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Everything posted by SithClams

  1. Hello, recently a friend and I rerolled Bounty Hunters, and he made a male human merc. I planned on making a powertech, but after playing a few levels it was to annoying having the same voice during conversations..etc for me. Thus I plan on making a female bounty hunter, but I just can't get on board with the powertech of "I am made to take missiles, bombs, sabers, and not be moved" on a female character. Call me sexist, but I was curious if anyone was able to "mentally" justify it for themselves if they ever thought of this? Whenever I make characters I always like to think of a background for them/why they are doing what they're doing, and am having trouble even brain storming ideas for a female bounty hunter. Thank you!
  2. I've been reading the news, and the more Imperial the more people will flock to them creating an overall bad community for both PvP and socially. As for the forum post I will be sure to repost if there are not any good replies..etc. Have to get going will be back later!
  3. Hello, a few friends and I are looking to start brand new inside the galaxy of SWTOR. We don't care about the bugs, the nay-sayers, or any of that. All we are curious about is if anyone could point us in the direction of a server that has a steady que time for Republic, and a high enough population where we can go Empire hunting. If it gives any encouragement we were all fairly big pvpers in World of Warcraft ending as Gladiators a few times in Burning Crusade - Wrath of the Lich King. With that any and all recommendations will be much appreciated, we want to prove that facing bigger numbers will allow the skilled to prevail on the smaller side. Think 300 with lightsabers, so bring it Empire filth! Your days are numbered!
  4. Would also lead to a lot of flame wars from non-swtor gamers.
  5. If SWTOR were to drop to 500,000 subs they would still be heading on track of breaking even. It is hard to take you serious as it is clear you need basic schooling.... BAD!
  6. Hmm I will have to play through Ord Mantell again, I only remember a few parts.
  7. I was right there with you when I first got to that point! When I first made my trooper I was expecting for it to be "FOR THE REPUBLIC" like the Hope cinematic showed. After leaving Ord Mantell I was excited to see that the story is much darker than it appears to be. Meaning if you are going all light, or all dark, you may be doomed to pick the option you would otherwise shy away from as that respective side.
  8. If you are talking about Hutta, you should read the dialog leading to that beforehand . It is a PRETTY obvious reason why it is dark side.
  9. The force user stories seem more black, and white when it comes to the Light/Dark side. However for the Bounty Hunter, Trooper, and Imperial Agent (have not played a smuggler yet) are a bit more interesting imo. Like you said it is not so clear of a decision that seems on the outside should be light, or dark, however if you look into it more it can make sense. Maybe it is that or some individuals such as myself are just trying to justify the choice. I wouldn't go as far as saying the story needs to be checked out, as Bioware can do that right with minimal error.
  10. The story changes in major ways, however you cannot switch to the Empire/Republic with the original character.
  11. The patch is less than 24 hours old. You can't expect Bioware to be just sitting around drinking champagne. I agree it is complete bullsh*t for the Republic, and I am certain (or at least hope) Bioware plans on rolling back the valor, or figuring out an alternative. Be patient young Padawan!
  12. Feel like I am feeding it... but Sith Inquis was designed after Palpatine who used the force more as opposed to saber to saber. Might be wrong here, but I believe Yoda was a sage (or I guess he will one day be a sage ).
  13. That starting area is painting the story as the Republic being complete ***holes to the citizens there. I agreed the first time I played through I was confused, however after going back and picking the other option, you learn what justifies the original alignment.
  14. Is it really need to have 2/3rds of the posts "BIOWARE CAN'T MAKE A GOOD GAME, AND THIS IS WHY I AM QUITING LOLBBQWTF". Nobody needs to hear it, and 90% of them don't give suggestions to improve the game. Thus they are just taking up space for the REAL players as opposed to the 30 day folk.
  15. Black Vulkars (Empire) ques are 5-10 mins, it is a little longer than normal, but that is to be expected as the majority are still leveling.
  16. I played a IA in beta, and my brother is playing a BH... and sadly I believe the dark side is out of cookies this week.
  17. Well it was done in a manner of just giving the endings in a sentence or so . Was like "Darth Vader is Luke's father", but switch that text for the ending of the Sith Warrior storyline.
  18. Hello, on my server there was an individual who was whispering new characters on Korriban the major events from Act 1 through Act 3 for their class. It was fairly frustrating considering I was looking forward to SWTOR as a single player game first, for the story, and interacting with others as a mmo second. Now that the Empire story plot is fairly ruined for me, I was curious if there were any Republic PvP servers that had a good size community that is not to horrid. I am not looking for a troll-free server as that is impossible, but I was curious if there were any servers that had good PvP que times, enough people around to do none 50 flashpoints, and if anyone had a brief recommendation for which Republic is their personal favorite? No need to give spoilers, just whether or not the story is predictable, stale, plot twist heavy..etc. I love me some Sixth Sense! Thank you!
  19. Sent a ticket in and got a response saying it will not be put in anytime soon, but there is a possibility it will be added in the future for an additional fee.
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