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Everything posted by Cupelixx

  1. There was some talk about this a few months ago. Not all companions perform equally. That's not to say that every companion should be in 100% parity with all of the others. But some things are clearly out of whack. Many CM companions are broken or bugged and don't perform well. Shae is a pretty big advantage over other companions for players that have her. HK-51 and Treek have been scrub tier for a while now. What's the state of companions being balanced/fixed in 6.0? Is that still happening?
  2. If this is a laptop and a 'gamer' type model, some have keyboards that are programmable. If you have one like that, you might be able to assign right mouse to some key you don't often use like numpad - or something.
  3. Back in the day, bought a Supreme Inquisitor's Robe for something like 17k and flipped it for some millions later on. Dominator's Command Throne for 5m and flipped for 40m. White Indestructible color crystal for 1m. Armored Varactyl for 100k. Devastator's Double-Bladed Lightsaber for 300k. One of the MSM jetpacks for 1m. Patience is a virtue.
  4. It’s an animated deal that sort of orbits around your character portrait and alternates between suns and moons. There’s a video of it in action:
  5. Hopefully by the time 6.0 goes live. Kind of odd that grenades are still behind level 70 when most other things did get updated.
  6. If you go to Show Items with the pack selected, it should be grayed out if you have it and lit up if you don't. The Buy Now button will also show an ! on it as well saying you already have it or don't meet the requirements. For appearance options, should indicate if you already haveit.
  7. But that's not really the point, is it? The point is that while this thread is in the context of pvp, pve goes the same way. If you throw a pot of flowers in a dark closet and give it no water, it's not going to thrive. PvP WAS popular and very active until it was allowed to wither away with lack of updates and new content.
  8. I said it when f2p was announced and I'll say it again. The current f2p implementation is garbage. Paywalling features that were already in the game prior to f2p comes off as punitive and money-grubbing. They should have focused on the subscriber experience. They should have focused on subscriber perks that made people say "holy s---, here's 6 months of payments take it!". Instead they focused on "how can we nerf the core experience and annoy people into subbing?". They missed a golden opportunity to have people rave about how awesome it is to be subbed. Instead, we have threads to this day about how long-time subscribers don't feel valued. They could have used their creativity to do some really awesome subscriber perks. How about free mount training at level 1? XP bonus (not normal rate vs f2p nerfed XP, an actual bonus)? A bonus to earned credits? Earn more CC the longer you're subbed? A free hypercrate of your choice for each year you sub? Access to buy more variety of items directly from the CM? Bonuses and perks vs. removing restrictions. I know which one makes me subbed for the time I play the game, vs one that makes me want to stay subbed even if I'm not playing and rave to all of my friends and everyone on the innernet why they should sub.
  9. It's not about ruining people's fun. If people aren't using an exploit or abusing a bug, most couldn't care less how other people get their currency. But there is a difference in accumulating currency, and creating currency. This is an MMO. Easy methods of creating in-game currency almost always get the chop in the name of preserving the game's economy. Right or wrong, that's a fact of life in MMOs. Honestly, this bug getting fixed should have been expected from the moment it was uncovered.
  10. So? Either way an unintentional change happened. The fact that some people on a forum got the timing wrong changes nothing, Straw man, at best. I have had 14 characters with slicing since before KOTFE. I give no f---- about farming lockboxes and support the fixed bug. By that logic, all law enforcement agencies should just stop apprehending criminals, because people will always find ways to do illegal s---. Look. They fixed a bug. People can say "prove it" all they want. It only takes a basic application of logic on how the yield of lockbox nodes changed over time to understand that the most likely explanation is that the situation was a mistake. It might be painful to deal with, but fixing things like this is extremely common in games with player-driven economies. Inflation is a bad thing no matter how you try to slice () it. Devs don't like things that have the ability to introduce such large volumes of currency into the game and they are almost always fixed. Especially ones that involve a trivial amount of effort. Slicing is still a very viable means of making credits through crafting. Shift your focus to that instead of worrying about lockbox nodes and you'll be just fine.
  11. I have slicing on 14 characters and I'm not bellyaching. I make plenty of credits crafting, with less time spent compared to brain-melting, node-farming tedium. Besides, they're not going to undo the change. Having so many zero-effort credits being injected into the economy is bad for everyone. Learn to be less bitter and adapt.
  12. And prior to the nodes giving multiple blue boxes, you used to get 1 or 2 white boxes with less credits. A green if you were lucky. Kind of lends weight to the thought that multiple blue boxes was NOT intended. No sense getting bent up over it. It still gives credits. It's just not eezy cheezy like it was before. Everyone knew that 5 clicks generating more credits than a heroic mission wasn't going to fly.
  13. I've been around since beta, so I'm aware of the general malcontent. There is a difference. Nobody here has said they didn't like this update so therefore they hate the whole game. Mindlessly railing at BW saying how they hate everything with no real feedback is one thing. People generally express displeasure about an update because they want things changed for the better, not because they hate everything about the game. I don't deny that some people take that approach, but I don't think that's why most people are posting.
  14. Yeah. And when you pay for a steak dinner at a place that's usually good, and they serve you a few scraps of mystery meat, just don't go to that restaurant. You paid for an oil change and got your car back with no oil and a broken window? Just stop going there. No point complaining right? In fact, any time you feel you're on the receiving end of a screw job, suck it up and move on. Feedback is always worthless right? People have a right to express their opinions. If you are truly so exasperated by people expressing their disappointment, you can always just...not come to the forums.
  15. That's unwarranted. Expressing dissatisfaction about a game update does not equate to a dislike of the whole game.
  16. Investment vs reward. Botting slicing nodes takes much less effort and gives more credits than heroics for the same amount of time spent. At least, used to. We'll see after this nerf. If botting heroics becomes a more effective source of easy credits, you can bet your *** that people will do it. People used to bot space missions. Some heroics are not that much of a stretch.
