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Everything posted by Grimoir

  1. I find your suggestion to be rather interesting and incredibly diplomatic. I gotta say, I really do like it. However, the problem is that you would be INCREDIBLY hard pressed to even find a single player in either faction that would be willing to agree to what you're suggesting. I don't mean this as an insult, but you're giving the SWTOR community more credit than they deserve as far as sportsmanship is concerned. The majority of, if not all, players on the Bastion like having free wins tossed their way. And if the other team being down a player guarantees this, then all the better for them. You can go and ask the top rated Imperials from The Bastion if they'd be willing to sit out a round if their opponents had either Moophy or Rysleezy on their team, and I guarantee that not one of them will agree to do so. All you'd get is a big, fat, "LOLOLOLOLOLOL!" with a little bit of, "GET BETTER THEN, SCRUBS!" Theres a single player in the top 3 for the Bastion that I would even ask this, and he might do it as a favor if I was facing him, but that doesn't do the rest of the Republic population any good, so why bother? tl;dr Awesome suggestion, but sadly it won't work until the community as a whole decides to be less petty and actually care about each other. People like free wins, and until that changes, people like Moophy and Rydeezy will continue to be a pestilence. And I'll say it again just for good measure: Ban players like this from being able to queue for Ranked games. Period.
  2. How much do you want to bet that they WON'T send out in-game mail to every level 1 character announcing the inclusion of GSF? Hell, they even sent out a reminder about the start of Season 1 to everyone, so I highly doubt that they'll skip the opportunity to do so for a Digital Expansion. Now the contents of said mail message remain to be seen of course, so we won't know until it releases whether or not it will have a 'story' explanation or a simple, "Check out the new expansion that we released! Its available starting at level 1 so jump right in!" That's all beside the point considering they have absolutely no reason, as has been stated countless times in your pointless thread already, to include anything as far as an explanation for the expac is concerned. On a side note, you seem incredibly obsessed with starting as much controversy and drama on these forums as possible, Nagus. Frankly, I find it to be a ridiculous waste of time and energy, but I also know you've got to fuel that stupid little blog of yours that no one reads. Be more diplomatic when it comes to asking things in your threads, and don't be afraid to agree with people when they point out something that actually MAKES SENSE, in contrast to your obsessive habit of arguing with anything and everything said contrary to your own beliefs.
  3. You don't seem to get it, do you? We are talking about SOLO Ranked Warzones. We don't get a *********** choice whether we are grouped with him or not, we just have to suffer through the consequences of his actions. We can't leave the match, because that gives us a loss and screws over our teammates; not mention that is stooping to his level. We cannot dodge matches that he's in because that is also considered a loss of rating. And finally, we can't play the matches he is in because he quits or plays so terribly that it's nigh-impossible to get a victory.
  4. You must not know how the system works. If you win a match, you gain ELO points(rank). If you lose a match, you lose ELO points. If your opponents ELO is higher than yours, you gain more for a win and lose less from a loss to that team. If your opponents ELO is lower than yours, you gain less for a win and lose more for a loss to that team. Now if you do not compete at all by leaving, you lose a large number of ELO rating on the spot. It counts as a loss as far as rank goes. This occurs even if you decline or miss a Ranked Queue pop. So they're still hurting themselves with this behavior, but the problem is that they're intentionally hurting others with it as well. The only reason I gave the example of a quote from Moophy about the no losses thing, is to give a frame of reference for the kind of player that people on the Bastion, like myself, are having to deal with every day. Of course he's losing the game, but if he quits before the [DEFEAT] screen shows, he can convince himself that he's never been defeated. I can't tell if these are immature and childish displays of competition, or malicious attacks on their fellow players; but in either case, Moophy and the-vanguard-that-everyone-hates-on-the-bastion need to be held accountable to their actions. Simply can't say it enough. Its not 50 every time, but its still a larger number than you get for a defeat. So in other words, its entirely based on the average ELO of both your own team, and the team that you're facing...with a few bonus points of ELO loss for being a scumbag leaver. If you're interested in understanding how ELO works, I would google it, as there are lots of well-written pieces with visual examples and math on how the whole thing works.
