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Everything posted by GeoLager

  1. A space marine would rip a wookies arm out of its socket and beat the wookie with it.
  2. In my opinion? HA! It's absolute fact that the legacy gear is waaaaaaay to expensive off the daily vendors. To get a full compliment of lowbie legacy gear for 1 character, it will only take 9 months of farming at the daily comm conversion rate.
  3. You obviously aren't getting it. 200 comms is 1 month of farming dailies. It costs 200 comms for a pair of level 14 pants that are essentially a blue item and are class specific and completely unmoddable.
  4. Dunno. But you can buy orange gear separately so that is probably a big no. But honestly, 20 daily comms would be considered expensive for this gear.... but 200, its ridiculous.
  5. It's 200 daily comms for 1 piece of gear. It's the equivalent of a cost of a daily speeder. And it doesn't level with you....its literally like a piece of blue gear. I don't see how anyone could want this gear with it's cost.
  6. 200 Daily comms for what is basically a piece of blue gear? You have to farm 2 weeks to get a piece of level 14 blue gear with yellow text? What is wrong with this picture.
  7. DPS operatives are not viable anywhere in the game. This is what happens when the lead dev thinks that some magical group of operatives all queue up and attack 1 person (as if anyone can survive a zerg train from any other class) It is all bullcrap.
  8. No it's not. You're making ***** up. An operative in full buffs and adrenals does less damage than a marauder with no buffs.
  9. SWTOR's advertising line for operatives: Give us $15 dollars a month so we can take a steamy crap on your head.
  10. It's not an overreaction when I say operatives outside of their healing tree are trash. Just be lucky you didn't roll one beforehand.
  11. Concealment is trash. If you don't have an alt, you won't be able to enjoy pvp in a dps type capacity.
  12. 5 games was enough for me to come to the conclusion that concealment is trash just as predicted. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to grind valor on an alt now with a huge gear difference to centurion gear and battlemaster+.
  13. Because the game isn't broken for the other classes come 1.2.
  14. I've lived through being a warrior in WoW from vanilla to cata. I can handle nerfs. What I can't handle is incompetency from the dev team regarding class balance.
  15. I have my assassin I have to level cap. It's in the high 40's. I was probably thinking juggernaut though. No reason to play operative anymore. Even juggernauts probably beat them in pve dps, not to mention are 10 times more useful in pvp.
  16. Rome may have not been built in a day, but it was sacked in one.
  17. I don't even think its a contest in 1.2. Assassins remain relatively untouched, have always had either good burst that requires set up or have some of the best utility with their tank spec. The only thing operative had has the ability to maintain a kind of pressured burst. And that is getting hosed. Concealment operatives are going to be what deception sins are right now, but with less dps.
  18. lol you too when you think you'll be bursting down a healer getting healed by 3 other sources with guard on them.
  19. lol, talk about misinformation.... Healers healing between themselves, healers don't die unless healers are terrible. 1 operative cannnot burst past 1 healer, so all the sudden 3 operatives can burst through 3 healers? Nevermind the resolve bar becomes white almost instantly. So much fail in 1 post.
  20. In 1.2 a fully buffed operative cannot outdps an unbuffed marauder, sorc or assassin. And it's not a joke because they wouldn't waste testing time to play a "gotcha".
  21. Knockbacks, defensive pulls and charges can be defened against with smart players. The cheesiest thing is the offensive pull i.e. sorcs pulling friendly targets. The offensive pull should be affected by resolve just like the defensive pull. It's absolutely stupid you can chain pull a team mate past the hazards and past the other team.
  22. Right now as is 3 healers in any warzone can dominate. Heals got nerfed a bit for 1.2, but dps classes got the shaft. Tanks and healers are going to steam roll rated warzones. At least I can spec heals and become a god and ride the wave of bioware incompetence.
  23. All 1.2 does is makes warzones tank healer heavy and operations even more sorc heavy than they already were. Bioware should don the scumbag steve hat for what their changes were for 1.2
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