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Everything posted by Zaygos

  1. I shall also agree to this wonderful idea and post. Many of the items and actions you would use in the game, make no sense to just channel for 15seconds. From an RP standpoint anyways. This change would not break the game, it would not interrupt the non-RPers out there and would add a new element to the game that could very well be enjoyed. If people are paying good money for subscriptions and even the cartel market, make this timer change and let some people get their worth out of the items. /signed
  2. They probably also removed the ability for companions to adapt to a characxter as well I shall assume. The only one that I see that changes is your apprentice but that is because she can be turned to the dark side or keep her light side. Kind of wish this was possible with all companions. Although I would confess, seeing some of the dark sided might be a little strange, like Mako...or even Blitz, heh heh, evil jawa.
  3. Greetings, I know this has been asked so many times before, but other answers still did not answer one that lingers in my mind. I heard if you leave the Slave Collar on for awhile, she starts to grow more acceptable to dark side choices, not a drastic change, just some death choices will get negatives less often. Is this true or was I just told a bunch of bull and that she is the way she is and that is that? Regards, Zaygos
  4. Greetings all, I was just wondering if it is at all possible to get the lightsaber crystal that is purple with the black center. If it is, then I would be curious how to attain it. Thank you all for your time. Regards, Zaygos
  5. Greetings, I have asked general chat a few times and have yet to find a solid answer and thus I was curious if anyone here had a more definite answer. Do you know if the developers are working on the ability to have a mask and hood on at the same time? I have this one mask I enjoy as my Inquis but I would have loved to be able to wear a hood with it, it would add that right touch. Thank you for your time, Zaygos
  6. Greetings, I do have a question about the alignment. A friend of mine said that they heard if you make one light side option that it makes it impossible to be a dark side rank 5? Or visa versa, if you make one dark side choice that you cannot be light side rank 5? Regards, Zaygos
  7. Greetings, One thing I have been curious of about the Old Republic is if it is anything Mass Effect and Dragon Age when it comes to romances and if you can romance two targets at once only to be given the choice of one or the other? Or does it have a "lock in" period where it will lock you in a romance if you show interest in one companion. Just curious so I know if I need to be careful with who I shower with attention heh. Regards, Zaygos
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