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Everything posted by DerSchneider

  1. Finally someone has the point. Also DPS spec can get constantly outdpsed by a skank tank in very few occasions: 1) Enemy team is full melee and tanktunneling, while you are single target spec 2) You are getting heavily pressured or CCed on cooldown 3) You are offhealing In pretty much all other cases it's a l2p issue.
  2. Fix your time machine, you're not in 2014.
  3. I'd like to change the class, also I might not be able to show up (exams will likely be at first days of september), so put me in stand by. Nightrain - jugg - empire
  4. And now take a look at leaderboards, how much overpowered PTs managed to hit tier 1 in this stupidly long season? 12! In whole game. Easy to guess they are all skank tanks. Pls nerf. Or just remove this class from the game, the effect will be the same.
  5. I probably spelled it wrong. Joke is that only one of 6 dps specs (of pt sin and jugg) is borderline viable, and only in solo ranked. I've seen probably 4-5 deception sins that are performing good in high elo bracket on TRE, while most decent ones are stuck in 1200-1500. In team ranked vengeance jugg probably can compete with FOTM merc/sniper/mara dps meta, but that's it. So before nerfing skank tanks all tank classes should get a balanced dps spec (unless FOTM classes are going to get nerfed, but that's not happening), otherwise such classes will become total garbage. Also all healing specs should be nerfed hard, otherwise each trinity arena will become an acid fest (which is frequently happening now). About regs I really don't care, neither should anyone. If defensive stats will be actually working, the heal+tank imbalance will become even worse. If the problem is damage, it's probably a l2p issue.
  6. Are you actually talking about skank tanks, or merc/sniper dps? Jokes aside, don't care about tank nerfs in case all 3 tank classes get a solid DPS spec that is viable both in solo and group ranked. Right now the closest one to being viable is deception assassin which is laughable.
  7. Why I have a feeling that I know who those hackers are Just keep reporting and /w eric on forums, that's all.
  8. If we look at any game with competitive environment (MOBA or FPS shooters such as dota, lol or pubg) every competitive player has thousands of hours of gameplay. All high rated players have thousands of games played. It's just a video game, the experience matters, deal with it. Even in most real life activities the amount of time you put into it makes you better or worse than other people, unless you are genius that are 0.0001% of people. You can't just pick up a musical instrument and become a virtuoso. Can't become good at certain occupation without an education (even if you're a self learner). So obviously you won't be better than everyone at video game, playing 1-2 hours a week. So instead of blaming wintraders, hackers or illuminati, just jump into arena and try a little bit harder and longer than you usually do. To OP: If you really think that 1v1 is good idea, try to duel on something else than merc, sniper and operative.
  9. hmm maybe because he doesn't wintrade, hack or farm his own bots?
  10. Yea, this thread is probs irrelevant atm.
  11. DerSchneider

    The hatred

    I would agree on group ranked being end game pvp if ... wait no, it's a nonsense. Because at the moment there are only 2 possible DPS comps you can bring into competitive group ranked and guess what? They both require mara and sniper! Playing everything else as DPS is a handicap. Also with some notorious teams switching servers to farm their friends / CXP farmers / kickball teams, how can you even consider it serious? Solo ranked makes it harder to cheese rating at least, and there are simply more viable specs to play. Of course you can grab 8 people and farm yourself on a dead servers, but who needs a title for that anyway?
  12. DerSchneider

    The hatred

    You probably never played ranked on anything higher than 900 elo bracket, if you compare sm ops with it.
  13. DerSchneider

    The hatred

    I agree, hating and RL threats in video game is poor behaviour. But this game is not so hardcore, it's quite easy to fit into standarts, and don't give reasons for hate anyway.
  14. DerSchneider

    The hatred

    In HM/NiM pve, isn't it presumed that you have to know tactics of the boss and be min-maxed? Or you really think that people are allowed to queue with entry level flashpoint gear and ruin the overall experience of ranked? Just because you're sub and there is only 25 valor requirement doesn't mean you don't have to prepare. I'm honestly sick of people without common sense.
  15. DerSchneider

