like Pac-man or Mario and you dive into it regardless if the graphics are centuries old. It doesn't matter if the mountain in the distance is beautiful if the colors, scenery, and living world surrendering it aren't as beautiful. I don't have an issue with the gameplay because I enjoyed the story. Being immersed in your class storyline is not the same as being immersed into each and every world this game has to offer. You storyline is only part of the game.
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