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Everything posted by loztchild

  1. This should be added long time ago and what piss me off is that were not even sure if they even read threads in the forums.Bioware say they always check but I doubt it because we never get a reply of saying at least "Your idea seems interesting lets see what we can do about it" or any kind of reply showing that they read it.
  2. I agree 100% Bioware the wake the hell up and stop extending new Warzones,Operations and End Game content and finish what you started like Guild Features!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. :eek:Guild features like Guild Ships should be in the game long time ago before these new Warzones and Operations.What the hell is the point being an a guild really? To me being in a guild is like being in an operation group or party that has like 100 people:D.I can easily contact my friends ingame without being in a guild.So again i ask Bioware what is the point being in a guild. We can do operations,Flashpoints,Warzones,story class and everything else that SWTOR has to offer without being in a guild LOL. Give us a Guild emblem or flag atleast cmon. Please focus on the features that the game needs most. They mention doing guild ship and the late future -_-....:rak_02:Your making a lot more money with this Cartel Shop now use the money and give us some Guild Features.
  4. :rak_02:WHATS wrong with you -_- did you not see my 2 posts... Revan gears are coming out soon
  5. Soon with new mounts (Hove chairs) ,pets new tittles and new items.Also new Colour Crystals like Lime Green Crystal and Blue /Cyan Crystal. And yes at the Cartel Shop XD. http://www.swtor-spy.com/guides/cartel-market-super-rare-items/2754/
  6. Your factory Warzones sound like a King of the Hill style. I love your ideas hope to see them in game.
  7. Huttball stays regardless what anyone says.Bioware is not going to take off Huttball so get over yourself and play more objectively instead of being a 1 trick pony thinking about kills kills kills. END OF DISCUSSION.
  8. Revan Set is coming out -_- ........... I would like to see Centurion and Champions gears or schematics.
  9. I'm sure Bioware has people on different departments so I don't see it would take the entire Bioware team to pull this off lol.I'm sure there is a group who works on RP features and relations. But ill say it with you this is Star Wars ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN .
  10. This idea is very good.. especially for RP servers. I would to see this in the game.They house and apartments should be on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas so that the Fleet Pass to those Capitals would actually mean something and come in handy.
  11. I like you idea you can perhaps train them or something.I just want them to do something with these pets then just following you and looking cute.
  12. I agree with you 100%.. I'm wondering if there is any point posting on the forums any more...I'm sure a lot people gave up on posted their incredible cool ideas for the game because we get 0 replies. This Bounty System should be added with the Master and Apprentice System that also basic from the TOR universe. Guild Features are so horrible it makes me cry... I mean come on Bioware enough with the endgame stuff and work with the things you have already have such guilds and work with things that should be in the game since launch.
  13. I don't see the problem it's only a dance if you don't like it then you don't have to look at it.I said add it and more dances to give the RP people something to do. It would be fun to see it though lol.
  14. Yes Yes and yesssssssssssss I wrote about the same thing long time ago and I hate the fact that Bioware doesn't even reply in the Suggestion threads at least saying we will see or something like that makes me mad and stop posting stuff.But ya Guild is useless in this game. We have no Guild Sieges... We have no Guild Base... We have no Guild Logs (Saying who quit the guild or who joined the guild/ a tag showing F2P)... We have no Guild Emblems... We have no Guild Flags or Banners... We have need more Guild Ranks... We don't have Guild PVE Achievements posted on Fleet (Example the first 3 guilds to beat EC NM would have their guild emblem posted on the Fleet and when you click on them you'll see their guild info) I can go on and on but you guys get my point.
  15. STOP with the Endgame contents and polish the features that we already have such as Guilds. Guilds We have no Guild Sieges... We have no Guild Base... We have no Guild Logs... We have no Guild Emblems... We have no Guild Flags or Banners... We have need more Guild Ranks... We don't have Guild PVE Achievements posted on Fleet (Example the first 3 guilds to beat EC NM would have their guild emblem posted on the Fleet and when you click on them you'll see their guild info) I can go on and on but you guys get my point. I mean right now joining a guild is like joining a big party but instead of 4 members its 4 and more. There is nothing special in being in the game beside playing with the people you know but you don't need to be in a guild to do that.
  16. Ok i got a lot of pets their look cool and fun and cute. -_- but that's it? No special ability,not able to raise them or feed them. Can't mount them 0_0 when their grow up? I wonder does Bioware has something special for pets then JUST FOLLOWING YOU AND DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.Would the be able to be a second companion as level cap increase and planet missions and mob become stronger? I just want to know if pets are going to important in the SWTOR future.
