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Everything posted by LogicalPremise

  1. This statement not only conflicts itself -- how exactly does one find a group without tools, random spam -- but basically implies that anyone who disagrees is some kind of "WoW game ruiner". Never played WoW. Don't see why when all of my guildies are at work and I need a group to run a heroic I should be forced to run around spamming. Cross server is bad (and hopefully wouldn't even work with this server layout) and offers nothing good if you are on a high-pop server. While I feel bad for those who aren't, well.... nothing I can do about that.
  2. Ran it 3 times on my BH 4 man and got the chest piece 3 times and the legs twice. Ran it 5 times solo and got nuthin. I think the loot table is only putting it in on a full group.
  3. You understand that to fix all potential problems and ensure no queues would require WASTING millions of dollars on redundant servers that would have to be shut down and merged in a month or two for no profit? FFS, people, I haven't hit a single queue yet, so whoever is saying "ALL SERVERS ARE FULL" is lying.
  4. I can't tell if you are lying , just unlucky, trolling. So far I haven't hit a single queue on Krath. So when I read threads like this I laugh and dismiss their ranting histrionics. In a week this will all be moot.
  5. Show me any paid MMO that doesn't do this and I'll back your complaint, until then you are very simply whining about something that every MMO does and has for years.
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