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Everything posted by Zorrion

  1. This is a horrible approach. There were 10 planets when SWG launched and you could go to every single one. No levels anywhere. The generation of you have to have levels to play a game is just bad. There are better systems out there that are far more fun for the users. Maybe we should start using our ages as levels IRL? The point is, you could go to Dathomir the day you started. You would probably be killed by a Night Sister or Rancor but there wasn't a limit to your exploration.
  2. This is incorrect. If they are writing a linux client from scratch it's not an issue. They will run into more issues trying to port it from the windows client to a linux client. Most of this game is server side so the client is the smaller piece of the puzzle.
  3. Why? - Because many people enjoy creating the mods and it gives them one more reason to support this game and spend more time playing it. This in itself should prove the point. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow
  4. We need this! http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimages1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20070310194639%2Fstarwars%2Fimages%2F1%2F13%2FKel_Dor_Jedi_Weapon_Master_SWG9.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstarwars.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FJedi_Weapon_Master&docid=BNXORydZ59sLEM&tbnid=1SZurWup2mkLSM%3A&w=725&h=840&ei=PFRWUaLtIInq8wTgqoC4Cw&ved=0CAIQxiAwAA&iact=rics
  5. Vague reference to a certain internet entity not being the first?
  6. http://games.slashdot.org/story/03/11/09/0224207/first-jedi-player-unlocked-in-star-wars-galaxies
  7. Leverage the various iconic weapons and armor out there and start implementing them in the game. This should give years worth of content to add to both the cartel market and to end game.
  8. Other MMO's are allowing any weapon to be used by the player realizing that the diversity and choice a user has the better the game will perform.
  9. I agree with this suggestion as it would bring more story and robustness to the game. Since many people still read the novels today and the EU is an accepted part of them, it makes sense to use parts of the EU in this game.
  10. This would be great. Do a Linux 32 bit and 64 bit client and a Windows 64 bit client. Allow the computers resources to actually be used to play the game.
  11. Implement a 64 bit client. Allow the high end computers to actually work correctly. Keep the 32 bit client. Allow the users to choose. If the dev team isn't large enough anymore to make a 64 bit client, allow the open source community to make one. I don't understand why game companies aren't moving to something like this, where the players get to create alongside the devs.
  12. Why would it matter if a Jedi or Sith used a blaster? They most likely wouldn't anyway. But why not give them the choice?
  13. Lift all weapon restrictions. Allow anyone to use any weapon type they would like. Increase customization of weapons in some new way overall to bring something else to crafters. Tie in space to crafting the new upgrade. Use a new story to do this. A new reserve of Kunda stones was found in an asteroid belt. Republic and Imperial forces race to gather the resources first. Dog fights and large scale battles break out as players try to gain control of the area and mine the stones.
  14. Worse case of FUD ever. Phone client App's are no harder or easier to secure than Desktop client Apps. Notice the "Client Apps" part. They're all clients. They all have to authenticate. They all have to provide non-repudiation and the server has to give them some sort of authorization. It's very easier for Bioware to monitor what the client is doing with their servers.
  15. I would submit a ticket on this. This is a bug in their implementation and not an actual request for new content. It sounds like they just need add another if check to the code as you mentioned. During their expansion roll out would probably be a prime time to get this thrown in.
  16. Please update the CE vendor. I would like to see new stuff on there. Maybe just set it up as a round robin. Every 2 weeks have it rotate out what's available.
  17. So the Why: I read an interesting article about Heavy armor in front and light armor in back and it made sense that more diverse tactics could be created during PVP and possibly for PVE. PVE scenario. "Everyone spread out. No one stand in the fire!" Beam of fire flies out and kills the healer. Wipe, repeat. Wipe repeat. Add collision. The armored guys stand in front of the fire and block it from hitting the healers. This is just a trivial example. But it's something that could add to the diversity of the game. The reasons against collision are definitely valid.
  18. Add player and vehicle collision to the game
  19. Then that just puts you in the 10% that has OK fps. Grats.
  20. That 90% of the player base has crap FPS and the developers obviously can't handle their private API's let alone creating public API's
  21. You currently can't sell half the stuff to the junk vendor. This is just poor design and results in a lot of clogged inventory. If it doesn't sell on the Bazaar it should be allowed to sell to the Junk Dealer! There are entirely to many Republic and Imperial Banners out there. If you actually want the cartel market to shine there has to be a way for the players to do something with the items other than destroy them if they don't get something they want.
  22. We can't throw anything else at their hamsters. One might die and we would all go from 10 fps to 1 fps!. Maybe they could go to a MUD option and make it text only so we could see some performance out of this engine?
  23. Please add chat bubbles
  24. I would like to see player housing and more player created content in general.
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