  17. I always click ignore but their always whisper me or spam on general chat. Bioware has to something ban their IP address or something because this is really a harassment towards people that are playing to enjoy the game to have someone randomly spam.I did not pay 15$ Monthly to click ignore every 10 minutes I think people who are sub or F2P has the right to have a safe environment where they can enjoy their gaming. I read a comment saying that then I shouldn't be playing MMO's then,but the problem is that this spam start happening when Free to Play option came out.If Bioware doesn't do anything about it I'm assuming their getting their cut of the cash from the spammers. And I don't feel like writing 34 reports because I got 34 spam in a day.I reported once about a week ago and I got no feedback from Bioware saying "well we notice this issues and we will see what we can do about it".. NO REPLY 0_o. Bottom line I didn't play to be harass every minute nor to be click ignore all the time.The odd part is that the more i ignore these people the more spam I get on main Character and Alternative Characters.
  18. Can you at least bring back the old Armors of PVP and PVE has schematics for like 1 400 or 2 000 Cartel Coin each set.Because I really want the shell of certain Centurion Gears but their are no longer in the game.Now that the Cartel Shop exist I see this as an opportunity to bring back some of the gears and speeders (PVP Speeder that you cannot get any more) that were remove from the game come back. Atleast put the Gears as Schematics and don't put them as adaptive gears.
  19. My big problem is "why go the enemy ship and not yours"... so if anyone can help me with that issue it would be much appreciated.
  20. The Warzone would have the same concept as Huttball but with a different "Theme". The Goal of the this Warzone would be to get the Battery that is in the center of the map Inside a dark broken down ship before the entire area blows up.Once one the players get the battery he/she would need to work together by passing the battery or by walking it solo to their enemy ship. Same as Huttball you would need (6 points) which would mean 6 batteries. - The map and props would look entirely different from the Huttball. - The place would have one ship on each side for each team and one abandon ship in the middle where the battery is located.The outside part would filled with broken areas and parts of the ship that crashed in the center. - The team logos would look different from Huttball and the team name should be base on the name of the Ship. - Instead of fire pits they will be electric circuit in certain area of the map. - The announcers would be from the operators of each ship. Example: lets say both ships names were Alpha and Beta. If an Alpha player got the battery or died by a Beta player,the Beta operator would perform the speech. -The area where the battery is located would be a dark place (an abandon broken ship) where each player that gets down there would have a flash light probe on them until they get to surface again or die. - Tie breaker would be dealt the same way as the normal Huttball. - With each battery inserted into a ship they would be a speech of the operator ship saying in brief a battery has being put in Alpha ship. - Each ship would look different the more batteries you get into your ship. Like for example the first battery would activate your ship lights then the second battery would get the engine starting and so on. At the end of the Warzone they would be a scene where the team who wins gets a seat on a ship and then the ship lifts off from the area by leaving an explosion behind. The goal of this is to have the same Warzones but with a different theme so people wont get bored with the same old scenarios.
  21. About the parry spear saber your right but after watch the SWTOR videos it seems you can block direct saber impact if you use the force so they can explain the hilt being covered by force energy to protect it. Here is my proof *Start at 3 minutes and 30 seconds* If you look carefully it looks like Malgus Red Crystal beam is cracking lol in the center. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y77BsaCoOMk I this is what i had in mind for the claw saber http://www.google.ca/imgres?hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=X&rlz=1C1CHTW_en-gbCA486CA486&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=9oyXJySjJbNhuM:&imgrefurl=http://starofthelost.wordpress.com/starcraft/protoss/zealots/&imgurl=http://starofthelost.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/sc_ghost_zealot2.jpg&w=800&h=450&ei=YgJHUL-vEvCP0gGbzIHoCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=859&vpy=288&dur=5271&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=178&ty=101&sig=100862328256070615315&page=1&tbnh=95&tbnw=168&start=0&ndsp=54&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:154&biw=1920&bih=979 http://www.google.ca/imgres?hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=X&rlz=1C1CHTW_en-gbCA486CA486&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=du1x2H0YZdwe8M:&imgrefurl=http://sanggene.deviantart.com/art/Protoss-Zealot-208904106&imgurl=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/135/0/5/protoss_zealot_by_sanggene-d3gdjfu.jpg&w=900&h=671&ei=YgJHUL-vEvCP0gGbzIHoCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=289&sig=100862328256070615315&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=183&start=0&ndsp=54&ved=1t:429,r:21,s:0,i:203&tx=100&ty=17&biw=1920&bih=979
  22. The balance tree is the hybrid tree that most people use for PVP:p.
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