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Everything posted by Jhericho

  1. These dismissive, insulting answers are exactly what I've come to expect from the devs. Thanks for making my decision to leave the game that much easier. /unsub
  2. "A fool and his money are soon parted."
  3. What's the rush, are you not able to give them your money fast enough?
  4. NO NO NO NO NO! Our concern is that subscribers are being nickle and dimed and not receiving full access to the game.
  5. If they don't address this before it launches I think they are sending a pretty clear message; the cartel market is where they've decided to place the bulk of their emphasis and they aren't interested in listening to their subscribing player base.
  6. I don't, and I'll be voting with my wallet if this goes live. I encourage everyone else to do the same.
  7. State of the game TL;DR: More cartel market "content" If subscribers don't get to use something as basic as a barber for in game credits I don't see my self subscribing much longer, especially since there are so many other good games out. At this point there is almost no reason to pay a monthly fee for this game since everything revolves around the CM.
  8. You can download a program called BlueStacks that will allow you to run the mobile app on your computer.
  9. I couldn't agree more. Why do I pay for a subscription when I still have to open my wallet to get the best looking/newest gear in the game? Oh sure, I suppose I could buy it off the GTN but that doesn't make the situation any better. Having gear handed to you without any effort makes it feel trivial.
  10. If I could be Torian I would be the happiest PT ever.
  11. Without the ability to move and resize buffs and debuffs, tracking ability procs such as Raze is a pain. The UI changes added in the 1.2 (jesus patch) were a fantastic start but more customization is still needed. Along with this, VISUAL ques for ability procs such PPA and raze should be added . I'm aware that there is a cumbersome work around for this that healers use, but this should not be necessary .
  12. Ah thanks. I was unaware that they had already commented on this.
  13. Why doesn't it put me back where it found me? This is definitely something that should have been built in.
  14. Would you all be willing to list your stats and DPS unbuffed so we can compare notes?
  15. I picked the chest up off an elite mob on hoth
  16. I've just respeced from shield to pyro at lvl 45 and I wish I had done it sooner. Its a lot of fun in PVE (a bit too squishy in PVP for full pyro build for my taste) and I've found I can still tank heroics if I switch back to ion cylinder.
  17. I preordered 2 hours after it went live, but like an idiot I didn't activate my code until a few weeks ago. Oh well, I'll be in soon enough. It's not like they'll be running out of game lol
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