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Posts posted by GenXCub

  1. On my server, UT metals are skewed. Mullinine seems to have the highest profit margin (though there's only 2 missions max on that level).


    Also, I do decent with Treasure Hunting, ESPECIALLY with the crafting missions. The level 2 crafting missions (I think it says 115?) that give Chrysopaz + other goodies sell for ~500c, so the missions are costing less than 1000c (auction price plus 430c to run the mission), and the chrysopaz alone is making me about 2000c, then you get an item, some Marilite that I use to make blue level color crystals (which sell amazingly well for their mat cost on my server.. like the level 15 yellow crit crystal is 3000c easy).

  2. The only thing I've really noticed is that they'll all average out to minor profitability when you don't count crits, but each stratum makes the range vary more.




    Moderate class X box costs 100c, will return 85-150c

    Abundant class X box costs 200c, will return 150c-300c

    Bountiful class X box costs 300c, will return 200-500c

    Rich class X box costs 500c will return 250c-1000c.


    Those are just numbers to show that the min/max ranges vary more with higher level boxes, but that they still add up to a small gain.


    For me, I still pick specific level missions when I'm hoping to crit for specific items (like Class 4 Ship Upgrade schematics... I assume they only come from a specific level range).

  3. Well, you named one that everyone can use. Your droid companion from your ship can be equipped with droid parts if you want him out in the world (he's a healer).


    That said, some classes have droid companions. Jedi Knight's first companion is a droid, Imperial Agents get a droid (Scorpio), and troopers get a droid.

  4. Like a lot of MMO storylines, I don't think they wanted the spaghetti-western Black and White of the SW Canon to interfere, and made the 2 factions more like political parties (WoW Horde isn't evil, WoW alliance isn't virtuous. Same in Rift, though it was more of a Science vs. Faith division).


    If you're looking at Empire/Republic more as "your side" vs. "their side" more than Evil vs. Good, Dark vs. Light, you could say that doing the right thing for your team is Light, and betrayal is dark.


    As someone who usually chooses light side quest options on the Empire, you frequently double-cross your employer for no really good reason, but you get LS points because you delay your murder-spree until the next quest. It's those types of choices I understand less.

  5. I was just about to post about exactly the same thing as I got an empire schematic too when I am in the republic. Well I guess it's going into storage until I get to Nar Shadaa but still seems a bit silly for me to be selling things to the empire *shrugs*


    Because political rivals don't ever sell anything to each other. Could you imagine what would happen if China owned $2 trillion in US Debt?

  6. Not a question of allowing..


    there is no computer written code nor batch processes to move characters... it would take weeks to code in such a feature. So we have to deal with them for now while the order new HW, and adjust the HW between servers to balance the loads.


    Rift did it. Free transfers to any other server, anytime you wanted (with a 7 day cooldown per character and a money restriction so you don't screw with server economies). If they're learning from WoW's mistakes (which they have been, where credit is due), this would have been a great feature to bake in.

  7. You need to think that idea over.........Instead of wasting all those credits and time on alts, you should ask your self if is actually worth it to try to get every single proffesion especially when lvl 50 FP/Operation with probably be better than most of the gear. Biochem and Cybertech look like the only useful crafting professions at lvl 50 once the gear starts coming in. Sry if this is mean, but this is a very childish suggestion IMO. I WANT EVERYTHING! kind of mentality just dosent work in MMOs


    I got that way after Ulduar. I finally cracked. After a wipe, having to wait for 24 people to eat, poop, make their kid eat and poop, have a smoke, have their kid smoke, take the dog out for a poop and smoke, it was like 45 minutes (I think they were all from Texas)


    Ever since then, I've found a LOT of joy in finding out how to quickly level toons and make a lot of gold. It's a game on my own terms, and I can go out and have dinner without inconveniencing a dozen people.


    I have 17 max level toons in WoW (gotta see how Alliance does things on occasion!!) and that's kinda what I do.

  8. It seems that BW has gone to great lengths to discourage players from trying to do what you are proposing. However, I have been trying to formulate ways to do this. Check my sig for my first stab at it. (Edit: Linking here too in case I change my sig.)


    To answer your logistics questions, yes a low level character can skill up past their adventure level bracket. However, you have to at least finish your class quest on the starter planet to get your first companion. Not sure if there is a level requirement on when you can learn crew skills, but they are pretty useless without a companion.


    There's no level requirement to learn the crew skill. I sent my level 2 BH to the fleet, got all the codex entries and came back down to Hutta at level 4.5. If you start on Korriban, you don't get to the area with the shuttle until level 4ish, but that's more of a story restriction.


