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Everything posted by Starkzard

  1. To busy enjoying it to be complaining at the forums, personally I don't get most of the bad fuss about it. I bought my Cathar and changed my main's hairstyle with the complimentary coins that I got for being a sub and few for getting achievements.
  2. I suggest checking on http://swtor-rp.com/jungma might help you find a suitable guild.
  3. Are you a subscriber? if you are, there's not much there for you. Take note that many of the Cartel Market items are available on the GTN as well, a lot of players sell them for affordable credit prices. You might wanna look at the Cosmetic sections and Packs, the latter grant you cool random stuff!
  4. What I've been thinking of doing is roll a new character on each of them to get the feeling, tho I'm pretty sure I won't get the full understanding of each server til I reach the Fleet.
  5. Hello there, I've been playing for a few weeks now and I made it to level 24 with a Sith Warrior on The Shadowlands, very fun, while I'm not that far into leveling yet I've been thinking about re-rolling. I like role-playing but I do also like PvP, after finding out that I cannot transfer on this game I was wondering what do people recommend? is the RP happening on PvP servers? or should I just stick with a RP one like The Ebon Hawk. In very invested into the Star Wars Lore so I figured I might give RP a try. Thanks! :3
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