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Posts posted by bmanthekid

  1. 1. don't know as I have not played a Mara.

    2. not sure if you know about these so I will list them all: Black Hole on Corellia, Belsevis, Section X on Belsevis, Ilum, Gree event on Ilum, Space combat, Heroic Space combat.

    3. depends on what you mean by "worth it." I have an armormech and a synthweaver and I feel they are worth it. On both I craft augments (both prototype and artifact quality), that I sell on the GTM very consistently and use. I also use both to craft gear for alts.


    Thanks for the information, I knew about most of those and I will just have to rough it out as far as the crafting goes. If anyone has any insight on the best Marauder Spec these days i would love to know, thank you :)

  2. Hi Guys, Sith Loyal Here.


    Anyways, I am coming back from about a five month hiatus and I have a few general questions that encompass a few areas of the forum so i thought I would just post it here.


    1. What is the best Marauder spec these days ? (I'm currently using Ani, seems to still do decent damage.)

    2. Have they added any more (do it yourself dailies, ones that you don't need a group for) and if so can you please give me a list of where i can find all the dailies, it's been a while since i've played and i don't remember where they are.

    3. Are any of the armor crafting crew skills worth it ? I'm currently maxed out on artifice and biochem and am trying to pick up another crafting skill but don't know if any of the armor crew skills are worth wasting time on.


    If you answer the post and questions, I would like to thank you ahead of time for your time and I appreciate it :)

  3. sO the other 10% all play on the fatman server, because its the only populated server left, I swear peole on these forums are as blind as it gets, its like pissing in the wind for any one with a brain here.


    Lol, I'm sure listening to you gets annoying from them too. I have characters spread out over like ten different servers all which have 100+ people on the fleet at any given time. Stop giving people the false illusion that this game is dying because you don't play at the right times.

  4. Dude.....Just imagine, if you will, the neon lightning spam we put up with on a nightly basis when you reverse the faction sides of those two OP classes you're talking about. You're right about the classes- but don't ***** about your end of it. I mean it's minute pebble spam vs. PURPLE LIGHTNING and MISSLES/FIERY EXPLOSIONS on our end non stop, every match.


    Give me pebbles any day, lord.


    I hear that, screw a sith sorc. I'm never playing one.

  5. So, I must say 50 PVP is very entertaining, I constantly see 5 consulars and 3 troopers every match. No complaining, I still average 25 and 5 or 30 and 5 till I get full BM gear. Awnyways, do people honestly think that stacking healers and tanks gets you a win lol ?
  6. So, I must say 50 PVP is very entertaining, I constantly see 5 consulars and 3 troopers every match. No complaining, I still average 25 and 5 or 30 and 5 till I get full BM gear. Awnyways, do people honestly think that stacking healers and tanks gets you a win lol ?
  7. Hey Guys, So I've just finished leveling my Marauder to 50 on top of another 50 I have (Operative) and I'm torn between which class I should play next, I have quit a few chars made but can't decide which one to level next.


    Anyways, I'm torn between


    1. Smuggler

    2. Jedi Sage (I think is the repub side of sith assassin)

    3. Bounty Hunter

    4. Sith Sorc


    Which one is funnest to play in your opinion and has the better story and gameplay ?

  8. Um, you were complaining that BW didn't release new content, and now you're saying they did release new content and people have already burned through all of it? I'm getting confused here, and I think some orderlies are on the lookout for someone missing a straight jacket...


    No, I said they did release new content and that it's barely enough to keep the majority of the population now.

  9. Uh, what the heck are you talking about? We've already had a new operation and two new flashpoints added to the game in just under four months.


    Okay, GREAT.


    Seriously though, If they expected people not to blast right through the story and get done that fast (as said in podcasts) then they are foolish.


    Not to mention a majority of the star wars population is 50 now and done with the content, time to hit the ground running and release it.

  10. I'm more then happy with PVP but the rate they are releasing PVE with big titles like GW2 and D3 coming out this game is not going to survive and that's coming from someone who is very patient with MMO's. I just don't want to see the game die and at this rate it's looking girm.
  11. So, you're shutting the servers down again tonight which I get, you have to fix bugs. How long is it going to be before you add end game cotent, I am a PVP person but you are single handedly ignoring whats right in fron of you. Every patch I hope to see some new FP's HM's and stuff added to keep people interested while I PVP but it seems you just dont care and you're letting your game die right in front of you
  12. This is what I have been using spec-wise: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/marauder#9f28e8clc-22i-8


    I personally find that I do a ton more damage with Annihilation than Carnage, however; its definately not one of the easier specs to play in PVP as you need to maintain high dot uptime, never let massacre fall off, and use your defensive CDs with musician like percision.


    That said, my opening rotation looks like this:


    1. Leap in

    2. deadly saber in air + crit trinket

    3. battering assault

    4. rupture

    4. rage builder

    5. massacre

    6. ravage

    7. rage builder

    8. battering assualt

    9. any rage user until berserk pops (its often already up at this point)

    10. berserk

    11. enrage + deadly saber

    12. bloodthirst + power trinket

    13. rupture

    14. massacre

    15. ravage

    return to 7 and continue subject to CDs


    If you don't like using ravage, you can put the 2 points from ravager into malice and just use your basic rage builder and user during rotation downtime.


    Thanks :)


    I shall try this spec

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