    I'm interested in this as well because this is what I do in WoW. I have a full server of max level toons with max level professions, and the money is very nice. The only thing I don't do is Gather, and that's kinda fixed here with companions.

  9. This is the internet, which means "it's all about me"


    Step out of that box for a second. Just because YOU wouldn't use a level 15 purple doesn't mean people who twink out an alt wouldn't buy it from the AH.


    Less-than-max-level epics were always very profitable in WoW. That's not to say they will be here in TOR, but give it some time. Let the market adjust. There will be people with F-You money in a few weeks/months who will gladly take the lower level blue stims, (et al).

  10. Hopefully, you appreciate the willpower (no pun intended) it takes to not make a snarky comment here...


    No, not everything needs to be crafted. However, the things that are not crafted need to be balanced. Having 2 tank classes able to craft shields and the 3rd tank class unable to is unacceptable. Either all tanks can get crafted shields, or none can.


    Which is exactly what I said above. I just want to make sure it's not Shieldpocalypse Butthurt 2012 because something's not quite right with Artifice crafting.

  11. Here's what happened. I got my invite this morning.


    Yesterday, I was in my account page just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I put my pre-order code into the Code Redemption screen on My Account and it said it was in use (by me, when I entered it on 8/18). I couldn't log in at this point. It gave me the subscription error on my Launcher.


    This morning, I received the early access email, but it did not have a code in it. But when I authenticated on the Launcher, it went forward into the EULA/TOS and I was able to play without entering any codes. My preorder was with Amazon if it makes a difference.


    Raken, if you can't get in, I assume you didn't get your early access invite yet? Go to your Code Redemption page in the My Account screen here on swtor.com. Look at your Code Redemption History.


    Mine reads like this:


    12.14.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

    11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

    08.18.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order


    Yesterday, the Ready To Play was not there. If you have Ready to play and you can't get in, that is a customer service issue I would think.

  12. I noticed this in the Beta. There are no Shield generators with Willpower. It's one thing to say "tanks should need to find a high level generator," But when a single tank class gets excluded, I'd say it's an oversight that will be corrected.
  13. It may be impossible to guess at the market for items at this point. I've been a fairly adept WoW Auctioneer (I was near the old gold cap in LK, but haven't gone for the updated Million cap).


    Maybe I can make some assumptions:


    Gathering had always been the "sure thing" for money, but it was at a cost of playing time, so I relied on other gatherers, making my gold on margin by buying materials for crafting.


    While this has been changed some by allowing companions to do gathering missions, being a pure gatherer puts you at the whims of the Auction House (not that they won't be profitable, but we're back to the problem of not knowing which crafting prof will be the most profitable, therefore, not knowing which gatherer will be most profitable)


    In WoW, armor/weapon crafting professions were "just okay" because what you made was only worthwhile for a limited time. You would make some gold, but you were more market-limited on the number of pieces per day you would sell.


    The augments in WoW were the most profitable (Jewelcrafting especially, but this also included armor patches/threads) because each week after raiding, nearly everyone had a new item that was ready to be gemmed, enchanted, patched. While the profit margin on each piece was less than on a high level piece of armor, you sold a lot more, and your risk vs. reward ratio was better.


    Let's add to this piece the Crew Skills that don't fit the WoW mold. Slicing, for example. It's similar to Rogue lockpicking, but then not really. It's a sure-fire income, with no downside, but has a lower potential high-end margin. I think this is where people will go early in launch, especially Bounty Hunters for Mako's bonus to slicing (2.5 minutes instead of 3 minutes per mission, for example). Treasure Hunting for lockboxes kinda fits here too.


    I think that most peoples' instincts are going to lead them to craft their own gear, so the Bathrobe Brigade may all go the artifice/archy/TH, or Synth/Archy/UT, and the Uncivilized Blaster classes will go Armortech/Scavenging/UT, Armstech/Scavenging/Investigation.


    This leaves an opening for Cybertech and Biochem to be the least used, and therefore, the most in-demand crewskills.


    I think until there's a matured server where everyone is hitting their weekly Operations, there will be wild swings in profitability. I will most likely wait for the dust to settle and get Slicing, Treasure Hunting, and Scavenging (because it is involved in 3 crafting skills), and see where the market goes.


    Sorry for the tl;dr and then ambiguous answers. I feel like we CAN make educated guesses on the most profitable (I'm guessing Cybertech and Biochem will be the top), but it may take awhile to reach that point while we generate a market. Of course, I'm probably wrong anyway..

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