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Everything posted by falkerman

  1. I never understood the fascination with being the first to get to Max lvl. You basically skip over everything this game has to offer, just to be able to say you were the first there. But then what? There's no one at that level to do raids with, there's no one to PvP with or against (unless you just go searching through planets to kill lowbies). It's like if you and a group of 20 people all get together and decide to go on a hike through a beautiful national park... and the ultimate goal is to walk to the other side of the park where you'll all make a big lunch, play volleyball, have water balloon fights, etc... But once everyone starts walking, instead of staying with the group at a normal pace, taking in everything the park has to offer in terms of foliage and wildlife.... you go into a full sprint. You ignore whatever's in your way, if you see that the trail kinda winds around, you just barrel through the woods to cut off a few minutes from your time. Then after all that sprinting and shortcutting, you get to the end where you see grills, a volleyball net, and water balloons... but no one there to play with you. Then you whine about it to everyone who cares (which is nobody). You're just a sad sad man.
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