  5. He doesn't say anything except, "Targets marked," before he dips out. I'm actually surprised at how little trash-talking he does, considering how much of a douchebag he is. Now the-vanguard-that-everyone-hates-on-the-bastion on the other hand....well, he likes to cuss in fleet chat and swear at anyone he runs into in a match that hes argued or cussed at previously. His strategy consists of running directly at the opponents, no matter what his team is doing or have talked about pre-match, and promptly doing as much damage to a single-target as he can before he inevitably dies. This is all as if he thinks he can 1v4 the other team and doesn't need any kind of support from his own teammates. Then he does the same thing in the second round, and leaves right before they can last-hit him so that he can still say that he has, "never lost a match." People like him and Moophy are scum and need to be removed from the equation. And to answer your last comment: Yes, leaving Ranked matches is reportable. Its classified as, "Inappropriate Behavior," and even with a stretch, "Harassment." Doesn't really matter what you report it as, because they are both players that are behaving inappropriately to the detriment of other people's gaming experience. I personally won't continue to support a company that allows scum like them to go unpunished.
  6. You can't kick someone from ANY warzone until the match has officially started, and once a RANKED match starts, empty positions can no longer be filled. The system is not set to allow people to queue into games that are in-progress. The point of threads like this, is to get rid of players like the-Sentinel-that-shall-not-be-named and the-vanguard-that-everyone-hates-on-the-bastion who like to leave games before they even start or after the very first round. Or at the very least, create some sort of system that punishes players like them and makes it so they cannot participate in the part of the game that they seem to like ruining for everyone else.
  7. The only real solution to this is to get as many reports and screenshots of him doing so, and contact customer support about the issue. This is a problem worth quitting PvP, if not the game itself, over. Players like Moophy and a certain Vanguard that we ALL know on pub side, ruin the experience for others by leaving after a 1st-round-loss or even before the match itself starts. This kind of behavior needs to be put down, and quickly, if BioWare has any intention to support a leaderboard or any kind of competition in a ranked environment. One thing I've been doing lately is actually waiting until I see him enter a match to queue, but this only works so well as more often than not, I don't even get a queue pop until hes already done with his match. This is only compounded when both him AND the certain vanguard are online, meaning I have two people to 'dodge' while attempting to get a decent match in Ranked.
  8. Perfect, thats what I was looking for. And you're saying this was a ranked match? Throw it in a ticket and report that the queue system isn't working properly. This is common in unranked, but ranked matches are supposed to keep things even. I feel that its better to remove the possibility of matches like this occurring and deal with longer queue times, than get an ALMOST guaranteed loss because of a broken system.
  9. You also failed to read the entire page that you linked. "The Crowd Chose You!" was removed in favor a poison-like stacking mechanic called "Dampening" that reduced healing received by all players at 1% per stack(increases every 10 seconds). This effect went into play after 10 minutes, and if there was not a clear victory by 20 minutes, the match would end in a draw. The Devs felt like this was a better way to go about combating drawn-out matches without overcompensating. ----"We feel that this mechanic will have a much smaller impact on playstyle, team composition, and decision making than The Crowd Chose You, and thus result in more fun and exciting matches."---- Truth is, there needs to be SOMETHING to stop stealthers from dragging matches out like this. I've experienced, quite often in fact, lowbie matches where a stealther doesn't even enter combat, but rather sits in stealth the entire match thinking he can win a 1v4. This is in LOWBIES mind you, so not many defensive CDs, and definitely no Phase Walk or Barrier. In any case, its an incredibly annoying 'strategy' that some players think they're really clever to be able to pull off. Its not clever when you're a detriment to your team by not engaging in the initial fight and then proceeding to waste EVERYONE'S time by dragging the match to full duration.
  10. If one team had a tank, then the other one would've had to have a tank. Being in tank stance does NOT make someone a tank as they will still be counted in the queue as a specific role determined by the tree they spent the majority of their points in. For example, I play a full Tactics Vanguard in ranked, but when my team gets a healer without a tank, I'll swap to a shield and Ion Cell so i can have a guard on that healer. Im still a DPS as my spec hasn't changed, I just have the added bonus of being able to guard a target, albeit for a significant loss of DPS. Basically, unless you have a screenshot to prove that your team did NOT have a legit tank while the other team did have a legit tank, then your post is going to be little more than speculation.
  11. Like someone already said, its just the summary that is bugged. Go to each individual class record and you'll see them all in the proper order. If need-be, you can also refresh the filter by clicking on the rating button twice to reorganize. The Mara with over 84 wins is a completely different issue though. There's no possible way to have played, much less won, that many games today. He's also apparently won group games as well, which means WELL over 100 games. I mean think about it, you have to get at LEAST the number of queue pops as you have in wins; and then if there are that many queues popping, you're going from one game to the next. How is it even remotely possible that no one else on the same server as that Mara has even close to as many games, let alone WINS?
