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Posts posted by AltruisticRage

  1. Its amazing how many people don't understand the meaning of PVP


    It's also amazing that the majority of "world PvP" is people killing defenseless people, or preoccupied people.


    It's also amazing that most "hardcore" PvPers consider killing defenseless people "real PvP".


    I like my opponents to have an equal footing so that when I beat you, you know it is because I am better than you.


    I don't know the particulars of what this thread is about, but I am pretty certain my post is accurate to the situation without even knowing it.

  2. How does an all healer guild work?


    This post wins the thread, lol.


    If I was staying with this game, I would join.


    Are you moving to another MMO? I am starting to feel like this one has run it's course on me. Just curious as to what else is out there as most options from an MMO standpoint seem to suck.

  3. The PvP communities are much too small. The comprise potentially as few as 40 people or so on the entire server.


    With that kind of number, you can have huge disparities in skill.


    For PvP to be successful, no matter how awesome you think you are and that others should simply "get better", there has to be a huge range of skill levels and team ratings that are getting paired together.


    A 500 rated team will never be as good as a 2000 rated team (arbitrary numbers). As a 2000 player, expecting 500 level players to simply "get better" is ludicrous. Instead of asking the lower rated teams to queue up so that you can perpetually pound them into oblivion for some altruistic notion of them getting better on your part, perhaps you should petition BW to let you play teams that are up to your "level" from other servers.


    I use that word loosely as anyone who is truly serious about competitive PvP matches does not play SWTOR. SWTORs PvP, without matchmaking, is not competitive. I having a funny hunch you wouldn't like playing rateds the moment you were constantly playing teams as good as you are.

  4. Stuns would be a better mechanic if TTK was better. As it stands against good teams, you will be killed in a stun, hence all of the complaints.


    TTK is the issue, not stuns.

  5. You're all baG guys!


    Edit: Nice ninja edit of your typo Altruistic!


    That being said, don't go in a pvp area and ***** and complain when somebody wants to.....PVP.


    If your only rebuttal is to point out a typo, I think we know you have nothing to say.


    Just because the rules allow something, doesn't make it right. This is something that is very important for young people to learn.

  6. Haikus are 5-7-5 on the syllables.. like this:


    COVENANT likes to

    make forum posts filled with

    some grade school insults


    Edit: Or at least I pronouce "covenent" with 3 syllables. Some of you yankees might not.


    Yea I was trying to come up with different first lines and mixed them up. It is corrected now. And calling you a bunch of douchebags for douchebag behavior is not really grade-school insults.


    Edit: I like how we are being painted the bad guys by you by simply calling you out for being mean to people for really no other reason than to stroke your collective e-peens.

  7. "I need to validate myself by beating up on people who I outgear and outskill."


    If this "PvP" quest required PvP to complete, I wouldn't bat an eye. As it stands, I really see no reason to mess with people in the PvP zone. I get that PvP is supposed to happen in the PvP zone, but I am not a douche just to be one because the rules allow me to.


    I never killed lowbies when I played on PvP servers in other games. I just don't grief because it does nothing for me to beat up on someone who can't defend themselves.

  8. If you're complaining about people killing you in the PvP area on Ilum then don't go. It's a PvP area for a reason. Can't expect to be able to walk around freely without running into someone wanting to fight.


    If the PvP quests actually pertained to PvP in any way, I would agree with you (like the old Ilum where kills were part of the quest).


    With these dailies, they essentially just force you to run around doing PvE quests in a contested area. I think it is pretty stupid.


    You won't see me complaining about getting killed in Ilum. I will say it is poorly designed, though.


    "Go kill a bunch of random mobs in a contested area and hope you don't get ganked. Hooray, world PvP."

  9. So this is my greatest problem when I am playing PVP in this game...as a DPS beating a healer is hard, u all know...but when a healer is healing a healer that is God Mode.


    Now put it that other way...a WZ with 3 healers.....all healing themselves and the team. That's freaking impossible to deal with if you are not playing as a premade.


    I think healers should have some kind of healing debuff as "while using this stance you get -50% healing by other players or something". What do you think? Only for PVP.


    Trauma. Bioware is already on your side! This is also ignoring the PvP changes in 1.2 where basically DPS have free reign on the PvP system ever since.

  10. All the PVP elites on PVE servers would be ROFLSTOMPED if they went against PVPers of a PVP server.




    They'd complain and want the old system back.




    Because real PvP happens on PvP servers. It isn't just a gankfest until level cap (and is still a gankfest at level cap).


    More true would be that PvE servers are for people who want to level without getting stomped by max level toons while they are in the middle of questing.


    I doubt there is any difference in skill between the server types.

  11. Yes it's fun to hit people hard in lowbie pvp. It's your reward for having level 50s with the crew skills to make all the armorings, mods, etc. a lot of reverse engineering to learn schems plus mats gathering goes into it, but yea it's fun


    I said "getting hit". I doubt it is fun for people new to PvP and trying it out for the first time.


    I shrug it off as someone who wants self-validation by stomping undergeared lowbies. I have been playing longer, though.


    It isn't the best way to foster new players sticking it out until 50 and potentially subscribing.

  12. Quit whining about lowbie pvp and twinks. God forbid people use the crew skills that the game gives them to make armorings/mods/ enhancements etc etc. to have good gear. The game's been out for over a year now and people are bound to get better and have alot of schematics unlocked/ credits etc to play around with unlike the old days. Go with the flow or go home. The time you spent here complaining , you could be making armorings for "twinked" gear.


    Because getting hit for 6K in lowbie PvP when you have 12-13k health is fun, amirite?

  13. Imo a lot of players underestimate how difficult it is to be at the forefront of clearing PvE operations.


    I don't underestimate it. High-end PvP is harder and requires more skill. Period.


    Until SWTOR, my whole MMO existence was PvE and even then I would freely admit that high-end PvP requires more skill.

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