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Everything posted by Ozzone

  1. Please define a large amount of money. Go on, give it your best shot.
  2. Immediately after all the 20th of the month accounts are credited.
  3. Unless you are an employee of BW and know for a fact that they do care, you are talking to the hand. You keep asking players to be patient. Patience is running out and no one has a clue what BW's future plans are.
  4. Same here. All the posters in this thread that defend BW, KrackenOne's point is 100% valid. I can't remember the last MMO I played that had queue problems like this game. If BW can't fix this simple issue, it's no wonder they are having trouble with hard stuff.
  5. I have no problem with girl gamers as long as they know how to make sammiches.
  6. Ozzone

    Nerf everything

    They are. Give it time. Re-roll is the Vision. They are if you listen to the other classes. Ok, we won't. I agree. Let's wipe all the classes except mercs with tracer missile. Now that's PvP.
  7. You have been playing GW2 for 5 years? I hope that's a typo.
  8. You won't have a problem with an Operative or Scoundrel since there are none around anymore. Problem solved.
  9. Yep, going on 4 months into the game and still no end game open pvp and they have made it clear it's not going to happen any time soon. I will admit smoother than some other MMOs. It still had it's problems during pre-launch getting logged in due to the volume of traffic. All in all, not a bad job for launch. Minus all the nerfs, er... I mean balancing, half the stuff should have been in release. You don't wipe the slate clean of MMO development starting out anymore. Why keep re-inventing the wheel? Spoiled would be getting this game for free. Some comparisons aren't valid but some are. You can't pretend that this is the first time an MMO was developed. Aside from the massive amount of theme-park, voice dialog and cut-scenes, it's not all that much different than other MMOs before it especially when it comes to needing things, at launch, like: a combat log moveable/customizable UI regrouping automatically after leaving a warzone tab targeting that works crafting system that has more than just one decent craft skill *cough biochem cough* sense-able modifications/progression to end game gear bigger click box on targets and putting together an absolute joke of open PvP with only warzones really getting attention. They shut down Ilum with no clue to when it will be fixed or replaced or anything. I guess that was all part of their goal. Do I need to go on? I just showed you a bunch of problems that are constantly being brought up in threads. There are tons more. Why you so quickly throw the QQ whine out makes me wonder if you work for BW. Only weak-minded fools allow that mind trick to work.
  10. With vent, easy. Without vent... Pugging is definitely a challenge to play as a team. Always was and always will be until in game voice chat is set up.
  11. The big problem with the resolve bar is the design of it. They could make it a lot simpler to see (maybe show a percentage bar instead) and increase the duration of it. I would get rid of the small, crappy semi-circle meter at the bottom of the screen and make it more noticeable, not at the bottom of the screen but easy to see. Also some sort of notification when break free is available (if it was on cooldown). All I'm saying is the current system is "broke" because it's lacking features. I bet most players aren't paying enough attention to it because 1) they're clickers, 2) too busy moving and watching screen for positioning, 3) focusing on staying in range of their target or 4) their break free is on CD so no point. When you are fighting, it's not easy to pay attention to resolve especially in battles of 3 or more.
  12. After the 8 stuns in a row, I stopped reading.
  13. Reminds me of politics - say a lot without saying anything concrete. That way everyone can argue what they really mean which deflects the real problem. If we only knew the truth. Instead we get the chance to make up our perception of the truth. Here's mine: we make coffee, the unlucky dev that got stuck with monitoring the forum, comes in, saying that one class is getting picked on for being OP. Then we laugh about it, make a theory about whether the QQ'ers are sufficient in number, look at resub numbers, evaluate our assumtions based on the "bottom line" and, you know, resub goals. and then compare it to "our" established quotas. make some test nerfs and see how they play out in the PTS forum. we do some duels because the true test is 1 vs. 1 and run some Ilum crate ganking content and we get a good feel for what we can get away with. Yes, we have lots of laughter.
  14. What class can perform 2 full dps rotations in 5 secs? BTW, I agree that 5 secs is too long. What abilities stun for 5 secs? Actually, I'm going to go you one better. 2 sec stun with ability to increase to 3 secs (2 pt tree). Make a player think twice of spending 2 whole points to increase stuns by 1 sec. Only classes that rely on openers (which would be yet another nerf to ops/scoundrels but since we're being gutted anyway, who cares) would probably use it. The rest probably wouldn't. So you would see overall stuns, across the board, reduced in length.
  15. The problem is that players are seeing hybrid specs topping the DPS and Healing charts. A full DPS spec should be better for DPS and a full Heal spec should be better for Healing. Skill of the players is also a major factor, but on an average hybrid specs are proving better than a full spec which is wrong. Hybrid specs shouldn't be completely destroyed, but in no way should a hybrid spec compete on either level vs. having a full spec. If they are (note I clearly said if) easily rivaling or beating full specs on average, it's time to rethink hybrid vs. full or expect everyone to go hybrid spec in the long run. What would be the point of the upper tree abilities if no one ever specs them? Pugs might not find out about the difference, especially if they don't read the forums, but those that pay attention will quickly join the ranks once rotations are learned.
  16. Corrected it for you. Couldn't help myself. I know because I'm a 50 operative DPS and I always choose offensive over defensive abilities if they warrant the increase compared to the amount of defense. No way would I ignore a good defensive ability if it's worth the points though. For example, choosing extra endurance is defensive (has absolutely no impact on dealing more damage). I did not put 3 points into Inclement Conditioning to get a 6% increase in endurance or 868 more health. I chose instead to put those points into Infiltrator (movement increase +15% and increase stealth level by 3). That ability is a must for a concealment operative and to some degree is a defensive ability (since it makes your visible stealth range smaller). The point is a DPS concealment operative is going to focus on primarily on damage increase since his true defense is killing the other player first. If he fails, it's because the other players has l2p and knows when and how to counter and he can be countered without top skill.
  17. Someone? Which someone? Funny that we've heard this bs claim over and over and over and not one shred of proof on youtube. The reason we won't see it is because it will only prove how terribad some players really or show the clear gear disparity of a new 50 with greens vs. a full BM. Operatives didn't need it. Terribad QQers whined enough to make BW believe they did just like your post.
  18. Check his combat logs. Oh, wait...
  19. Amazing how something that wasn't broken is now broken. Silent nerf that bugged that we don't know about?
  20. The only stats that count are the number of wins and losses.
  21. Exactly. But all too often we end up babysitting undefended doors in voidstar also. Great fun.
  22. They are two of the most populated. Best is pure perception. My PvP server has its share of skilled players.
  23. What I saw is selected editing of a skilled sorc fighting unskilled terribads. Funny watching them chaining ranged attacks watching absorb, absorb, absorb. Seeing one player just standing there doing nothing while you pwn the other. Watching you sucker one player away from the other. Using LoS and they continue to try to range attack you. I mean, c'mon, give us a break. Sorry, but let's see the videos where you got your *** pwned by actual skilled players.
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