  12. Correct. Artemis is just misinformed apparently.
  13. ^ QFT. In fact, I was thinking these EXACT words before I even read Bran's post.
  14. But calling someone else selfish for NOT wanting it done is like calling the kettle black. Get off your high-horse and deal with it. Don't use exp boosts and unguild any character you want to play temporarily to reduce the amount of incoming EXP. If you're going to be a fücking prude about events that are held and enjoyed by the majority, then at least have the dignity to step down from your high-horse and take some time away when things aren't going your way.
  15. Read the thread about the maintenance.
  16. You call THAT selfish? How much more hypocritical can you get? You're the one whining about your imaginary 'leveling curve'(which someone has already debunked) being messed up and SELFISHLY asking them to give you an opt out. Don't like it? Don't *********** play it. Or as someone else said, play a maxed out character. Whichever route you choose, stop bìtching and moaning.
  17. I noticed the exact same thing with my Champion Eliminators Chestpiece. In the light it goes to a lighter, shinier color of white than the rest of the pieces; regardless of whether I turn Unify color on or off.
  18. So with the removal of rating requirement for the Ranked War Hero crafted shells(Not the unranked ones which still have a Valor requirement), I decided to pick up a few of the pieces for alts that I don't plan on getting to Valor 70. After getting my hands on both a War Hero Enforcer's Chest(Rated) and a War Hero Combat Medic's Body Armor(Rated), I noticed that when you unify the your set to the chestpiece without a dye, the rest of your gear changes to Black and White which happen to be the default colors for Elite War Hero versions of BOTH of those sets. The strangest part is that the default colors for the other pieces in the set match(head, gloves, etc) match just fine unless you unify colors. If necessary, i can post some screenshots of it, but if I described it accurately enough, you should know what i mean. For reference, the PROPER colors for these sets can be found on Tor-Fashion.com. Just curious if there are plans to fix the tags on the chest pieces so that we can unify mixed-and-matched sets without dyes on the chest?
  19. Bran wasn't very specific. What he MEANT to say was that you can use an emote to "sit" on existing chair models, not a chair that is already rendered in a specific spot in-game. Start by buying the emotes from the GTN. Just search for "Chair" and leave the filters blank. There are four of them total. Once you've acquired the emote, you can type out what it says in the emote description to utilize it i.e. - "/chair1" or "/chair2" I also recommend asking someone to demonstrate them for you prior to buying them so you know which one(s) you want.
  20. This all the way. How the fuçk can you expect us to wait TWO FÜCKING WEEKS to be able to complete this encounter? I highly recommend hotfixing it, otherwise you're KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY adding fuel to the fire for those players who are already on the verge of quitting. --I won't personally quit over a bug like this, but it's incredibly ridiculous, and completely unacceptable, to be expected to wait an ENTIRE patch cycle for something to be fixed that makes the encounter almost entirely impossible. The only groups I can see finishing this are ones that can stealth to remove the mine on their own which is unreasonable beyond expectations.--
  21. You are all way too obsessed with getting to use the ****** rewards speeder. The thing is NOT that cool, and they've already confirmed that a patch fix WILL be implemented. If you have to wait a ****in week, SO BE IT. Chances are you'll acquire the speeder, use it for a day or two, and then swap to something else because of how ****** it is. This is all besides the point though, because there is a MUCH MORE IMPORTANT BUG to fix concerning Corruptor Zero in HM DF. This is far more pressing than enabling your level 10's to be able to use some ****** speeder that can be replaced by any 8k purchase on the cartel market for the next week. All that being said, it would surprise me if they didn't employ a hotfix to resolve BOTH of these issues within the next few days.
