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Everything posted by Soul_of_Flames

  1. For some odd reason, crafting has always been given this "secondary" nature when it comes to gearing in this game. It's always previously been about ops drops (and now crate RNG). But, after thinking about it... I can't really come up with a reason as to why crafting needs to be considered secondary. In fact, I think it should be converted into the primary way (maybe even the only way) to get the best gear in the game. Now, before you jump to conclusions, hear me out. Previously, you'd simply gear up from drops you get. You kill stuff, pick stuff up, put it on. However, that seems like a closed circle. There are other aspects of the game (ie crafting) that could be introduced into that mix to promote player interactivity and liven up the game's credit and material economy. My proposal is this. Drops would always be in the form of schematics. Some schematics being very, very rare (thus increasing their value and the desire to find craters with said schematics). Also, when I say "Drops" I just mean a means of obtaining. It could be from a boss fight or a command crate. Doesn't really matter. Aside from that, players would deal in mats. They'd do missions just to get their hands on mats. They can turn around and sell them for a profit or give them to a crafter. The point is, these mats would be used to make the best stuff in the game. And you can mediate the way this stuff is earned by setting low drop rates on the require mats or setting high mat requirements for each schematic (on top of the rarity of the schematics themselves). This would make crafting one of the most important things in the game and allows the player community to interact more. And it doesn't really take away from the current and past ways of doing things since players would still need to put in effort to obtain the required mats. It just adds a new step to the system that broadens the game's economy and player interaction. It's such a simple idea that I don't know why it isn't already the case/
  2. I always defined gambling as placing a stake for a chance to win an even larger stake back. IE, it's not gambling if you cannot get a return on what you put in. It's the reason why I don't consider Cartel Packs to be gambling any more than I consider playing games at a video arcade to be gambling. Simply put, for a Cartel Pack to be considered gambling it would have to have a chance of giving you Cartel Coins in the packs themselves. Just being randomly generated does not make it gambling. You have to consider what is put in and what is taken away. Can you get a return on the time spent to earn Command Crates? If yes, then it's gambling. If no, then it's not.
  3. I haven't done much of the new chapters yet, so no. I have no idea.
  4. In chapter XIV of KotFE, you gain special abilities if you have the saber equipped. The abilities you gain depend on the choices you made when creating the weapon. For example, I chose to focus on "Transcendence" and that gave me the ability to increase my movement speed during the Arcann fight. The abilities pop up on your temporary bar.
  5. Set bonus gear needs to be removed from command crates. In it's place, put some type of currency (think cartel certificate). Players use this currency at a vendor to purchase the set piece gear they want. Crates will still drop non-set bonus gear that new players who are "too confused" about how to use an NPC vendor to buy gear can use and still be pretty productive. But for people who know what to do with set pieces stuff, they can use the currency they gain to buy the pieces they need. Then, all you have to do is set the costs of these set pieces at just the right spot to keep players from gearing out in a month. EDIT: Also this currency should be bind to legacy.
  6. I want to add: Fix the bug causing the member list to reset to the top whenever an action happens in guild (members logging, roster editing, etc.) This is one of my biggest peeves with this game. If I'm trying to manage the guild list it takes 10x longer than it should because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I change something or someone logs, it scrolls me all the way back to the top of the list and deselects everything I was trying to bulk manage. Imagine having to edit each player's note on a 500 person list only being able to do one at a time and then having to scroll from the top, all the way back down to the next person on the list. Every. Single. Time. A half-hour task takes 5 hours. And this isn't just with the guild roster. It's practically with all listing functions in the game. The cartel item stash, the companion crew skill list, etc. PLEASE FIX THIS!
  7. The only reason I decided to actually get involved with this event was BECAUSE of the achievements. (well, that and the chiss comp). I can't comprehend why they'd think it was a good idea to remove them. It completely contradicts the very point of an achievement in the first place! If they want to make a new DvL event, then that means they need to make a new DvL category for the second event and NOT reuse the achievements for the first one.
  8. This is not an excuse. It completely defeats the purpose of having achievements in the first place. If they want to make a "DvL Version 2" event sometime later down the road, then they should make a completely new event achievement category called "DvL Version 2." The achievements we earned are said and done. Leave them and move on. And, considering the fact that they are months of crunchtime effort, I'm more surprised that there aren't more people severely pissed off at this.
  9. I don't really play Shadows/Assassins, but even I find the nerfs to them in 5.0 to be ridiculous. TK Throw/Force Lightning removal... while I understand the reasoning it still doesn't sit right. Removal of Phase Walk is downright stupid. It was originally specific for that adv. class, then it migrated to the global class, now it's removed from the Shadow/Assassin. I would have much preferred them remove Shadow Step (or w/e that teleport leap move is called) than Phase Walk. Phase Walk was an excellent tank utility that made it outshine the other tank classes. Hell, it was a great utility to have as a melee DPS, too. As someone who mains a sentinel (which is a class that is always topping DPS charts), I find these removals on the Shadow/Assassin to be completely ridiculous.