  17. Then you must have examples to provide. I've played many MMOs in my time. I can think of none where standard mobs have as many knockbacks and crowd control abilities as they do in this game. Elite mobs in other games have CC abilities. But even then I'm having a hard time coming up an example of an elite mob that has as many CC abilities as they do in this game. 1-2 abilities that can usually be avoided in some way, sure. Not 3-4 you can do f--- all about, unless it's a boss type. Even on those boss mobs you can usually mitigate the CC at least. But I have seen no other MMO where the weakest mobs in a pack of 4 all have multiple, instant CCs that they chain on you.
  18. If people are actually playing and slicing on their own, they can camp the same spot all day for all I care. When someone is botting and using anti-competitive methods, that's not cool. I Have seen the same people on The Harbinger exploiting 'closing' instances by never logging out to eliminate competition. Want to switch to a less crowded instance to do your quests? Yeah, no. I have seen them keep the instance open for themselves, never logging out until a server reset. When that happens you CANNOT change to that instance. And that's not right. When someone randomly disappears below the terrain to bypass mobs, that's cheating. Botting and cheating are just not acceptable. Players competing against other players is one thing. Players forced to compete with people using tactics like these is completely unfair. Slicing isn't the problem. It's the cheating that is.
  19. How do you fairly and properly do this in a automated system, and implement it in a way that can't be abused? I have been in several matches that started out completely lopsided that looked like certain defeat, but we pulled it out and won. Under a mercy rule we would have received a loss.
  20. If the OP just mentions lag they are probably referring to video lag, in which case they really mean low/choppy FPS, not network lag. Big difference. In the case of FPS, you absolutely can NOT build or buy a system that won't have FPS drops in situations like pvp for this game. Not with current hardware. Network lag? Sure but you can never 100% eliminate latency. It can come down enough that it's not noticeable. But obviously that depends on a lot more factors besides the computer in question. Even then it's never a guarantee.
  21. Here's how I see things. Shortly after launch, things were a disaster. Major performance complaints (which are basically still unresolved), bugs, the Ilum debacle, etcetera. Less than a year later, the game was literally bleeding to death. The game was dying and it can't reasonably be denied. Moving to f2p was an "Oh f---" response. While it brought some new blood to the game, that's temporary. People won't stay when there's a veneer of awesomeness and what lies beneath is crap. People come and go with new content releases. That's how it works in MMOs. The difference is that this game is a ghost town when those temporary people leave. You can't say for sure if the game is dying or not. But it's obviously not prospering. The game was on the brink of complete failure once, so you also can't really say people were wrong before when they said "the game is dying". To me it's definitely in decline. The fact that they're not even developing much new content for the cash shop is a red flag. Chapter 10 was a long wait. The story was...okay. But overall it was lazy and uninspired. It has people understandably concerned. That's another red flag. Most worlds registering Light population during prime time, again, not a good sign. People say forum negativity ruined this game. I say, "no, BS". The game could be perfect and people would still be negative. But the degree of vilification and contempt would be nowhere near the severity it's at now if the game was better and wasn't run so poorly. For an IP that's so ingrained in popular culture and so beloved by its fans, people are naturally going to be rabid and venomous when they feel it's being trampled on. This game has the Star Wars name, but it has not at all lived up to it. If I was running the project from the start, the one thought that would dominate my mind and keep me awake at night is "We have to do this right. We absolutely cannot fail the loyal Star Wars fanatics". And I honestly think the thought going through their heads was not that sentiment, but "$$$". I think that's still the case, which is why we're in this state now. The cartel pack changes coupled with "we can't reveal the drop rates" says it all to me. Dying? Maybe not just yet. But it's in decline for sure, and headed for the trash can unless they make a dramatic turn for the better.
  22. Should run pretty well. I built a very similar system using my existing 980ti. I built it to play other games actually. I was on an i5 2500k and moved up to the 6700k. Huge gains in any MMO I play, I can comfortably play TOR on ultra. With the game's bad optimization you will have to do some tweaking and will still get some chop at times, especially if you PVP. But this is a good build and you'll see a massive difference from your old system.
  23. Welcome to Star Wars: The Cash Grab! Really, the writing was on the wall when they announced the changes to packs. And now it's on every wall, all over the ground and all over the celestial heavens for everyone to see. "We can't detail the drop rates in these packs". Golly, I wonder why not? I see 3 possibilities: 1) Straight up greed. Replacing new items with chance cubes directly lowers the chance of getting an item out of the current pack. This means more packs have to be purchased to introduce the new items into the economy. 2) Laziness. They have to produce less 'content' when packs and crates are full of chance cubes that contain old items. 3) Desperation. It's a last-ditch effort to bring in more money because the game is teetering on the precipice of utter destitution. The implications for any of those possibilities are the same. Bioware/EA/whoever is in charge here: wake up. People don't like feeling as if they're being pumped for money. You've created this exact situation. And if you keep it up with this kind of f--kery, you're shooting yourselves in the collective foot with a nuclear missile. People are already taking notice of this latest duplicitous action. Word will spread until you start driving away the new people you're trying to attract. And if that's how it's going to be now, do yourselves and every one of your players a favor and Old Yeller this game. People won't take this lying down for much longer. And if that's all that's left of this game, it will soon be an empty husk, Star Wars branding or not. Signed, because this treatment of players is horse s---.
  24. You're not being punished. Someone, somewhere has to be inconvenienced for patching. Maybe the other regions have more players during the patch window. I've seen emergency patches and downtime happen with MMOs in US primetime as well. People in the US were inconvenienced during primetime just the other day. It happens. Move on.
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