    The hatred

    With such attitude you probably deserve all the hate you're getting. I don't mind people who aren't very experienced but at least they are trying. But when someone stubbornly refuses to accept common ranked community rules (even simple ones) it really pisses me off. By the way - just in the previous patch the ranked requirement was to have FULL pvp special gear. And to all "white knights" a.k.a. ranked is only for rating hoes: no, there are many people who play for fun and don't care about rating, but guess what - NOBODY LIKES LOSING!!! So, first of all, about those simple rules - you always should have fully augmented gear and a stim. Doesn't matter how good you are, you always should have that. Full augmentation is worth around 1.5 mil which is pretty nothing nowadays (1 hour of heroics grinding at most). Secondary, as said above, you will get your crystals quicker if you're winning. Underpowered classes (sorcerer, juggernaut, powertech) have smaller chances to win obviously and require an effort and class understanding. Mercenary, for example, is easy and you won't generally be focused. Gearing also helps a lot. It doesn't take that long to get decent gear in operations - try to get around 236-242, you will need gear for other activities anyway. Finally, please understand that all endgame activities in any game require some effort. If I, for example, will go into NiM operation without knowing tactics and with pisspoor gear, my team will immediately wipe because of me, get repair bill (in credits) and kick me out of the raid. Consider rating loss as a repair bill, with the only exception - rating is way harder to get than credits AND you can't kick and replace the person you don't like. The number of "wintraders and hackers" in ranked is not as huge as people like to imagine. The vast majority of people play fair to get their rewards. PS: ranked is the only activity in the game that has sub requirement and you cannot buy a pass in game. Just FYI. We all pay that sub and expect the game to be quality.
  16. We certainly required your important opinion
  17. But the problem is, in season 3 all other rewards were unique and godlike. Now we have just mere reskin nobody cares about.
  18. Dear Eric, Keith and combat team. We don't want "on fire" title for 9 months of waiting. We want normal top 96 titles with advanced class name in it. Something on the level of "All-galaxy" Class name or "The Dread" Class name. Please reconsider what you have made, I don't believe it's hard to find a good combination of words for people who tryharded ranked for 9 months. Also after season 3 people didn't like "famously furious", and somewhere there was already bioware post that titles will always contain advanced class. This is a petition so feel free to sign or disagree. For everyone who wants to express their important opinion about how rating has no meaning at all, how many wintraders, hackers and cheaters are in top 96 (and this is the only reason why you don't have title), how we can't play another game because we're bad etc... Please retain your skillful hands from typing anything in this thread, this is only for people who will get top 96 titles or will probably get.
  19. I just recalled a Van Halen song - I'M ON FIREEEE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D PS: on a serious note, get a grip bioware. You are trying way too hard to make people quit the game. I don't even start about season 3 rage about a title without FLAKKING advanced class in it.
  20. Ranked pvp is a major pain in their butts, because making rewards and balancing classes requires some effort. The don't want any competitiveness in the game, it's not profitable for them with few people remaining. That's why they are trying to make ranked annoying as hell and squeeze the remaining people out of it. The evidence is broken balance (mercs and snipers in 5.0), balancing around PVE only to break it even more, delaying rewards as much as possible, broken as HELL leaderboards, and last (but certainly not least) making rewards laughable and poor (makrin mount, a.k.a. the worst possible mount in the game). I was trying not to be hateful because I still love ranked, and naively expect some damned attention for it. But sorry, the things are now even worse than during Irving times.
  21. The salt of baddies is real in this thread
  22. Nerf tanks damage, sorcs already removed from pvp, need to remove juggs too. They were OP in 2.6-2.7, this is already too much (kappa)
  23. Don't give kanaba more free elo, please
  24. this shows how they care about subs btw
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