  10. I agree. I don't like this game feature. I do not wish to participate in it so I'd appreciate it if I could disable the notifications from it.
  11. This is a good idea that we must have. /signed
  12. I haven't tried them yet. But from what I gather, the tuning is perfect the way it is. The problem is them being advertised as being able to take any group of 4 players. Just say you need a tank, 2 dps and a healer and be done with it. There is a problem with making content that is role neutral. It removes the required necessity for players to role tank and heal specs. Granted, rolling those specs makes the content easier... but you aren't required to roll that way in order to get into a group. Therefore, it creates a even more overbloated population of DPS players. Tune the group finder to require a tank and healer. Deal with the longer queues, but feel assured in a more competent composition of players.
  13. So, I understand the intentions of the new GC system. They want to streamline everything so players can jump right into the game and be rewarded uniformly for it. I get that, I really do. However, it begs the question: Why remove the old ways of gearing? The two systems don't seem to contradict each other. The devs said in a stream that they felt it was "too confusing" to know what to do with token drops; which NPC vendor was designed for you and which bonuses you needed. And, sure, I guess a new player might feel that way... but take 5 seconds to ask in chat and you'll figure it out. So, sure, they make it easier for the new player to get gear. Fine. But what about the veteran player that knew how to work this stuff? The new GC system makes the game easier for new players... but it makes it immensely harder for veteran players... especially ones with lots of alts. And I don't mean "harder" as in "more challenging" I mean "more trivial and restrictive." I don't understand why they couldn't keep boss token drops in addition to adding the Command Crate system. In fact, that seems like it would have the largest positive impact on the game. Veteran players knew how to get gear an would work to get the stuff they want. New players who didn't know how to get gear would use the GC system to get gear to allow them entry into more veteran content. ...So why piss off your install base just to appease to new players who you are unsure will even care enough to try out the different content in the game? Also, on that subject, how do new (IE Free) players even get into that content if it's locked behind a subscriber only feature? No matter how I try to look at it... it just seems like the devs shot themselves in the foot here. Can someone explain what I'm not getting?
  14. It also resets and rearranges items whenever you make a withdrawal that isn't the first item listed. Even if your stash is completely empty, if you open more than one pack you see how buggy it is.
  15. I think you might have missed the point slightly. I'm not trying to jump on the "RNG is bad bandwagon" with this post. It doesn't really matter to me because I honestly don't think it's going to be a (large enough) problem to be worth complaining over. I more or less made the suggestion as a probe for potential feedback on an idea, like I said at the beginning of the OP. I don't really see why it would be a bad idea. Because you'd be able to gear up efficiently without any wasted time grinding ranks to get things you don't want or need. You know what you want and you work to get it directly. And, from the way they've been describing the ranking system, you'd gain ranks very quickly; this is why I went with a 10 rank gap in the original post. Basically by the time you'd be able to reach the 3rd tier of the first item, you'd be able to start earning points for the next item. I guess the word "grinding" isn't really efficient here. Because in order for something to be a "grind" it would need to require a devoted amount of time that would detract from the completion of other tasks. But if there isn't any other tasks that you can do in the mean while... it wouldn't be much of a grind then, right? In fact, that's the entire point of the Galactic Command system. Taking focus away from "grinding" and just letting you play and earn rewards/gear as a side-effect.
  16. Discouraging bots isn't the point though. The point is giving credit boxes more value to players. There was one point I forgot to mention in my first post, and that was the idea of an appraisal timer for getting the items appraised. However, I realize that this would still be able to be circumvented simply by having a player log into the bot toon to collect at a more frequent pace. So, forget it.
  17. At the moment, the family tree window is kind of pointless for anything except role playing. We should fix this to make it, quite frankly, the single most useful tool to a player in this game. I call it the "Legacy Management Window." So, it would look similar to the family tree, maybe scale it back a bit so the tree doesn't take up so much space. Maybe add some new relationship status options. However, when you click on one of the characters listed in the family tree a menu pops up allowing you to manage that character. -Inspect their gear (not change it). -See how many credits that character has as well transfer credits to and from them and the character you are currently on. -Manage their crew skill tasks/crafting. -Quick-log to that character (automatically logs you out and back into the selected character.) -Queue for group finder/warzones on characters you aren't currently logged into. I'm sure you can see the implications this has. My suggestions only scratch the surface of what else this can do and how useful it would be to players with slow computers/load times or players stuck in a group instance and needing to do things with alts.
