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Posts posted by Floplag

  1. 2 minutes ago, sithBracer said:

    Ok, you know what, you are right. go ahead and sub for 20 years, buy more and more cartel coins. Show everyone how passionate you are and support this company which will 100% risk all its money on a 12 year old declining MMO on a declining IP. Oh look, it's a flying pig!

    OK youre just trolling now... age of a game has nothing to do with if if its still fun.  WoW is even older still leads the MMO field.. in fact EVERY leading MMO is getting quite long in the tooth right now. 
    Bottom line for me is simple, if they want my continued support, which i want to give, i want to know the plan... otherwise its time to move on for good
    The rest is moot. 

  2. 1 minute ago, sithBracer said:

    With half the development staff? More requires more investment. More investment, by definition, requires more risk. Why would any CEO in their right mind do that when they can just get a sure thing? It might not be as much money as they can "possibly" make, but it is not a gamble.

    Youre arguing stuff we dont know, and has nothing to do with my post frankly.
    What im asking is simple, release what the roadmap is, whatever it is, if you want me to continue supporting this game.
    If they cant or wont do that then you may well be right, but i would rather hear that from them, than you, with all due respect. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, sithBracer said:

    It's a declining 12 year old MMO on a terrible engine on a declining IP that is expensive to develop for. What do you think the roadmap is? Put it on maintenance mode, add more monetization schemes, bleed it dry, move on. It's what broadsword did in the past and it seems to have been working for them. Why change that?

    The answer is obvious, theres still more to be made. 

  4. Just now, jedimasterjac said:

    They obviously can’t release a road map or business plans to an online forum for a deal that’s in the works and only has a letter of intent. Be serious. 

    The shift should have nothing to do with what was already on the books as planned content whether it was EA/BW or Broadsword.
    Im not asking for revenue or business numbers or who gets what part of what pie, im asking for the content plan, which is irrelevant to all that and must exists somewhere if the game truly has a future. 
    Yeah, this might change some of that, but asking what the current long term plan is has nothing to do with business dealings. 

  5. I mean lets be honest, the recent history that created the skepticism and its no secret EA hasnt given a rats and now its clear BW didnt either, the latter a bit surprising considering some of the garbage they put out of late but i digress. 

    This is either the dawn of a new day, or the beginning of the end, it CANT be status quo or business as usual, not with such a huge shift, that will only erode confidence further. 

    @JackieKo  @KeithKanneg  @EricMusco  We need to know what the plan is beyond what we already know.   Whats out there beyond the already planned and announced 7.4, and a rough estimate on when its release is planned. 

    There is no reality, at least no good one, where there isnt a roadmap somewhere, you need to release it.  Even if its just the broad strokes and generalities.   Something to hang our hopes on.

    Most of us want to believe, but you really badly need to give us a reason to right now. 

    I dont think this is an unreasonable request if you want me to continue my subscription and support of this game... which i want to do,,, the balls in your court. 

    • Confused 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Tharianus said:

    you should try to find a group. FF14 really shines when it comes to group content (savage or ultimate) and those fights will definitely challange you to your very limits i can guarantee you that.

    I legit just cant get behind the graphics of FF.... tried multiple times the whole anime style just does nothing for me. 
    I Dont really want to go back to WoW since i dont have time to keep up with the endless grind.
    ESO and GW2 are options but they are also far from perfect.
    This for me could not have come at a worse time.   No idea where to go from here as im not wild about any of the current options. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    I've already explained this multiple times. Most of the negative experiences people whined about on these forums were absolutely their fault. That is a fact that you would readily accept if you ever actually played ranked.

    The fact that you refuse to accept observable facts makes you the one in denial by the way.

    And I'll reiterate, people like you directly contributed to ranked having less players through your lies, which is something you should be really ashamed about. It continues to amaze me that the complaints about ranked "toxicity" are still more toxic than ranked itself.

    It's also really hilarious that you treat me as if I'm one of the toxic players that ruined ranked for other people considering all I did to stop excessive toxicity, especially vote kick abuse. Often my actions were quite unpopular with the ranked community, but I did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. But because I expose your nonsensical narrative regarding ranked, I must be a villain I guess lol

    You have explained, nothing... you have preached at people and completely disregarded their views.
    Im not suggesting you personally have done any of this at all.  In game, im sure you are a good player with class.  BUT, you have no issues with coming here and telling every person with an experience different than yours that they are a liar.  That they are the problem.
    Either you are wrong, or every person thats ever had an issue with ranked, myself included, are... Occam's Razor applies. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, -Garmonbozia said:

    There's no choice of playstyle in ranked as there are no objectives which renders your hypothetical question irrelevant. But play how you want.

    The "style" has nothing to do with it.  Deathmatch, capture the flag, control points... they all have certain winning conditions, things you must do to win the match. 
    This is so simple, you play to win, whatever that means, or you dont.
    If someone does that in ranked, people lose their minds.. but the same people that do so are fine with it in regs and doing it to other people. 

  9. 9 hours ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    I remember having this exact same conversation with you where you admitted that you only played a handful of ranked matches. Stop lying lol

    I'm not "denying" anything. I'm telling you the truth based on what actually happened in solo ranked, because, you know, I actually played it, unlike you. It's all pretty straightforward.

    And again, "this" has nothing whatsoever to do with why they don't put resources into it. They just don't care about competitive pvp or maintaining its integrity, mainly because not enough of the player base played it.

    The reality is, people like you posting nonsense on the forums kept people like the OP of this thread from playing ranked, which is really shameful.

    Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
    Beleive me dont beelive me i really dont care, but every time someone suggests a negative experience you're there telling its their fault or that they imagined it.
    You want to know why this happened, listen to those horror stories, and find a mirror. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    I played as much solo ranked as anyone over the past few years (excluding this preseason). I saw the toxicity that was there, and I understand what fueled it. The fact is, if you came into ranked properly geared, at least somewhat knowing your class, and were willing to follow directions and listen to advice, you faced very little toxicity.

    In some cases, I actually saw the full progression: people come in and ruin a series of ranked matches by getting globaled, arrogantly asserting that they pay a sub and know what they're doing, and then proceed to post on the forums with nonsense about ranked "toxicity." 

    In other words, my opinion is based on direct observation, having played thousands of solo ranked matches. What is your opinion based on? Playing a literal handful of ranked matches and reading forum posts.

    Also, you'll notice that this poster didn't actually play ranked. He was just scared off by the "horror stories," the vast majority of which were simply nonsense. That's why I tried to set the record straight as much as possible here over the years.

    Finally, none of this has anything to do with them removing ranked. They didn't want to expend resources to moderate it, so given that they did the only logical thing they could do.

    Exhibit 2... assuming ive played none to justify you being right. 
    You have no idea what people have or have not done.   You assume without even considering or listening to them.
    People have been telling you this for literally years, you keep denying it... this is WHY they dont want to put resources into it. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    This is a shame, because those "horror stories" were almost all untrue, or at best lacking context. It was usually players entering ranked with bad gear, no concept of how to play their class and an unwillingness to listen to advice. They whined that the experience was too "toxic" while being wholly unprepared for ranked themselves.

    But it's all a moot point now I suppose.

    Why does everyone pretend these things never happened?  Why is everyone else a liar?  Why is whatever happened always the other guys fault?  why are their stories always wrong but this narrative that it was always under geared under prepared players, as if that justifies treating like garbage, the only right one? 
    This is part of the reason this is happening.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    well, i just scrolled thru  that entire thread for you and  of course now i can't find it  lol   UGH ...  Maybe  BioWare  *deleted* the post,  since technically  it was never something they  ever endorsed-->  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/136507-changing-your-swtor-loading-screen/  ?

    Yeah i had as well, youre probably right they dumped it... pity, seems such a trivial thing to worry about. 

  13. 28 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    hi,  see my  reply in this other thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925536-unable-to-change-loading-screen-anymore/?do=findComment&comment=9725294  ... in which the OP of that thread seems to have either figured out a way  or copied another player's method (from the thread i linked them)

    Thanks for the reply but forgive me i didnt see anything relevant to a fix on this, perhaps a missed it, can you clarify which page that was on? 

  14. 1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

    There was a very long discussion about if farming damage is equal to playing objective, it probably is better than playing objective but I'm pretty sure you read that too so i don't really see the need to bring that back to life.

    I have read many such posts, and they are all rationalization, not reality. 
    There is no damage winning condition in regs / objective based maps, none, so the argument fails. 
    Dont get me wrong, damage done in the furthering of those objectives, 100% valid, but when they involves being miles from any objectives or not watching doors etc... no, come on man your smarter than that. 

    • Like 1
  15. 11 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

    I typed a text explaining it, but I figured I'll use the arguments of people do ruin ranked games.

    You don't pay my sub I can do what I want. Flame me in regs, please, it adds to my fun. Kinda like seeing a coach potatoe screaming at football players earning 15x his salary and they are in better shape, I do find it more interesting and funny than the game itself, same goes for regs.

    So you dont care if you ruin others, but if they do for you its an issue.  Got it.  
    I hope you meet every thrower in the game. 

    • Like 1
  16. 10 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

    Here is the thing, nobody farms damage in ranked. I can only do that in warzones because usually don't face sentient beings, so they don't attack me so I can play very aggressively and get away with anything. I cannot do that in ranked and the WZ players will never be able to punish me in ranked cuz they didn't learn it in the warzone and that is why playing objective actually makes people worse.

    Nevermind there is an actual reward behind ranked and if you throw someones 1500 game they won't be happy. While winning a warzone... gives nothing? There is no reason to win a warzone, give me one and I'll still damage farm because that is how to win, but I don't want to get into that.

    You miss the point or avoid it intentionally... 
    I would not ruin a ranked match for anyone, although many do... and you complain about them vehemently... yet have no issue doing the same to others in their chosen content.  Explain that logically, what makes one bad, and the other not?  The fact that one has a different set of rewards doesnt explain that. 

  17. 4 hours ago, -Garmonbozia said:

    And as dmg farmers go, honestly they pay to play the same as everyone else. If they'd rather go in and do dmg. they should be allowed to do that. Furthermore, if they're any good at it and if the other four are any good at objectives, this is typically an easy win. The problem comes when the other four expect to be carried by the good players who can do damage and can't manage anything on their own.

    Heres the problem with this... if i went into ranked and didnt play to win, would you say the same?  I paid my money same as you so... shouldn that apply?
    IF they are that good, shouldnt they be able to do both?

  18. 2 hours ago, Exly said:

    Posts like this only feed their dark side. 

    Now I have a picture in my mind of someone at the studio yelling "quick, get the popcorn" as they anticipate people's response to your post.

    Oh im sure the hate will flow, but that doesnt change the reality of it all.  People hate Mercs as were hard to kill in PvP, but they certainly dont fear us at the same time so... meh. 

  19. I had a similar issue recently, i resolved it by using paypal for the payment, even though paypal was connected to he exact same card. 
    Its clear they are having some billing issues internally right now as the subscription and coin purchases never failed before recently. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. I dont usually make these kinds of posts but I am beyond disappointed that Mercs got no help.  Literally dead last and you buff specs near the top of the list and do nothin to help us. 
    I have mained Merc thru good and bad but its hard to do when no one wants you for groups. 
    For the first time ever im not maining Merc, not because i dont want to, but because i effectively cant. 


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