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Posts posted by bmanthekid

  1. Hey Guys, so I originally play an Operative, however, I have just recently level a Marauder to 50, 49 about to be 50 I should say.


    Anyways, I have a hybrid tree mix of Carnage and Rage, I was wondering if there is a more viable spec for PVP or one that does more damage in WZ's


    Anyways my rotation looks something like this, any helpful comments and tips would be appreciated.


    1. Force Leap/Walk In, depending on the sitatuion.

    2. Rupture

    3. Battering Assault (get my energy back)

    4. Force Choke

    5. Ravage (100 % chance to immobilize, doesn't matter if they break choke.)

    6. Force Scream


    The rest of the fight really depends on what they decide to do, if they run away I just hit em with saber throw till they die. If they stay then I hit battering assualt again and just hit them with vicious slash till they die.


    Anyways, that's my rotation if you have any specs that do better damage or have any refinements to my roation, let me know. :)


    Please and thank you

  2. Well, for DPSers and not having a DPS meter, I can provide a simple flow chart.


    Do I play DPS? ------- NO --------> Don't worry about it







    Is my target dead? ----- NO --------> You need more DPS







    Am I dead? ------- NO -------> Don't worry about it







    You need more DPS


    If you like, I can do one for raid bosses.


    I approve of this flow chart.

  3. Because my dim witted responders it was more then 8 hours the scheduled patch was 8 hours then it was followed by an unscheduled downtime for 8 hours that is 16 hours which leaves 8 spare hours, which the average human uses to sleep making a 24 hours.


    24 hours in a day 1 free day = 24


    24 hours compensation for 24 hours lost = reimbursement


    If you're including the down time for uploading 1.2 ?


    Seriously, are you slow ?


    I'm really currious, I think what you meant to say is we lost 8 and gained 16 if anything.

  4. Well I really did unsub just to clarify.


    Its amazing how people completely burn and call you out to be all sort of stuff because you unsub. All I did was saying I unsubbed, and said what I think was wrong and wished you all a good weekend, thats it =) No need to act like children here.


    The appeal to GW2 is WvW, which if you ever played DAOC (greatest pvp game ever) will recognize is really an awesome experience.


    I would not call GW2 more casual than SWTOR, GW2 will be highly competitive because of WvW. Its basicly as hardcore as you want to make it, how bad do you want your server to win. There is no casual thing about it, really. The PvE might be, tho =) There is no raiding and such. But its not like Im missing raids from SWTOR, you breeze right through em =P


    See if your into PvP and raiding, SWTOR just dont give you enogh room to work with, thats all im saying. They are going the completely wrong direction with PvP making it less and less attractive, and raids are simply to easy for experienced players.


    Im really not "that" butt hurt over a video game, but I must admit that im rather disappointed in BW. I thought they would ace an MMORPG =)


    Sorry if my well wishes got your butts hurt tho, but still - Have a good weekend! =)


    Fail logic is fail. Guild wars has been and will always be one of the more casual games of its time.


    You posted this because whilst you may unsubbed you didn't need to share this with everyone. The only reason you shared this with us is because you are more then likely not quitting or you are quitting and you will be back in the future to gripe about more ****.


    EA is in control of this game not BW, get your facts straight.

  5. Nope. Not sarcasm. I always hope that people who say they're going to quit will actually follow through on their promise, but they never stop posting their complains.


    Sometimes I wish they would, seeming as how a majority of their gripes don't make the slightest bit of sense.

  6. Until 4 months after GW2 comes out. I'm guessing the OP will complain about the exact same things, and quit that game to move onto the next game coming out.


    Half of these players don't even quit the game, they just do it to piss people on the forums off.

  7. Account canceled. But I guess I will have a month time slapped in my face.


    This game was way to casual BW, when you make Mass Effect MMORPG, make it so us experienced players dont get butt hurt after 10 days of playing, cracking your entire content buffet 3 weeks in.


    Personally I think the game shouldnt have been released yet, even with 1.2, they should have waited till 1.3, but ohh well =) Atleast it was the most fun game I have leveled up in =)


    Take care peeps, and enjoy your gaming.


    And yes, it felt necessary to tell yall this, and no, you cant have my stuff , and no the door will not hit my butt on the way out, and so forth.


    Ohh, and have a nice weekend =) Cyas in GW2!


    What he really means is, I was ****** at this game so I'm unsubbing. You can't have my stuff because chances are I will come back and preach about how great this game is and any other thing that you can come up with.

  8. Oh yes, we should give hugs and sing Kumbaya because this is a game. >_>


    Let us not forget that this is a business FIRST. If this was really all for fun, no one would be charging money for this and it would be open source to get more people to fix bugs. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that mistakes are acceptable when you're paying for a service. The complexity of the system is irrelevant to the discussion.


    Your fault for falling for a game with a EA tag on it. Do you really think BW is the one rushing all this ****, get a grip. EA is one of the worst companies, period.

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