  18. There is an issue with making this similar to the covert body armor set. Basically, markings like tattoos or other body alterations are passive cosmetic. But the covert body set is an actual piece of gear that takes up a gear slot. Basically, it's not favorable to apply tattoos and other such things as a piece of gear because then people would be running around seemingly without gear. Like, if I wanted a face tattoo, I wouldn't want that to be my "headpiece" I'd like to have a hat or other actual head piece. I think the best solution would be for them to make either an alternate tab on the outfit designer (or subtab of each current tab) where you could equip body mods that can be equipped simultaniously with the gear you want to wear. This is a better idea profit wise too because it allows them to make a whole new slew of equippable items that people can put on without removing their current items. Body mods could be anything from tattoos and markings or cybernetic limbs or even special tuning-like effects.
  19. Ok, so it's obvious why credits were removed from lock boxes; because farm bots would farm them and then turn around and sell the credits. But it's still disappointing to find all these lockboxes lying around with nothing of value in them. So why not do this: Inside of all lockboxes you put in some sort of token (like a relic or artifact or otherwise "item of value') item of various value. This token would be worth a set amount of credits. However, in order to get those credits, you need to take it to a very specific appraisal NPC on the fleet. Or, to make it even more bot-unfriendly, you create different "types" of tokens that need to be taken to different NPCs in different locations in order to be appraised and converted to credits. You would be able to sell the token to any normal NPC as trash for a pitiful amount of credits, but if you take it to the correct NPC, you could get yourself a nice haul of credits.
  20. So, about 4 months ago there was a graphics glitch with a new nvidia driver update. Since that time I had not updated my drivers so I could avoid this bug. It seemed to have since been fixed, so I decided to update my drivers today. It was indeed fixed. However, now I'm getting this preview glitch that I'd been hearing so much about. Therefore it has something to do with recent graphics drivers.
  21. I don't like the list method of the items in the item stash. IMO, it just makes it hard to sort through the items. The sorting functions are kind of buggy and if you have a lot of items in there it takes forever to search the list one item at a time. Can't you just turn the item stash into a regular 10x10+ slot inventory space? Or maybe even something like 10x30 and you can scroll it down. (Obviously keeping the stacking mechanics it already uses.)
  22. I know it's a long post, but if you aren't going to bother to read it, don't reply.
  23. It's obvious that it's way too late in the game to expect any changes now. But even still, I wanted to post this thought here anyway just to see the feedback. So, the first thing you have to consider is the dev's intentions. They want to give the majority of the playerbase easier access to content that they weren't seeing players do as much as intended. Therefore, they made a one-stop-shop for all of the end game content, and they made gear normalized to work in any of that content. Now, as far as gearing itself, they couldn't just have it give players piece after piece, one after the other. Because that would cause players to gear up too quickly and therefore have nothing left to work for. Which is why they decided on this RNG element to prolong the amount of time people spend grinding gear. However, as many people have already pointed out, there is a flaw in that because when RNG is involved, so is the high probability of player frustration and displeasure. That's why I came up with a way that I think is much more efficient and lacks pretty much most of the RNG while still keeping that hamster wheel spinning. This is how it works: Assume everything works exactly the same as they have explained thus far. The only difference is that you would no longer get stat-based gear from these Command Crates. You'd still earn CXP, you'd still get crates, etc. Crates would have things like mounts, vanity gear, pets, crystals, dyes, crafting mats, etc. There would be a new menu where you progress your gearing. And the way it works is like this. Every 10 levels you gain of Command Rank, you would be given a "Gearing Focus" consumable item. This consumeable would be fixed for each rank you earn. So at rank 10, you'd get maybe an earpiece. At 20, you'd get a relic. At 30 you'd get implants. At 40 you'd get belt, 50 you'd get bracers, etc. (Basically gear at a pace that would take you the longest to get the best stuff). Now, you might be wondering "why every 10 levels?" That's because these aren't actual pieces of gear, they are what I call "Gearing focuses." You consume one of these focuses and you unlock that piece of gear in the new gearing menu that I mentioned before. You select a gear focus that you've unlocked (you may only have one active selection at a time.) Now, whenever you earn CXP, you progress that gear focus forward. When it you earn enough CXP to complete the focus, you would get the first tier of that piece of gear. Then the focus would level up and you could start earning CXP for the next tier. Every 10 levels you would earn a new focus. However, you can only have 1 focus active at a time. This way you have to choose what gear you want to focus on earning and to earn it you need to grind out game content. On top of that, you have to rank up the tiers in order to get the best gear. This way not only do players know what they are going to get, but they are able to directly work for it. It's not random, and it requires a bit of grind work. It's win/win/win all across the board. The ONLY thing I haven't thought of yet is stat distribution for items like earpieces/implants. Perhaps you can just select the type of gear/itemization you want to earn CXP for at the onset (each itemization type would be it's own focus type).
  24. You don't see this option: http://imgur.com/a/tDq9F
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