  22. Most of these have already been answered, but some are incomplete at best. Heres a little more clarification: 1. There is an Appearance Customization Terminal inside the Cartel Bazaar on each fleet as well as on the capital planets for each faction. For the Republic, its the northern elevator and inside the Market south of the Senate building on Coruscant. For the Imperials, its the southern elevator on the fleet and in the market section on your right as you enter Kaas City.. Generally speaking, the fleets are mirror images of one another, which can be incredibly helpful when you're looking for something particular. It also helps to turn on all of the filters on both your map and your mini-map so you can mouse over icons and find out what they are. For example, every elevator is labeled with its destination which is perfect for finding the one marked --Elevator to the Cartel Bazaar--. 2. All dyes are available on the GTN except for a handful that are currently limited to the Security Key and Collectors Edition Vendors. To sell them on the GTN, players open dye packs(purchasable from the Cartel Market; also on sale this week) or craft them with Artifice(very limited selection here; patterns for more dyes can be purchased at high reputation levels for specific factions). The only other place to obtain dyes are the aforementioned Security Key and CE vendors which, again, only have a handful of specific dyes which are bound to the player that purchases them. 3. Collections is a new system that allows you to collect items from the Cartel Market and, when you obtain a full 'set,' unlock that 'set' for your entire account. A set varies between a single item like a toy or a lightsaber crystal, to an entire collection of armor(i.e. Cassus Fett's armor or Marka Ragnos' armor). Like what has already been said, you can obtain an unlimited number of copies of any 'set' that you've already unlocked via the collections menu. This ability to unlock is, however, limited to the character that you obtain the 'set' on unless you spend the specified amount of cartel coins to unlock that 'set' on an account-wide basis. Its important to note that you must collect all of the pieces of any given 'set' on a SINGLE character in order to unlock it through collections. 4. Mount speed is specific to each individual mount and is generally tied to which level of speeder piloting you have currently unlocked. Level 1 Speeder Piloting is 90%, Level 2 is 100%, and level 3 is 110%. Originally, speeders had one speed that they could run at and would require a specific level of piloting in order to be used(see above), but with the introduction of cartel mounts, most mounts are now adaptive. This means that, as long as it says its ADAPTIVE, you can use the mount regardless of your current level of piloting(minimum Level 1 required of course) and it will automatically go as fast as your current level of Speeder Piloting allows(90,100, or 110%). Currently there is a single mount in the game that can take you at 110% at level 10(if you have speeder piloting unlocked at that level of course) and that is the Friend Referral mount. If you have questions about that program or how to obtain that mount, google it or find your way to the "Friends of SWTOR" page on the site. So unless you get the Friend Referral speeder, you won't be going at 110% speed until at least level 30(provided you unlock that capability through your legacy) or even level 40 like most people. 5. There are currently two available HK customizations. The first one is from the Czerka-198 Reputation vendors which requires Hero-standing and currently costs 100,000 credits. The second one is from the Bounty Brokers Association which requires Legend-standing and currently costs 1,000,000 credits. Both are technically available to you regardless of your level, but you'll have to have a level 55 to grind out the reputation for Czerka, and at least a single level 15 to do bounties every day when the Bounty WEEK is running(once a month). Legend status takes between 5 and 6 weeks to get to, whereas Hero only takes 2-3 if you're properly capping your reputation. Dulfy.net has an excellent guide for maximizing your weekly reputation caps if you plan on trying to get anything from a reputation vendor. The one that a previous poster mentioned from the Oricon vendor is NOT available at this point in time. It was removed from the vendor prior to the Oricon dailies hitting the live server and its whereabouts are currently unknown. 6. You can try lowering your settings if your game is stuttering, but its likely a problem with the engine itself. Thats a different discussion for a different time though. I would recommend googling solutions for graphical problems if you REALLY want to solve it. 7. Double Experience events are not a monthly thing, but rather come along whenever BioWare feels like holding them. There is no discernible pattern, but BioWare seems to want to provide them whenever a LARGE patch or Digital Expansion is released. Don't play the game counting on Double Experience events occurring on a regular basis, because you'll only end up disappointing yourself. The next one is planned for Thanksgiving weekend however, so that it something to look forward to if you like participating. 8. There is no way to scale his mods down short of replacing them. You can craft Aim or Cunning modifications to put in his gear as a Cybertech which can help with keeping him updated as you level. Nowadays, whenever you unlock him on a new character, he comes with both a set of level 50 gear(equipped) and a backpack containing level 1 variants of the same gear. Hopefully this provides a clearer explanation for your questions. If you have anything more specific to ask, be sure to post in this thread.
  23. Actually, [Off-Topic] is MUCH more appropriate for a manhunt. Your topic does not concern the game, it concerns an individual you think is playing the game.
  24. You do realize how slim the chances are of you actually finding these guys is? The worst place to look for them is on the forums. This also belongs in [Off-Topic]
  25. They all stack to give a ridiculous amount of extra EXP for the duration of the event. If you want more 55's, double EXP events are the time to play.
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